Labels:text | font | black and white | white | document OCR: been corrected by adding 'PHP/SEI ... PLP' instructions around the JSR to DMA RAM code at $3F0. Applications using the DMA RAM code at $3F0 should do likewise. Finally, in this patch changes were made to enable DMA operations to all RAM banks by cor- rectly using The VIC bank pointer found in the MMU RAM configuration register ($D506, VA16 = bit-6 and VA17 = bit-7). Applications using the Kernel routine at $FF50 will in- herit these changes automatically. Please note that NMI interrupts can screw-up DMA operations, as they cannot be masked. 30. A copyright notice has been placed, starting at $CFCO. 31. The ROM location $CFF8 is reserved for national character ROM checksums. This does not apply to US ROMs, which contain $FF here. (new since last release.) 32. The ROM location $CFF9 is now r ...