Labels:text | black and white | parallel | diagram | font | screenshot OCR: Music Symbols 60 Above staff: play 1 octave higher (Note = Note x 2) Below staff: play 1 octave lower (Note = Note / 2) Slight Accent. . .. Staccato Marks: Shorten duration of note(s). Slur or Bowing: Indicates Legato when connecting a group of notes. Indicates a Tie when connecting 2 notes of Moderate Staccato. the same pitch (2nd note is NOT played - value of 2nd note is added to the value of the 1st note). 1 . 120 Metronome Setting. Trill: Alternate adjacent notes rapidly. Clefs: Treble or G, Bass or F, C Clef. + or Mordent: Play note, add next higher note and release. holding 1st note. Inverted Mordent: Play note, add next lower note and release, holding 1st note. Beat Interrupts: Divide the beat into other than the regular notation, Pedal: Attack and Release. Pedal Release. : * Sharp, ...