CD Direkt 1995 #1
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Arcy 2
CAPS Softwaredesign ULM
An MVP Software Production
Arcy 2 is shareware. You are free to evaluate this software for 30 days,
after which you must either register with MVP Software or delete the software
from your system. Thanks for playing Arcy 2 and for supporting shareware.
Your honesty pays.
This is volume one of the Arcy 2 trilogy.
To order the Arcy 2 trilogy, call 800-968-9684 toll-free 24 hours a day.
Please have your Master Card or Visa ready when you call. Or fill out the
order form at the end of this manual and fax it to: 616-245-3204. Make
sure your credit card number and expiration date are legible. Or if you
prefer mail the order form and your check to: MVP Software, 1035 Dallas SE,
Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407.
For overseas orders or technical support call 616-245-8376.
Now you can get all MVP shareware FREE of download charges from MVP's
home BBS, Ryan's Bar. Call (616) 456-1845 or (616) 456-5342 with your
modem and check out the free MVP file section.
____|__ | (R)
--| | |-------------------
| ____|__ | Association of
| | |_| Shareware
|__| o | Professionals
-----| | |---------------------
|___|___| MEMBER
MVP Software is a member of the Association of Shareware Professionals (ASP).
ASP wants to make sure that the shareware principle works for you. If you are
unable to resolve a shareware-related problem with an ASP member by contacting
the member directly, ASP may be able to help. The ASP Ombudsman can help you
resolve a dispute or problem with an ASP member, but does not provide
technical support for members' products. Please write to the ASP Ombudsman
at 545 Grover Road, Muskegon, MI 49442-9427 or send a CompuServe message via
CompuServe Mail to ASP Ombudsman at 70007,3536.
If you downloaded this file from a BBS, you don't need to run Install. If you
purchased an evaluation disk from a shareware vendor or the story, follow these
directions. To install Arcy 2, place the diskette into the A drive and
type A:, or into the B drive and type B:. When the A> or B> prompt appears on
the screen, type INSTALL. Follow the directions to install the software.
To begin the game type ARCY2.
Note to Windows Users
Arcy 2 will run as a DOS application, spawned under Windows, but you may
encounter sound card conflicts. The best solution if you run into conflicts
is to completely exit from Windows before starting Arcy 2. Clicking on the
DOS prompt is NOT exiting Windows. You must actually close your Windows
Arcy 2 and Sound Blaster 16
The Sound Blaster 16 sound card causes special problems, especially in 486 DX2
systems. If the game locks up, try running it without digitized sound effects.
Another option is to include the following command in your AUTOEXEC.BAT:
This command may also make the music louder if it is too soft on your SB 16.
Making a clean boot disk
If you encounter problems running Arcy 2 there may be a conflict between it
and a program resident in memory. Here's a way to avoid the conflict.
Place a blank, unformatted diskette into drive A of your computer. Then type
and press enter. When the computer is finished formatting the disk and
copying the system files to it, press the RESET button on your computer or the
ALT-CTRL-DEL keys at the same time. After your computer has rebooted, go to
the Arcy 2 directory and play the game. If it runs, there is a conflict
between a resident program loaded by your AUTOEXEC.BAT or CONFIG.SYS file.
Whenever you want to play Arcy 2, simply reboot your computer with the boot
disk you have created.
Playing Arcy 2
To begin a new game, from the main menu choose the top selection. In this
shareware version you can only play volume 1; volumes 2 and 3 may be played
from the registered trilogy version. Your goal in Arcy 2 is to manuever your
character to get all the keys to open the door on each level. Some of the
levels are quite easy. Others are quite hard. If you can't figure out how
to play, press F1 for help.
Download All the Latest MVP Shareware Games FREE
If your favorite BBS doesn't have an MVP file section, then you may be
missing some great shareware. To get all the latest and greatest MVP
shareware releases, call one of the leading boards listed below, and check
out the FREE MVP file area.
In Grand Rapids, Michigan -- Ryan's Bar (616) 456-1845
In Milwaukee, Wisconsin -- Exec-PC (414) 789-4200
In New York, New York -- The Invention Factory (212) 431-1194
In Boston, Massachusetts -- Channel 1 (617) 354-8873
In Kansas City, Missouri -- Sound Advice (816) 436-1492
In Palo Alto, California -- Space BBS (415) 323-4193
In Reston, Virginia -- WorldNet (703) 620-8900
Even better, tell your favorite sysop about the MVP Distribution Network and
how he can be assured of getting all of the latest MVP shareware hits as soon
as they are released. See the SYSOP.DOC file for details.
Name ________________________________________________________________
Address _____________________________________________________________
City _______________________________ State ______ ZIP _______________
Country (if outside USA) ____________________________________________
CIRCLE HD DISK SIZE: 5-1/4" -or- 3-1/2" IMPORTANT!
Price of Arcy 2 Trilogy $24.95
Shipping and Handling (US) 3.00
Shipping and Handling (Canada) 4.00
Shipping and Handling (all other countries) 5.00
Michigan residents add sales tax 1.68
Make check payable to "MVP Software" Total enclosed: $
Master Card/Visa information (credit card orders only)
Card number __________________________________________
Expiration number ____________________________________
VOLUNTARY QUESTIONS: Please help us determine what features you would like
==================== in future products.
Circle what type of equipment you have: 8088 286 386 486 Pentium
Circle the speed of your computer(Mhz): 12 16 20 25 33 40 50 66 ___
Circle any that apply: Joystick Mouse Modem_______ SVGA card____________
(speed) (type)
Sound Capability: Adlib Sound Blaster SB Pro SB 16 Thundercard
PC speaker only Other ____________________________________
Where did you get Arcy 2?
Friend CompuServe AOL Prodigy Ryan's Bar Exec-PC Sound Advice
Invention Factory Channel 1 Space BBS WorldNet
Other BBS (name): _______________________
Shareware Distributor (name): _________________________________________
Are you a game player? Please answer the following questions about what you
like and don't like in computer games.
Approx # of commercial games owned: ____ #Registered shareware games: ____
Circle preference: Beautiful Graphics -OR- Game Complexity
Circle preference: Solo against computer -OR- Modem 2-Player
Circle preference: Strategy Action Simulation Other_________
Long term game playability: Few Levels w/ hard difficulty Lotsa Levels
Send this order form and your check to:
MVP Software, 1035 Dallas S.E., Grand Rapids, MI 49507-1407
US or Canada 24-