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- This is the public PGP key of Frans Veldman, developer of the TBAV utilities.
- PGP is a high security freeware "public key" cryptographic application,
- developed by Philip Zimmermann.
- If you do NOT have PGP, you don't need this veldman.pgp file. If you do
- not have PGP but want to obtain it, take a look at the major Bulletin
- Board Systems. We do not distribute or sell it, nor do we give you
- information where to get it.
- When I used PGP, it generated two keys, the public one you will find
- below, and another one which is private to me. If you're wondering what
- you can do with my public key, please read on.
- -> Software ENcrypted with one key can only be DEcrypted with the other key.
- This means, if you encrypt a file with my public key, I am the only one
- who is able to decrypt it. Now you can safely send me viruses! If I
- provide you an encrypted CRC of all our files, you are able to decrypt
- and verify this CRC. Nobody else is able to encrypt something that you
- can decrypt with my public key. If you are able to decrypt a file with
- my public key, you may rest assured that the file originated from me.
- By using PGP, you (the user) and I (the developer of TBAV) have a secure
- method of communicating with each other. No hacker can interfere, and
- you are able to verify that the TBAV files are unmodified, free of
- viruses, and originate from my system. You can also send me viruses,
- without the risk that the viruses may spread to the wrong people.
- THERE IS ONE RESTRICTION! You need to be ABSOLUTELY SURE that the public
- key, listed below, is mine. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you
- obtain this key DIRECTLY from me, or from a highly trusted source.
- Since the key will never change, you may want to make just one phone
- call to our Bulletin Board System - only once, for safety. Once you
- have a trusted key, you may download your TBAV upgrades from everywhere.
- Just check them with my public key, if the key matches, you have the
- original copy of TBAV. Otherwise, you'd better get a more reliable
- source...
- Download or file request VELDMAN.PGP from our support system!
- 2:282/222 + 31 - 59 - 182 011
- What do you need to do? You need the PGP program, which is available on
- many BBSs, including our Thunderbyte support BBS. (F'req PGP)
- Assuming that you have installed and configured PGP properly, use the
- following command and answer the questions:
- You need to do this only once. (There is no need to separate the key
- listed below from this message).
- If you want to send us an encrypted file, invoke the command below:
- PGP -E <FILENAME> "Frans Veldman"
- PGP will create a file with the same name as the original file, but with
- the extension '.PGP'. You can safely send me that file, I'm the only
- one who is able to decrypt it.
- Version: 2.6
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- =9U8A