CD Direkt 1995 #6
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│ │
│ Might and Magic V : Darkside of Xeen V2.0 │
│ Author : David Jury │
│ (c) 1993 David Jury │
│ aka "Network" │
│ │
This specific Trainer,the Trainer engine designed by me,all the coding and
beta testing and user support are alot of hard work.It takes time and effort
(not to mention $$$) to do all this and make these kinds of products available
to users.If you use this product and enjoy it then Register it.Without user
support Shareware Authors give up,go broke,go COMMERICAL (OH NO NOT THAT!),
get divorced,start poking through trash barrels at the mall,gain weight,go bald
,get dandruff,have all their teeth fall out and all other forms of nasty things
like that.The game costs alot.Hint Books and Hint Lines cost more.I am asking
for your Support.Please read the REGISTER.NFO file.If you do not wish to
Register this product within 2 weeks of use then please Delete it.
By Registering you will get a new Trainer devoid of the annoying Registration
pauses and messages.Also Registered users are entiltled to any updates or
bug fixes (JUST send a blank disk and S.A.S.E to me).And of course you will
be helping me to help you and others in the future.
Now that I am done begging on with the show............................
The Trainer that was written by me LONG LONG ago was written on one of the
first copies of MM5 to hit store shelves.Unfortunatly since that time it seems
there have been some alterations to the main game files in the past few
generations of the game that cause the Trainer not to work.
So if you didn't have one of the earlist copies exactly like mine then the
Trainer just wouldn't work because of small coding differences.Many many people
have had this problem so I am here to correct it as best I can.I thank the many
users who helped me track down this problem.Matters were made worse by a LACK
of customer support from....well I know who and that's all that matters.I guess
as long as they have our hard earned money giving us TRUTHFUL,HONEST and
HELPFUL information doesn't mean that much....especially if it means it could
actually HELP other owners of the game.(What a DREAD thought!)
Anyway here's what myself and many users found out on their own :
My Original Store bought Darkside of Xeen files :
XEEN.EXE - 53,647 bytes 5-19-93
XEEN.DAT - 154,658 bytes 5-19-93
That's what the Trainer was written on.Now MANY users who could not get the
Trainer to work have this :
INSTALL.EXE - 21,876 bytes 12-23-93
XEEN.EXE - 53,681 bytes 5-25-93
XEEN.DAT - 153,921 bytes 6-1-93
And last but not least of all New World Computing has a fix/patch called
NEWDARK.EXE on their BBS and in their AOL Support Library that self extracts
the following files :
INSTALL.EXE - 21,876 bytes 5-24-93
XEEN.EXE - 53,681 bytes 6-10-93
XEEN.DAT - 153,919 bytes 7-19-93
Well what does all this mean to you and me?The important file is the XEEN.DAT.
That's where all the game code is that the Trainer uses to work its Magic.But,
if the XEEN.DAT file differs just a little bit in code or size then the Trainer
cannot find things where it expects them to be (even if they are just slightly
off).So the orignal Trainer didn't work on any of the other XEEN.DAT files.
As you can see by dates the most recent XEEN.DAT is found in the update
available from NWC.I could not get a straight answer from NWC regarding the
different file sizes nor on how I could obtain any or all of the different
versions out there to help users having trouble with my utility.So I am forced
to go with what appears to be the most recent VERSION and most readily
You MUST have the NEWDARK.EXE update or at the VERY least the XEEN.DAT file
that is exactly like the one this Trainer is written on or IT PROBABLY WILL NOT
WORK AT ALL.I am again sorry that there are so many different files floating
around.That's nothing to do with me.I just want to help people out.Once again
your XEEN.DAT file should be 153,919 bytes.(if it works on any others let me
know of course!).
You can get NEWDARK.EXE from the New World Computing BBS at 1-818-889-5684.It
is also available on the America Online Network in the NWC Support Library.The
file is 235k and contains the XEEN.EXE,XEEN.DAT and INSTALL.EXE mentioned
above.I have also asked New World Computing on Compuserve to make available
to the users there in the GAMEPUB (GAMEPUB A under OTHER PUBLISHERS LIBRARY).
If you Register this Trainer I will gladly include the NEWDARK.EXE file with
your Registered copy.This is the best I can do.I am again sorry for all the
Also for you CD-ROM users out there.I do not have a CD-ROM drive.It is my
guess that the CD-ROM version of MM5 is VERY different in some IMPORTANT ways
from the disk based version.Therefore I am quite sure this Trainer WILL NOT
WORK with the CD-ROM version.I do not own that version of the game and am very
sorry that I can offer no help to you at the moment.
Well it was a long time coming but I have finally had some free time to re-
code this Trainer.I have learned a few things since this was first written and
hopefully this new version will solve the problems of the previous one.At the
very least the BIOS related problem of the Trainer not activating should be
fixed.I am sorry I cannot offer the ULTIMATE solution of an I/O patch as I have
in other games recently.This is due to the compression technology that New
World Computing uses on their files.This does not allow direct changes to their
files in compressed form without severally altering the other contents of the
What is Changed : Written on latest Trainer Engine V2.0,New NON BIOS dependant
code for I/O of Trainer,Improved layout of Trainer function keys,altering of
some Trainer functions for better usage,removal of buggy functions (Toggle
ALL Quest Items).The Quest items toggle was removed after it was discovered
that there is no way that a Party in the Normal course of the game could obtain
ALL of the Quest items.By giving the Party ALL quest items numerous bugs came
to life worst of which being game crashes.It is now gone.I also felt that this
was just TOO much of a cheat.The game could be finished VERY rapidly in this
I have also tested this new version on the FULL Worlds of Xeen and found no
problems at all.Worlds of Xeen just adds extra data and makes no changes that
will affect the Trainer nor the way it functions.It should work the same with
Darkside alone or Worlds of Xeen.
I hope that this version solves all the problems so many people have had.I
thank you for all of your input and patience in waiting for this.I don't have
much choice in how fast I can get to things.Happy Training.....
What is a Trainer?It's an Interactive Utility that "Hides" in memory and
allows you to get the "Upper Hand" in those often too-Tough Games.It may
even,in some cases,make the game more challenging for you "True" gameplayers.
In either case it is my hope to enhance the Enjoyment of playing these games
through the use of my utilities.
The Trainer (Either Loader-TSR or TSR) loads itself into memory and interfaces
itself into the Game Code.Once the game is running you can access the Tr