CD Direkt 1995 #6
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│ │
│ Space Hulk Interactive Trainer V2.0 │
│ Author : David Jury │
│ (c) 1993 David Jury │
│ aka "Network" │
│ │
It took a while but I finally got around to fixing things.This version of the
Space Hulk Trainer should fix the problems many people had with the Trainer
input never activating.Included along with this Trainer is a patch program
to physically write a I/O hook that the Trainer can grab EVEN if this improved
Trainer engine fails to interface to the game correctly.
Also a few things have been changed.The Reload function has been replaced with
an Unlimited Ammo mode.It should work for all Ammo type weapons.In addition
a new Trainer Mode to affect the nasty Genestealers has been added.In this new
mode you activate some mysterious power in your charcaters that automatically
causes the Genestealers to die when they attack you.Lastly for the people that
have asked I added a feature to keep the Weapons from Jamming (even though it
almost never happens).
Happy Training.....
What is a Trainer?It's an Interactive Utility that "Hides" in memory that
allows you to get the "Upper Hand" in those often too-Tough Games.It may
even,in some cases,make the game more challenging for you "True" gameplayers.
In either case it is my hope to enhance the Enjoyment of playing these games
through the use of my utilities.
The Trainer (Either Loader-TSR or TSR) loads itself into memory and interfaces
itself into the Game Code.Once the game is running you can access the Trainer
via "Hot-Key" Trainer Functions that will alter the Game Data/Code in memory
as it is running.These functions allow you to alter the "Rules" of the game to
,hopefully,allow you to enjoy it even more.
Copy the Trainer files into your Space Hulk game directory.Switch to the Space
Hulk game directory and type HULKTRN.The Trainer will load up and you will see
an opening Trainer screen.Just press any key to display the Options Screen
next.After you have reviewed the various Trainer functions available to you
press any key to load Space Hulk.
During the game use the following Key Combinations to your advantage :
1 - Press this key to Activate the Mission Advancement Trainer.When you press
this key the Trainer sets up code needed to allow you to skip levels.Press
this key again to turn this OFF and restore the original code.
2 - When the above function for Mission Advancement is ON you can press this
key ANY time during a given Mission to instantly finish all of your Mission
goals.(Actually it just tricks the game into thinking you have done them
all!).You will notice sometimes that the Mission review screen reflects
this fact.
4 - Press this key to Turn ON the Genestealers Fear Mode.In this Mode all
Genestealers will stop dead in their Tracks when facing you or any of your
fellow Marines.Just blow them away as they sit there helpless.Press this
key again to Toggle this Mode OFF.Please note that when this Mode is ON
the following Function will not ACTIVATE.It is an either/or situation.
5 - Press this key to Toggle ON the Genestealers Suicide Mode.When this mode
is ON it appears that you make some Hand to Hand attack automatically when
any Genestealer approaches you (from any side).As a result of this the
bad guys just drop dead right near you.Hit this key again to turn it OFF.
As stated above this function will not work if the '4' Function is ON.This
is because the code changed by that Function keeps the game from executing
the particular code involved in making this one work.
7 - Press this key once to turn ON the Unlimited Ammo Mode.While this is ON
all Weapons that use Ammo such as Flamers and Assault Cannons will have
Unlimited rounds.Tap this key one more time to turn it OFF.
8 - Press this Key and all the Weapons of the Space Marines will never Jam.You
may from time to time see the word "Jammed" flash on the screen when a
Marine under computer control fires but it vanishes instantly.Press this
key again to turn this Mode OFF.
9 - Press this key to make all Space Marines invunerable to their own Flamer
Fire.Now you can Flame right through your pals and walk through the flames
as if they were not there.Press this key again to turn this Function off.
To manipulate the Keybeep the PC Speaker makes on Trainer Functions :
LEFT BRACKET ([) - Press F11 for a Higher pitched keypress feedback.
RIGHT BRACKET (]) - Press F12 for a Lower pitched keypress feedback.
SEMI-COLON (;) - Toggle ON/OFF the keypress feedback from the PC Speaker.
Press these keys any time or as many times as needed to get the desired
effect.Also note that for Trainer functions that Toggle ON/OFF the ON keypress
will always be a LOW pitch then a HIGHER pitched tone and the OFF will be
the reverse (a HIGH pitched tone with and immediate LOWER pitched tone).
Ultima Underworlds 2 (PRE-Patch) Ultima Underworlds 2 (POST-Patch)
Flashback (U.S./SSI Version) Prince of Persia 2 (V1.0)
Lands of Lore (V1.0) Lands of Lore (V1.1a)
Wing Commander Academy Might and Magic IV
Might and Magic V Magic Pockets
Imperial Pursuit (Final V1.1a) Lemmings 2
Space Hulk Terminator 2029
Terminator 2029:Operation Scourge Dune 2 V1.0
Dune 2 V1.07 Dark Sun (Original)
Dark Sun (Final Patch) Space Hulk (V2.0 Trainer)
You can find Network Trainers on Compuserve (GO FSFORUM or GO GAMERS and look
in the appropriate Library),America Online (Game Hints Library) and on the
Software Creations BBS "Home of the Authors" (508-365-2359 1200/2400bps V.42/
MNP,508-368-4137 2400-14.4k HST US ROBOTICS,2400-16.8K V.32/V.42bis USR)
My next immediate project will be to apply the new ideas this Trainer uses to
more reliably interface with the game code to Might and Magic V : Dakrside of
Xeen.People had just as many problems with that as this one.Look for it VERY
SOON!Also : Betrayal at Krondor,Speed Racer,Pinball Dreams,and given some time
some Classic Trainers for the Entire Wing Commander series.
If you have any problems with the Trainer PLEASE read the ERROR.NFO file
for more instructions.Send Questions/Comments to :
Prodigy ID#BGRB28C
Compuserve ID#71052,1742
America Online ID=Network1
Internet Mail to : 71052.1742@Compuserve.com
Please!If you are on America Online don't send me Internet Mail on Compuserve!
I WILL reply to your messages addressed to NETWORK1 on AOL.
For ANY distribution of this work in MASS for on MEDIA or PRINT for profit
or other you