CD Direkt 1995 #6
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Xwing Fighter In-Game Trainer V1.2
and Mission Editor
CopyWrite 1993
David Jury
V1.2 Notes :
In an initial attempt to make the Trainer Keys VERY SPECIFIC to Combat/
Flight ONLY I had caused a few users some troubles.It seems that in some
ODD cases the routines to determine WHEN it was Combat or Not (and thereby
activating the Trainer keys) did not work properly under a few system
configurations and game configurations.I apologize for this but Beta testing
every circumstance is next to impossible with my limited resources.Thanks
goes out to those who responded to this problem.
The result of the above was that the Trainer keys never were properly turned
ON and NOTHING happened.Now a new method has been coded into the Trainer for
finding the proper data for combat and properly activating the Trainer
Keys at that time.One drawback of it is that sometimes (and VERY RARELY) you
will press a Trainer Key and get no response.This is because of the way that
the proper code and a few other things are calculated.There is a certain
situation that occurs every now and then and if the Trainer attempts to make
changes at this special moment it would be changing the WRONG data.No need
to worry this is why the Key may on occasion not operate.This is because an
error checker makes sure the Trainer doesn't make any trouble for the game.
Just press the key again and it will be fine.This occurs RARELY.Most of the
time you may never encounter it during an entire mission.It all depends on
you hitting that key at that SPECIFIC moment in time and code.
Also a note to DTK computer owners.Chances are that this Trainer (ANY version)
will NOT work.DTK seems to have some BIOS troubles that make it imcompatable
to the things this Trainer does.I have not gotten an answer from DTK on the
reason for this but will let DTK owners what I find out ASAP.If you have a DTK
system I would strongly suggest contacting them about possible BIOS troubles.
Hopefully this will fix the problems a few people have had.It should not
change anything for users who had no problems in the past.This version (1.2)
is basically a FIX for troubles people had and no other changes or
improvements have been made.
V1.0 Notes :
Well to make things even better a HUGE NEW feature has been added to the
Trainer.I would like to thank all the people who responded and this was
what everyone seemed to want.You now have the ability to PROTECT any ships
you want as well as reduce the Shields and Hull Strength of ANY ship to
nothing (meaing ONE shot from ANY weapon will destroy it).I couldn't sneek
in a Target Destructo Ray due to the way the game does things.I made the
targets dissapear but they did not COUNT as being destroyed unless the
game actually executed the complex code dealing with Damage assessment.As it
is this ads a bit of code to the Trainer and making it that way would have
added ALOT more,too the point of unacceptable size.I think stripping their
Shields and Hull of will make it MUCH easier.
This great feature is similar to what I had done a long time ago on Wing
Commander and Wing Commander II.Very tricky to code because of the way they
determine where ojects are in space and what object is what...etc. etc.I
would like to apologize for releasing this a little late.I wanted to do EXTRA
beta testing on this to make sure of what the implications were throughout the
game and to make sure the object ID'ing system did not change at any point.
Also the Trainer is now SPECIFIC to COMBAT ONLY.The trainer keys cannot be
accidently activated by during any other portion of the game.A method to
determine when the Combat Overlay Code is running has been determined and
used to keep from making any mistakes elsewhere that could hurt Gameplay.
The rest of the instructions are inserted into the original text BELOW :
Welcome to another NETWORK Trainer.This Trainer is for LucasArt's XWING
FIGHTER.It comes in two parts.An external Mission Editor and a Run-time
TSR that slides in under and loads up XWING.EXE.The Editor allows you to
enter the name of your pilot (from a previously played game) and change the
current Mission Number within a specific Tour to a new value.Then when the
game is played again you will be able to play from the NEW Mission Number as
if ALL the previous had been completed (sans score).The TSR simply allows
you have more time during missions and can let you use the built in trainer
functions (Hit <ESC> during Combat) but still advance missions.
As noted above in the V1.0 Update Note a new function that allows you to
PROTECT Ships or Strip their Hull and Shields OFF.It works on the TARGETING
SYSTEM.During Combat you can press an Activation Key that turns on the above
two functions.When you Target a ship you can manipulate it with theses
functions.Selecting the first will Protect the SHIP that is CURRENTLY being
TARGETED by YOUR SHIP.That means the ship in your Target Que is the one
you are currently making changes to.Press one key and THAT Ship will be
PROTECTED from being Destroyed.Press the other and it will strip off THAT
Ships Shields and Hull Strength.One SHOT will now Destroy it from ANY weapon.
You can toggle through ALL of the available Targets and Manipulate them as
you wish with each of these functions.You can change what how they are
affected as many times as you wish and as long as the Target Trainer is
There is a FULL trainer Version that incorporates ALL of the above and
improves the Editor by making it accessable from WITHIN the game itself.It
is released seperatly due to bugs found during beta testing.Users that had
little or no EMS/XMS,no disk-caching software and/or did not use a 386 control
program besides HIMEM.SYS (any combination of that list could produce the
bug) encountered random lockups of the game while trying to use the Mission
Editor from inside the game.Users that had EMS/XMS,disk-caches and 386 control
programs/memory managers experienced NO BUGS.A solution is pending but this is
the reason for THIS seperated Version.Users with the correct requirements may
use the FULL Version and should not experience any troubles.
HOW-TO : (ALL trainers EXPECT to be in the proper GAME Directory)
Mission Editor :
Load XWEDIT.COM.When the prompt asks for a pilot name enter a VALID Pilot
name from previous gameplay of XWING.Once a VALID name has been entered the
Main Screen will appear.You DO NOT have to type the .PLT file extension.The
trainer adds it for you.Once the Main Screen appears select from the following
Press F1 - Point to TOUR I for Changes
Press F2 - Point to TOUR II for Changes
Press F3 - Point to TOUR III for Changes
(Trainer DEFAULT selection is TOUR I)
Once a TOUR is selected Press the following to Select a new Mission Number :
Mission 1 - 1
Mission 2 - 2
Mission 3 - 3
Mission 4 - 4
Mission 5 - 5
Mission 6 - 6
Mission 7 - 7
Mission 8 - 8
Mission 9 - 9
Mission 10 - 0
Mission 11 - A
Mission 12 - B
Mission 13 - C
Mission 14 - D
Press the number or letter on the keyboard to the RIGHT of the Mission Number
you want to JUMP to.You can make as many changes as you like to any number of
TOURS/MISSIONS.When you are finished making changes press <ESC>.Now load up
XWING and check out your Pilot's Stats.They should indicate all the Missions
PRIOR to the NEW number entered at the editor have been completed.Also verify
the at the TOUR of DUTY DESK.You will see the changes there as