LTEXT "This application demonstrates the features of barcodes.dll. Source code for this application is available with the barcodes.dll archive. \n\n If you require barcode functionality in your software then you should consider barcodes.dll ! ",
LTEXT "You must license barcodes.dll if you want to use it in your software. There are no royalties or update fees. The license fee is a once only payment, and you are free to include and use barcodes.dll with applications that you develop.",
LTEXT "The license fee is $810 US. Think of the savings in development and testing costs ! This includes technical support and automatic upgrades for 12 months. Source code to barcodes.dll is not included. Customisation is available.",
LTEXT "The developer of barcodes.dll is:\n\n HEX Technology\n 417 Manchester Street\nChristchurch 8001\nNEW ZEALAND\n\nPhone/Fax: (64) (3) 3772255,\nEmail Compuserve: 100241,3550",
LTEXT "Fax or Email your order to HEX Technology only. We accept VISA, Master Card, American Express and Diners Club, International MO, and Bank Cheques drawn on US banks. We can deliver via post or Email.",
CONTROL "",IDC_STATIC,"Static",SS_BLACKRECT,46,200,255,3
CONTROL "",IDC_STATIC,"Static",SS_BLACKFRAME,208,137,103,52
LTEXT "If you want an OLE/DDE barcode server, then look at BAROLE, you will find it in GO WINSHARE or on CICA ftp win3/programmr",