CD Direkt 1995 #6
Text File
225 lines
Option Explicit
Global Const gDefaultPrintHeader$ = "&f"
Global Const gDefaultPrintFooter$ = "Page &p"
Global Const gDefaultPrintLeftLogicalMargin# = .75
Global Const gDefaultPrintTopLogicalMargin# = 1
Global Const gDefaultPrintRightPixelMargin# = .75
Global Const gDefaultPrintBottomPixelMargin# = 1
Global gPrintHeader$
Global gPrintFooter$
Global gPrintLeftLogicalMargin#
Global gPrintTopLogicalMargin#
Global gPrintRightPixelMargin#
Global gPrintBottomPixelMargin#
Sub FilePageSetup ()
frmPageSetup.txtHeader.Text = gPrintHeader$
frmPageSetup.txtFooter.Text = gPrintFooter$
frmPageSetup.txtLeft.Text = CStr(gPrintLeftLogicalMargin#)
frmPageSetup.txtTop.Text = CStr(gPrintTopLogicalMargin#)
frmPageSetup.txtRight.Text = CStr(gPrintRightPixelMargin#)
frmPageSetup.txtBottom.Text = CStr(gPrintBottomPixelMargin#)
frmPageSetup.Show 1 'modal
If InStr(frmPageSetup.cmdOK.Tag, "OK") Then
gPrintHeader$ = frmPageSetup.txtHeader.Text
gPrintFooter$ = frmPageSetup.txtFooter.Text
gPrintLeftLogicalMargin# = CDbl(frmPageSetup.txtLeft.Text)
gPrintTopLogicalMargin# = CDbl(frmPageSetup.txtTop.Text)
gPrintRightPixelMargin# = CDbl(frmPageSetup.txtRight.Text)
gPrintBottomPixelMargin# = CDbl(frmPageSetup.txtBottom.Text)
End If
Unload frmPageSetup
End Sub
'It is assumed here that this function has been invoked
'by the PCANCEL form.
'This function uses an editor on the main form to find out
'how many lines will fit on a printer page and also to wrap
'text so that it fits the Printer.
'This function will print out text like Windows Notepad, with margins
'and, optionally, a header and a footer.
Function FilePrint () As Integer
'1st, set the font in the printer to the current editor's font
'and resize the editor so that it fits the Printer (taking
'margins into account also).
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.FontName = Printer.FontName
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.FontSize = Printer.FontSize
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.FontBold = Printer.FontBold
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.FontItalic = Printer.FontItalic
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Width = Printer.Width - 1440 * (gPrintLeftLogicalMargin# + gPrintRightPixelMargin#)
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Height = Printer.Height - 1440 * (gPrintTopLogicalMargin# + gPrintBottomPixelMargin#)
' the # of lines that will fit on a page
Dim LinesPerPage&
LinesPerPage& = frmMDI.Editor4Printing.FullLinesPerWindow
If gPrintHeader$ <> "" Then LinesPerPage& = LinesPerPage& - 1
If gPrintFooter$ <> "" Then LinesPerPage& = LinesPerPage& - 1
Dim Count& ' the # of lines in our source editor
Count& = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.Count
Dim Header$ ' line to print at top of page
Header$ = GetFullHeader()
Dim I&, K&, nPage&
nPage& = 1
K = 1
I = 1
Do While K <= Count
' find out if the user has pressed the cancel
' button, if so then exit
If PCANCEL.Tag <> "" Then Exit Do
' clear all the text
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelMark = 1 'make a stream block
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelStartX = 1
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelStartY = 1
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelEndY = frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Count
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.TextIndex = frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Count
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelEndX = Len(frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Text) + 1
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Action = 4 'clear
'load exacly one complete line from the current editor into the
'editor used for printing
frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.TextIndex = K
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.SelText = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.Text
K = K + 1
If frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.IsEndOfParagraph Then Exit Do
Dim J&
For J = 1 To frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Count
' if we're at the top of the page
If (I - 1) Mod LinesPerPage = 0 Then
'insert space for the top margin
Printer.CurrentY = 1440 * gPrintTopLogicalMargin#
'then print the header, centered
If Header$ <> "" Then
Dim HeaderWidth%
HeaderWidth% = Printer.TextWidth(Header$)
If HeaderWidth% < Printer.Width Then
Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width - HeaderWidth%) / 2
End If
Printer.Print Header$
End If
I = I + 1
End If
' print the next line of text
Printer.CurrentX = 1440 * gPrintLeftLogicalMargin#
frmMDI.Editor4Printing.TextIndex = J
Printer.Print frmMDI.Editor4Printing.Text
' if we're at the bottom of the page then print the footer
If (Count& < K Or I Mod LinesPerPage = 0) And gPrintFooter$ <> "" Then
Dim footer$
footer$ = GetFullFooter(nPage)
' If printing the footer for the last page and the whole page
' has not been filled up yet then print blank lines until the
' page is full(this way the footer is always at the bottom of
' the page).
Do While I Mod LinesPerPage <> 0
Printer.Print ""
I = I + 1
Dim FooterWidth%
FooterWidth% = Printer.TextWidth(footer$)
If FooterWidth% < Printer.Width Then
Printer.CurrentX = (Printer.Width - FooterWidth%) / 2
End If
Printer.Print footer$
nPage& = nPage& + 1
End If
I = I + 1
' if the user canceled the print operation then
' return False, otherwise return True.
If PCANCEL.Tag = "" Then
FilePrint = True
FilePrint = False
End If
End Function
Sub FilePrintSetup ()
'set cancel to true
frmMDI.CMFontDialog.CancelError = True
On Error GoTo FilePrintSetupHandler
frmMDI.CMFontDialog.Flags = &H40 'display print setup dialog
'display the dialog box
frmMDI.CMFontDialog.Action = 5
FilePrintSetupHandler: ' user pressed cancel button
Exit Sub
End Sub
Function GetFullFooter (nPage&) As String
Dim Pos%
Pos% = InStr(gPrintFooter$, "&p")
If Pos% Then
GetFullFooter = Left$(gPrintFooter$, Pos% - 1) & CStr(nPage&) & Mid$(gPrintFooter$, Pos% + 2)
GetFullFooter = gPrintFooter$
End If
End Function
Function GetFullHeader () As String
Dim FileNamePos%
FileNamePos% = InStr(gPrintHeader$, "&f")
If FileNamePos% Then
GetFullHeader = Left$(gPrintHeader$, FileNamePos% - 1) & frmMDI.ActiveForm.Caption & Mid$(gPrintHeader$, FileNamePos% + 2)
GetFullHeader = gPrintHeader$
End If
End Function
Sub InitializePrinterModule ()
gPrintHeader$ = gDefaultPrintHeader$
gPrintFooter$ = gDefaultPrintFooter$
gPrintLeftLogicalMargin# = gDefaultPrintLeftLogicalMargin#
gPrintTopLogicalMargin# = gDefaultPrintTopLogicalMargin#
gPrintRightPixelMargin# = gDefaultPrintRightPixelMargin#
gPrintBottomPixelMargin# = gDefaultPrintBottomPixelMargin#
End Sub
'For reasons I don't understand setting the Printer font to "MS Serif"
'or "MS Sans Serif generates an error, therefore this function is used
'to set the Printer font. If the Printer font can be set to the font
'in the currently active window then that's just peachy keen otherwise
'the Printer font is just left alone.
Sub SetPrinterFont2ActiveFont ()
On Error GoTo SetPrinterFontError
Printer.FontName = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.FontName
Printer.FontSize = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.FontSize
Printer.FontBold = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.FontBold
Printer.FontItalic = frmMDI.ActiveForm.Text1.Fon