00:00:00 USER WAIT User Selects Screen Button 00:00:05 IMAGE SHOW show Our Lady of Guadalupe C:\EVENT\MARY.BMP 00:00:12 IMAGE HIDE hide Our Lady of Guadalupe C:\EVENT\MARY.BMP 00:00:13 CD PLAY1,2 Play CD Track 1 (only) 00:01:13 CD MUTE0,0 run CD silently 00:01:14 CD STOP0,0 Stop and Close the Device File 00:01:25 CD EJCT0,0 Eject the CD Media 00:02:00 SOUND PLAY Adams Family introit C:\EVENT\ADAMS.WAV 00:02:15 SOUND PLAY Ave Maria (Hail Mary) C:\EVENT\AVEMARIA.MID 00:04:04 ALARM ON Alarm the ending