You can save as PRJ, and export shapes as 3-D format as DXF(tm) or POV when you unlock, to exchange the generated 3-D polygon data into other 3-D modeling or rendering applications. The PRJ(original) is the compatible file format for RenderStudio.
To use ModelStudio, you need to have an appropriate PC and DOS/MS-Windows 3.1(English original). We will recommend to keep enough free disk space on your hard disk.
This text file contains the following information:
1) News from STUDIO PON
2) Registration Reminder
3) Legal Matters
4) Packing List
5) Online Support Information
6) The licensing agreement
7) STUDIO PON Products
8) Order and Registration Form
9) Appendix
Copyright ⌐ 1994 by STUDIO PON
All rights reserved.
1) News from STUDIO PON(as of November 18, 1994)
[FontlStudio3D 1.05] June 6, 1994
[FontlStudio3D 1.10] June 16, 1994
We've added POV file format in "Save Model As..." dialog.
[FontlStudio3D 1.21] August 15, 1994
We've added: 1)Beveling feature. 2)Tolerance of Triangle for saving as POV file format. 3)Some bug fix.
[FontlStudio3D 1.30] September 12, 1994
New 3-D GUI(Graphical User Interface).
[FontlStudio3D 1.31] October 5, 1994
We've added POV-Ray 2.2 syntax.
[FontlStudio3D 1.32] October 23, 1994
We've added Polyray 1.6a syntax.
[FontStudio2D 1.00] August 1, 1994
[FontStudio2D 1.10] October 5, 1994
New 3-D GUI(Graphical User Interface).
[ModelStudio 1.00] October 5, 1994
[ModelStudio 1.01] October 29, 1994
We've added POV-Ray 2.2 syntax and the setting parameters for 1.0/2.2.
[ModelStudio 1.02] November 2, 1994
Updated PRJ file format to make bi-directional compatibility with RenderStudio 1.00.
[RenderStudio 1.00] November 3, 1994
If you have a suggestion, please send your written information to STUDIO PON by regular mail or facsimile.
2) Registration Reminder
ModelStudio is not designed for foreign languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, French and other SBCS(Single Byte Character Set)/DBCS(Double Byte Character Set).
Unlicensed copies of ModelStudio are fully functional except saving and other function. Unlicensed copy of ModelStudio has a registration reminder dialog that pops up whenever you start the program and every three(3) minutes while you are activating this program. Please stop to use ModelStudio if you passed 7 days since you downloaded from CompuServe.
We believe that once you evaluate the quality and worth of our ModelStudio, you will be satisfied.To be a registered user for ModelStudio, please mail a casher's check, money order, or company/personal check with the registration form. When STUDIO PON receive the payment and the registration form, we will send you its serial number and verify number for your copy
of ModelStudio. Usually, it takes two to three weeks for our process. After you entered its serial number and verify number with the registered user name(and company name, if applicable), the registration reminder dialog will be disapeared, and you can copy your data. For your evaluation about data quality, there are sample data files. In addition to the bundled sample files, some images and data files in CompuServe. Please download using the keyword "STUDIO PON'" in the graphics developer forum(GO GRAPHDEV).
Also, you can order FS3D, MS and RS through the software registration in CompuServe(GO SWREG) with additional handling charge(15%). The ID numbers are:
FS 3775
MS 3910
RS 3911
3) Legal Matters
STUDIO PON are not responsible for anything. Please read the licensing agreement carefully before using. The licensing agreement of ModelStudio is in the section 6 in this text file.
4) Packing List
ModelStudio Version 1.02 includes the following files:
MOD_102 TXT This File
MOD_102A WRI Manual file as WRITE file(Part I)
MOD_102B WRI Manual file as WRITE file(Part II)
MODEL EXE The main ModelStudio EXE file
PRJ Sample files as PRJ
DXF Sample files as DXF
POV Sample files as POV 2.2 syntax
5) Online Support Information
The home of ModelStudio is on CompuServe(GO GRAPHDEV).
Its keyword is "STUDIO PON".
The registered users may send a Mail to STUDIO PON:
Our Compuserve ID is 72030,1771.
The registered users may also send a facsimile message to:
714.837.6084(California, USA)
6) The licensing agreement
Copyright ⌐ 1994 by STUDIO PON
All rights reserved.
ModelStudio manual, program, product design, and design concepts are copyrighted, with all rights reserved to STUDIO PON. ModelStudio is not and has never been public domain
software, nor is it free software.
Your rights are subject to the limitations and restrictions imposed by the copyright laws of the United States of America. A single non-exclusive license permits a user to use the latest version of ModelStudio only on a single computer. Licensed users may use the program on different computers, but may not use the program on more than one computer at the same time.
No one may upload ModelStudio files onto any BBS or network services without written permission from STUDIO PON.
No one may dupe ModelStudio onto CD-ROM or other media without written permission from STUDIO PON except in the normal use of the software or to make a backup copy. This exception does not allow your licensed copy to be made for others with the registration information.
No one may change or patch the ModelStudio executable file, this text file and manual files in any way, including but not limited to decompiling, disassembling, or otherwise reverse engineering the program.
Using this product for any period of time constitutes your acceptance of this agreement and subjects you to its contents.
The software is licensed and deliverd on an "as is" basis. STUDIO PON will not guarantee any upgrade, update or bug fixing.
Microsoft and MS-DOS are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.
Windows is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation. TrueType are trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. 3D Studio, AutoSketch, AutoCAD and DXF are registered trademarks of Autodesk, Inc. Targa is a registered trademark of Truevision, Inc. CompuServe is a registered trademark of CompuServe Information Service. POV-Ray is a trademark of the POV-Team.
All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered
trademarks of their respective holders or companies.
Mention of third-party products is for informational purposes only.
STUDIO PON assumes no responsibility with regard to the performance
or use of these products.
7) STUDIO PON Products
Our line of Windows products are as follows:
FontStudio3D 1.32 3-D font generator from TrueType(tm)
font3D Light OEM version of FontStudio
MirageSystem font3D by Medix
FontStudio2D 1.10 2-D outline vector font generator from TrueType(tm)
ModelStudio 1.02 3-D Modeling application
RenderStudio 1.00 3-D Rendering application
8) Order and Registration Form(November 18, 1994) MS 1.02
User name: ____________________________________________________
Company name(if applicable):_______________________________________