CD Direkt 1995 #6
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129 lines
; Popular names for deep sky objects.
; Each line in this file has the format name|catalog, where
; "name" is the description which will appear in the listbox, and
; "catalog" is the catalog number.
Alpha PER moving cluster|Mel 20
Ambartsumian's Knot|Abell 1185
Andromeda Galaxy|M 31
Antares Moving Cluster|Cr 302
Aquarius Dwarf|MCG-02-53-003
Arp's Spiral|NGC 2857
Barnard's Galaxy|NGC 6822
Barnard's Loop|Sh2-276
Baxendell's Unphotographable Nebula|NGC 7088
Beehive|M 44
Bipolar Nebula|NGC 6302
Blackeye Galaxy|M 64
Blinking Planetary|NGC 6826
Blue Flash Nebula|NGC 6905
Blue Planetary|NGC 3918
Blue Snowball Nebula|NGC 7662
Bowl of Pipe Nebula|B 78
Box Nebula|NGC 6309
Brocchi's Cluster|Cr 399
Bubble Nebula|NGC 7635
Bug Nebula|NGC 6302
Butterfly Cluster|M 6
California Nebula|NGC 1499
Campbell's Hydrogen Star|PK64+5.1
Cat's Eye Nebula|NGC 6543
Cave Nebula|Sh2-155
Circinus Dwarf|ESO 097-G013
Clown Face Nebula|NGC 2392
Coathanger Cluster|Cr 399
Cocoon Nebula|IC 5146
Coddington's Nebula|IC 2574
Coma Berenices Star Cluster|Mel 111
Cone Nebula|NGC 2264
Cork Nebula|M 76
Crab Nebula|M 1
Crescent Nebula|NGC 6888
Delta Lyra Cluster|Steph 1
Draco Dwarf|UGC 10822
Duck Nebula|NGC 2359
Dumbbell Nebula|M 27
Eagle Nebula|IC 2177
Eagle Nebula (SER)|M 16
Egg Nebula|PK80-6.1
Eight-Burst Nebula|NGC 3132
Eskimo Nebula|NGC 2392
Eta Carinae Nebula|NGC 3372
Fish on the Platter|B 144
Flaming Star Nebula|IC 405
Footprint Nebula|M1-92
Fornax Dwarf|MCG 06-07-001
Ghost of Jupiter|NGC 3242
Great Cluster|M 13
Great Nebula|M 31
Gum Nebula|Gum 12
Helical Nebula|NGC 7293
Hercules Cluster|M 13
Hercules Galaxy Cluster|Abell 2151
Hind's Variable Nebula|NGC 1555
Horsehead Nebula|B 33
Hubble's Variable Nebula|NGC 2261
Hyades|Mel 25
Ink Spot Nebula|B 86
Integral Sign Galaxy|UGC 3697
Jewel Box Cluster|NGC 4755
Keenan's System|NGC 5216
Keyhole Nebula|NGC 3372
Lambda CEN Cluster|IC 2944
Lagoon Nebula|M 8
Large Magellanic Cloud|Lg Magellanic Cl
Little Dumbbell|M 76
Little Gem|NGC 6445
Little Gem Nebula|NGC 6818
Little Ghost Nebula|NGC 6369
Lower's Nebula|Sh2-261
Markarian's Chain|M 84
Mayall's Object|Arp 148
Medusa Nebula|PK205+14.1
Mice Galaxies|NGC 4576A
Mu NOR Cluster|NGC 6169
North America Nebula|NGC 7000
Northern Coalsack|LDN 896
Omega Centauri|NGC 5139
Omega Nebula|M 17
Orion Nebula|M 42
Owl Nebula|M 97
Parrot's Head|B 87
Pelican Nebula|IC 5070
Phantom Streak Nebula|NGC 6741
Pinwheel Galaxy|M 33
Pleiades|M 45
Polarissima Australis|NGC 2573
Polarissima Borealis|NGC 3172
Praesepe|M 44
Ring Nebula|M 57
Ringtail Galaxy|NGC 4038
Rosette Nebula|NGC 2237
Saturn Nebula|NGC 7009
Sculptor Dwarf|MGC-06-03-015
Sculptor Galaxy Group|NGC 55
Sextans B Dwarf|UGC 5373
Siamese Twins|NGC 4567
Small Magellanic Cloud|NGC 292
Small Sagittarius Star Cloud|M 24
Snake|B 72
Sombrero Galaxy|M 104
Spindle Galaxy|NGC 3115
Star Queen Nebula|M 16
Stem of Pipe Nebula|B 59,65-7
Stephan's Quintet|NGC 7319
Swan Nebula|M 17
Table of Scorpius|NGC 6231
Tank Track Nebula|NGC 2024
Taurus Moving Cluster|Mel 25
Tempel's Nebula|NGC 1435
Tom Thumb Cluster|NGC 6451
Trifid Nebula|M 20
Ursa Major Moving Cluster|Cr 285
Ursa Minor Dwarf|UGC 9749
Veil Nebula|IC 5068
Whirlpool Galaxy|M 51
Wild Duck Cluster|M 11
Witchhead Nebula|IC 2118
Zeta Sculptor Cluster|Blanco 1