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  1.                           Table of Contents                  Page 1 of       1
  2.                                                                              2
  3.                             1. VERBS\                                        3
  4.                             2. NOUNSw                                        4
  5.                             3. ARTICLESç                                     5
  6.                             4. ADJECTIVESÄ                                   6
  7.                             5. ADVERBSÆ                                      7
  8.                             6. PRONOUNSó                                     8
  9.                             7. PREPOSITIONS«                                 9
  10.                             8. CONJUNCTIONS╝                                 0
  11.                             9. TIME├and Numbers                              1
  12.                            10. SENTENCE╥Structure                            2
  13.                              Verbs                           Page 2 of 133   1
  14.                                                                              2
  15.                          1. TYPES]                                           3
  16.                          2. TENSES_                                          4
  17.                          3. MOODS`                                           5
  18.                          4. VOICES`                                          6
  19.                          5. INFINITIVEa                                      7
  20.                          6. CONJUGATIONb                                     8
  21.                                                                              9
  22.                                                                              0
  23.                                                                              1
  24. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  25.                              Types of Verbs                  Page 3 of 133   1
  26.                                                                              2
  27. There are two main types of verbs in German: weak and strong verbs. Weak     3
  28. verbs conform to a group pattern with a few standard variations. Strong verbs4
  29. have a common basic pattern but a much greater degree of variation within it 5
  30. so that the main parts have to be learnt for each individual verb.           6
  31.                                                                              7
  32. The fundamental difference between the two types is in the formation of the  8
  33. imperfect tense and the past participle: the weak verbs add a characteristic 9
  34. -t- to the verb stem in these forms; strong verbs change the stem vowel of   0
  35. infinitive when forming the imperfect tense and past participle, for example:1
  36.                                                                              2
  37.                                                              Page 4 of 133   1
  38.                     Imperfect      Past participle                           2
  39.      Weak  packen   ich packte     gepackt                                   3
  40.    Strong  singen   ich sang       gesungen                                  4
  41.                                                                              5
  42.                                                                              6
  43.                                                                              7
  44.                                                                              8
  45.                                                                              9
  46.                                                                              0
  47.                                                                              1
  48. VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  49.                                   Tenses                     Page 5 of 133   1
  50.                                                                              2
  51.                             1. PRESENTq                                      3
  52.                             2. IMPERFECTr                                    4
  53.                             3. PERFECTs                                      5
  54.                             4. PLUPERFECTt                                   6
  55.                             5. FUTUREa                                       7
  56.                             6. FUTUREvPerfect                                8
  57.                                                                              9
  58.                                                                              0
  59.                                                                              1
  60. VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  61.                            Moods and Voices                  Page 6 of 133   1
  62.                                                                              2
  63.         Moods:                        Voices:                                3
  64.                                                                              4
  65.      1. Indicative                    1. Active                              5
  66.      2. Imperative                    2. Pasive                              6
  67.      3. Subjunctive                                                          7
  68.      4. Conditional                                                          8
  69.                                                                              9
  70.                                                                              0
  71.                                                                              1
  72. VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  73.                                 Infinitive                   Page 7 of 133   1
  74.                                                                              2
  75. The form in which the verb is usually given in dictionaries is called the    3
  76. infinitive. It consists of the verb stem plus (e)n. (e.g. lesen, stem=les).  4
  77.                                                                              5
  78.                                                                              6
  79.                                                                              7
  80.                                                                              8
  81.                                                                              9
  82.                                                                              0
  83.                                                                              1
  84. VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  85.                                Conjugation                   Page 8 of 133   1
  86.                                                                              2
  87.                                1. WEAKcverbs                                 3
  88.                                2. STRONGjverbs                               4
  89.                                                                              5
  90.                                                                              6
  91.                                                                              7
  92.                                                                              8
  93.                                                                              9
  94.                                                                              0
  95.                                                                              1
  96. VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  97.                          Conjugation of Weak Verbs           Page 9 of 133   1
  98.                                                                              2
  99.                              1. PRESENTd                                     3
  100.                              2. IMPERFECTe                                   4
  101.                              3. PERFECTf                                     5
  102.                              4. PLUPERFECTg                                  6
  103.                              5. FUTUREh                                      7
  104.                              6. FUTUREiPerfect                               8
  105.                                                                              9
  106.                                                                              0
  107.                                                                              1
  108. CONJUGATIONb  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                      2
  109.                               Present Tense                  Page 10 of 133  1
  110.                                                                              2
  111. The present tense is formed by adding the endings -e, -st, -t, -en, -t, -en  3
  112. to the stem:                                                                 4
  113.              Infinitive     Reden     Heizen    Plaudern     Ending          5
  114.              ich            rede      heize     plaud(e)re    e              6
  115.              du             redest    heizt     plauderst     st             7
  116.              er/sie/es      redet     heizt     plaudert      t              8
  117.              wir            reden     heizen    plaudern      en             9
  118.              ihr            redet     heizt     plaudert      t              0
  119.              Sie/sie        reden     heizen    plaudern      en             1
  120. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  121.                              Imperfect Tense                 Page 11 of 133  1
  122.                                                                              2
  123. The imperfect tense is formed by adding the endings -te, -test, -te, ten,    3
  124. -tet, -ten to the stem:                                                      4
  125.              Infinitive     Fragen    Reden     Atmen      Ending            5
  126.              ich            fragte    redete    atmete      te               6
  127.              du             fagtest   redetest  atmetest    test             7
  128.              er/sie/es      fragte    redete    atmete      te               8
  129.              wir            fragten   redeten   atmeten     ten              9
  130.              ihr            fragtet   redetet   atmetet     tet              0
  131.              Sie/sie        fragten   redeten   atmeten     ten              1
  132. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  133.                               Perfect Tense                  Page 12 of 133  1
  134. The perfect tense is formed by using the past participle with the present    2
  135. tense of sein or haben:                                                      3
  136.                Present tense of haben           Past participle of fragen    4
  137.      ich       habe.............................gefragt                      5
  138.      du        hast.............................gefragt                      6
  139.      er/sie/es hat..............................gefragt                      7
  140.      wir       haben............................gefragt                      8
  141.      ihr       habt.............................gefragt                      9
  142.      Sie/sie   haben............................gefragt                      0
  143. The participle normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.          1
  144. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  145.                             Pluperfect Tense                 Page 13 of 133  1
  146. The pluperfect is formed by using the past particple together with the       2
  147. imperfect tense of sein or haben.                                            3
  148.                Imperfect tense of haben         Past participle of fragen    4
  149.      ich       hatte............................gefragt                      5
  150.      du        hattest..........................gefragt                      6
  151.      er/sie/es hatte............................gefragt                      7
  152.      wir       hatten...........................gefragt                      8
  153.      ihr       hattet...........................gefragt                      9
  154.      Sie/sie   hatten...........................gefragt                      0
  155. The past participle normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.     1
  156. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  157.                                  Future Tense                Page 14 of 133  1
  158. The future is formed by using the present tense of werden plus the           2
  159. infinitive:                                                                  3
  160.                Present tense of werden          Infinitive of fragen         4
  161.      ich       werde............................fragen                       5
  162.      du        wirst............................fragen                       6
  163.      er/sie/es wird.............................fragen                       7
  164.      wir       werden...........................fragen                       8
  165.      ihr       werdet...........................fragen                       9
  166.      Sie/sie   werden...........................fragen                       0
  167. The infinitive normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.          1
  168. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  169.                              Future Perfect Tense            Page 15 of 133  1
  170. The future perfect is formed by using the present tense of werden plus the   2
  171. perfect infinitive.                                                          3
  172.                Present tense of werden          Perfect infinitive of fragen 4
  173.      ich       werde............................gefragt haben                5
  174.      du        wirst............................gefragt haben                6
  175.      er/sie/es wird.............................gefragt haben                7
  176.      wir       werden...........................gefragt haben                8
  177.      ihr       werdet...........................gefragt haben                9
  178.      Sie/sie   werden...........................gefragt haben                0
  179. The perfect infinitive normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.  1
  180. WEAKcVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  181.                          Conjugation of Strong Verbs         Page 16 of 133  1
  182.                                                                              2
  183.                               1. PRESENTk                                    3
  184.                               2. IMPERFECTl                                  4
  185.                               3. PERFECTm                                    5
  186.                               4. PLUPERFECTn                                 6
  187.                               5. FUTUREo                                     7
  188.                               6. FUTUREpPerfect                              8
  189.                                                                              9
  190.                                                                              0
  191.                                                                              1
  192. CONJUGATIONb  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                      2
  193.                                  Present Tense               Page 17 of 133  1
  194. The present tense is formed by adding the endings -e, -(e)st, -(e)t, -en,    2
  195. -(e)t, en. In some verbs the vowel of the stem changes in the second and     3
  196. third person singular.                                                       4
  197.              Infinitive     Stoßen    Gehen     Werfen     Ending            5
  198.              ich            stoße     gehe      werfe       e                6
  199.              du             stößt     gehst     wirfst      (e)st            7
  200.              er/sie/es      stößt     geht      wirft       (e)t             8
  201.              wir            stoßen    gehen     werfen      en               9
  202.              ihr            stoßt     geht      werft       (e)t             0
  203.              Sie/sie        stoßen    gehen     werfen      en               1
  204. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  205.                                  Imperfect Tense             Page 18 of 133  1
  206.                                                                              2
  207. Most strong verbs change the stem vowel for the imperfect tense; there is no 3
  208. ending added for the ich and er/sie/es forms.                                4
  209.              Infinitive     Pfeifen   Bleiben   Helfen    Ending             5
  210.              ich            pfiff     blieb     half       -                 6
  211.              du             pfiffst   bliebst   halfst     (e)st             7
  212.              er/sie/es      pfiff     blieb     half       -                 8
  213.              wir            pfiffen   blieben   halfen     en                9
  214.              ihr            pfifft    bliebt    halft      (e)t              0
  215.              Sie/sie        pfiffen   blieben   halfen     en                1
  216. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  217.                                  Perfect Tense               Page 19 of 133  1
  218. The perfect tense is formed by using the past participle  with the present   2
  219. tense of sein or haben.                                                      3
  220.                Present tense of haben          Past participle of finden     4
  221.      ich       habe............................gefunden                      5
  222.      du        hast............................gefunden                      6
  223.      er/sie/es hat.............................gefunden                      7
  224.      wir       haben...........................gefunden                      8
  225.      ihr       habt............................gefunden                      9
  226.      Sie/sie   gaben...........................gefunden                      0
  227. The past participle normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.     1
  228. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  229.                                Pluperfect Tense              Page 20 of 133  1
  230. The pluperfect tense is formed by using the past participle with the         2
  231. imperfect tense of sein or haben.                                            3
  232.                Imperfect tense of haben        Past participle of finden     4
  233.      ich       hate............................gefunden                      5
  234.      du        hasttest........................gefunden                      6
  235.      er/sie/es hatte...........................gefunden                      7
  236.      wir       hatten..........................gefunden                      8
  237.      ihr       hattet..........................gefunden                      9
  238.      Sie/sie   hatten..........................gefunden                      0
  239. The past participle normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.     1
  240. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  241.                                Future Tense                  Page 21 of 133  1
  242. The future tense is formed by using the infinite with the present tense of   2
  243. werden:                                                                      3
  244.                Present tense of werden         Infinitive of fahren          4
  245.      ich       werde...........................fahren                        5
  246.      du        wirst...........................fahren                        6
  247.      er/sie/es wird............................fahren                        7
  248.      wir       werden..........................fahren                        8
  249.      ihr       hattet..........................fahren                        9
  250.      Sie/sie   hatten..........................fahren                        0
  251. The infinitive normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.          1
  252. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  253.                            Future Perfect Tense              Page 22 of 133  1
  254. The future perfect is formed by using  the perfect infinitive  with the      2
  255. present tense of werden.                                                     3
  256.                Present tense of werden         Perfect Infinitive of fahren  4
  257.      ich       werde...........................gefahren sein                 5
  258.      du        wirst...........................gefahren sein                 6
  259.      er/sie/es wird............................gefahren sein                 7
  260.      wir       werden..........................gefahren sein                 8
  261.      ihr       hattet..........................gefahren sein                 9
  262.      Sie/sie   hatten..........................gefahren sein                 0
  263. The perfect infinitive normally comes at the end of the sentence or clause.  1
  264. STRONGjVerbs   VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  265.                            Use of the Present Tense          Page 23 of 133  1
  266. 1. The present tense is used to express:                                     2
  267.       a) present states or actions:                                          3
  268.                German                        English                         4
  269.                ich fühle mich schlecht       I feel ill                      5
  270.       b) general or universal truths:                                        6
  271.                German            English                                     7
  272.                Zeit ist Geld     time is money                               8
  273. 2. The present tense is the commonest way of expressing the future:          9
  274.                German                    English                             0
  275.                du bekommst einen Brief   you'll be getting a letter          1
  276. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  277.                           Use of the Imperfect Tense         Page 24 of 133  1
  278.                                                                              2
  279. 1. The imperfect tense is the standard tense for stories, novels and         3
  280.    newspaper reports:                                                        4
  281.                German                       English                          5
  282.                er ging die Straße entlang   he went along the road           6
  283.                                                                              7
  284. 2. The imperfect tense is the one most commonly used with sein, haben and the8
  285.    modal verbs when referring to the past:                                   9
  286.                German                       English                          0
  287.                ich konnte es kaum gluaben   I could hardly believe it        1
  288. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  289.                            Use of the Perfect Tense          Page 25 of 133  1
  290.                                                                              2
  291. 1. The perfect tense is the standard tense for conversation when talking     3
  292.    about the past (with the excception of the use of haben, sein and the     4
  293.    modal verbs):                                                             5
  294.                German                       English                          6
  295.                wann ist sie angekommen?     when did she arrive?             7
  296.                                                                              8
  297.                                                                              9
  298.                                                                              0
  299.                                                                              1
  300. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  301.                           Use of the Pluperfect Tense        Page 26 of 133  1
  302.                                                                              2
  303. 1. The pluperfect is used for events that happened before a particular time  3
  304.    in the past:                                                              4
  305.                                                                              5
  306.      German:  nachdem wir den Film gesehen hatten, gingen wir ins Café       6
  307.      English: after we had seen the film we went to the café.                7
  308.                                                                              8
  309.                                                                              9
  310.                                                                              0
  311.                                                                              1
  312. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  313.                             Use of the Future Tense          Page 27 of 133  1
  314.                                                                              2
  315. 1. The future is used to express future events:                              3
  316.      German                           English                                4
  317.      ich werde ihn morgen treffen     I'm going to meet him tomorrow         5
  318.                                                                              6
  319. 2. The future is used to express suppositions about the present:             7
  320.      German:  er hört mich nicht, er wird das Radio an haben                 8
  321.      English: he can't hear me, he's probably got the radio on               9
  322.                                                                              0
  323.                                                                              1
  324. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  325.                         Use of the Future Perfect Tense      Page 28 of 133  1
  326.                                                                              2
  327. 1. The future perfect is used to refer to an event that will be completed at 3
  328.    some stage in the future:                                                 4
  329.                                                                              5
  330.      German:  ich werde das Buch bis Montag gelesen haben                    6
  331.      English: I'll have read the book by Monday                              7
  332.                                                                              8
  333.                                                                              9
  334.                                                                              0
  335.                                                                              1
  336. TENSES_  VERBS\  TABLE[of Contents                                           2
  337.                                       Nouns                  Page 29 of 133  1
  338.                                                                              2
  339. Nouns are words, which refer to persons, animals, things or abstract ideas.  3
  340. In German all nouns, not just proper names, are written beginning with a     4
  341. capital letter:                                                              5
  342.                     German  English        German  English                   6
  343.                     Haus    house          Ball    ball                      7
  344. German nouns are either masculine, feminine or neuter in gender. The nouns   8
  345. themselves normally do not show this, but any preceding adjective or article 9
  346. 'agrees' with the noun by having the appropriate ending showing its gender   0
  347. plus number and case.                                                        1
  348.                                                                              2
  349.                                                              Page 30 of 133  1
  350. The gender of a noun should be learnt with the noun, but often the meaning or2
  351. ending of the noun will help you determine it:                               3
  352.                                                                              4
  353.                           1. MASCULINEy                                      5
  354.                           2. FEMININE}                                       6
  355.                           3. NEUTERé                                         7
  356.                                                                              8
  357.                                                                              9
  358.                                                                              0
  359.                                                                              1
  360. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  361.                            Masculine Nouns                   Page 31 of 133  1
  362.                                                                              2
  363.           You can determine the gender of masculine nouns by:                3
  364.                                                                              4
  365.                             1. MEANINGz                                      5
  366.                             2. ENDING|                                       6
  367.                                                                              7
  368.                                                                              8
  369.                                                                              9
  370.                                                                              0
  371.                                                                              1
  372. NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  373.                Masculine Nouns Determined By Meaning         Page 32 of 133  1
  374.                                                                              2
  375. 1. names of male humans and animals:                                         3
  376.                                                                              4
  377.          German :    der Sohn   der Student   der Hahn                       5
  378.          English:    son        student       cock                           6
  379.                                                                              7
  380. 2. names of days, months, seasons:                                           8
  381.                                                                              9
  382.         German :     nächsten Mittwoch    letzten Mai   der Herbst           0
  383.         English:     next Wednesday       last May      autumn               1
  384.                                                                              2
  385.                                                              Page 33 of 133  1
  386. 3. points of the compass, wind, etc:                                         2
  387.         German :     der Süden    der Monsum     der Hagel                   3
  388.         English:     south        monsoon        hail                        4
  389.                                                                              5
  390. 4. makes of cars:                                                            6
  391.         German :     ein B M W    ein Opel     ein Cadillac                  7
  392.                                                                              8
  393. 5. names of rock and soil types:                                             9
  394.         German :     der Quartz   der Basalt   der Lehm                      0
  395.         English:     quartz       basalt       clay                          1
  396. MASCULINEyNouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                  2
  397.                Masculine Nouns Determined By Ending          Page 34 of 133  1
  398.             Ending          German             English                       2
  399.              -en            der Hafen          harbour                       3
  400.              -er            der Kopfhörer      headphones                    4
  401.              -ich           der Teppich        carpet                        5
  402.              -ig            der König          king                          6
  403.              -ing           der Frühling       spring                        7
  404.              -ismus         der Terrosismus    terrorism                     8
  405.              -ist           der Optimist       optimist                      9
  406.              -or            der Motor          motor                         0
  407.              consonant+s    der Lachs          salmon                        1
  408. MASCULINEyNouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                  2
  409.                            Feminine Nouns                    Page 35 of 133  1
  410.                                                                              2
  411.           You can determine the gender of feminine nouns by:                 3
  412.                                                                              4
  413.                             1. MEANING~                                      5
  414.                             2. ENDINGÇ                                       6
  415.                                                                              7
  416.                                                                              8
  417.                                                                              9
  418.                                                                              0
  419.                                                                              1
  420. NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  421.                 Feminine Nouns Determined By Meaning         Page 36 of 133  1
  422. 1. names for female humans and animals:                                      2
  423.                                                                              3
  424.         German :     die Mutter    meine Frau   eine Kuh                     4
  425.         English:     the mother    my wife      a cow                        5
  426.                                                                              6
  427. 2. names for female occupations derived by adding -in to the masculine:      7
  428.                                                                              8
  429.         German :     die Arztin    die Journalistin    die Geologin          9
  430.         English:     doctor        journalist          geologist             0
  431.                                                                              1
  432.                                                                              2
  433.                                                              Page 37 of 133  1
  434. 3. names of most common trees, fruits and flowers:                           2
  435.         German :     die Kirsche   die Rose   die Nelke                      3
  436.         English:     cherry        rose       carnation                      4
  437.                                                                              5
  438. 4. makes of aeroplane and names of ships:                                    6
  439.         German :     die Boeing                                              7
  440.                                                                              8
  441. 5. numbers                                                                   9
  442.         German :     eine Null     die Sieben                                0
  443.         English:     zero          seven                                     1
  444. FEMININE}Nouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                   2
  445.                 Feminine Nouns Determined By Ending          Page 38 of 133  1
  446.                                                                              2
  447.             Ending          German             English                       3
  448.                                                                              4
  449.              -a             die Kamera         camera                        5
  450.              -ei            die Kartei         card index                    6
  451.              -enz           die Frequenz       frequency                     7
  452.              -heit          die Freiheit       freedom                       8
  453.              -ie            die Chemie         chemistry                     9
  454.              -ik            die Technik        technology                    0
  455.                                                                              1
  456.                                                                              2
  457.                                                              Page 39 of 133  1
  458.              -keit          die Süßigkeit      sweet                         2
  459.              -schaft        die Mannschaft     team                          3
  460.              -ung           die Eroberung      conquest                      4
  461.              -tät           die Pubertät       puberty                       5
  462.              -tion          die Reaktion       reaktion                      6
  463.              -ur            die Natur          nature                        7
  464.                                                                              8
  465.                                                                              9
  466.                                                                              0
  467.                                                                              1
  468. FEMININE}Nouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                   2
  469.                            Neuter Nouns                      Page 40 of 133  1
  470.                                                                              2
  471.           You can determine the gender of neuter nouns by:                   3
  472.                                                                              4
  473.                              1. MEANINGâ                                     5
  474.                              2. ENDINGå                                      6
  475.                                                                              7
  476.                                                                              8
  477.                                                                              9
  478.                                                                              0
  479.                                                                              1
  480. NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                                    2
  481.                   Neuter Nouns Determined By Meaning         Page 41 of 133  1
  482.                                                                              2
  483. 1. names for the young of humans and animals:                                3
  484.         German :     das Kind   das Baby    das Junge des Elefanten          4
  485.         English:     child      baby        the elephant calf                5
  486.                                                                              6
  487. 2. names of continents, towns and most countries:                            7
  488.         German :     das Europa   das Berlin                                 8
  489.         English:     Europe       Berlin                                     9
  490.                                                                              0
  491.                                                                              1
  492.                                                                              2
  493.                                                              Page 42 of 133  1
  494. 3. nouns formed from other parts of speech, especially infinitives:          2
  495.         German :     das Vergnügen   sein Ja geben   das Hin und Her         3
  496.         English:     pleasure        to say yes      long deliberation       4
  497.                                                                              5
  498. 4. diminutives with the endings -chen, -lein:                                6
  499.         German :     das Mädchen   das Fräulein    das Städtchen             7
  500.         English:     girl          young woman     small town                8
  501.                                                                              9
  502. 5. fractions:                                                                0
  503.         German :     ein Sechstei                                            1
  504.         English:     a sixth                                                 2
  505.                                                              Page 43 of 133  1
  506. 6. collectives beginning with the prefix Ge-:                                2
  507.         German :     das Gebirge      das Gerede     das Geräusch            3
  508.         English:     the mountains    talk, gossip   noise                   4
  509.                                                                              5
  510. 7. most names for metals, chemical elements and medicaments:                 6
  511.         German :     das Messing   das Uran    das Aspirin                   7
  512.         English:     brass         uranium     aspirin                       8
  513.                                                                              9
  514.                                                                              0
  515.                                                                              1
  516. NEUTERéNouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  517.                   Neuter Nouns Determined By Ending          Page 44 of 133  1
  518.                                                                              2
  519.                                       Example                                3
  520.             Ending          German             English                       4
  521.              -ma            das Thema          subject                       5
  522.              -ment          das Appartment     flat                          6
  523.              -tum           das Eigentum       property                      7
  524.              -um            das Zentrum        centre                        8
  525.                                                                              9
  526.                                                                              0
  527.                                                                              1
  528. NEUTERéNouns   NOUNSw  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  529.                                     Articles                 Page 45 of 133  1
  530.                                                                              2
  531.                            1. DEFINITEêarticle                               3
  532.                            2. INDEFINITEëarticle                             4
  533.                            3. KEINè                                          5
  534.                            4. DEMONSTRATIVESï                                6
  535.                            5. POSSESSIVESî                                   7
  536.                                                                              8
  537.                                                                              9
  538.                                                                              0
  539.                                                                              1
  540. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  541.                                Definite Article              Page 46 of 133  1
  542.                                                                              2
  543. The definite article in English has one form only - 'the'. In German the     3
  544. definitive arcticle changes its ending according to the gender and case of   4
  545. the noun, and whether it is singular or plural:                              5
  546.                         Singular                    Plural                   6
  547. Case           Masculine   Feminine   Neuter        All Genders              7
  548. Nominative     der         die        das           die                      8
  549. Accusative     den         die        das           die                      9
  550. Genitive       des         der        des           der                      0
  551. Dative         dem         der        dem           den                      1
  552. ARTICLESç  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  553.                            Indefinite Article                Page 47 of 133  1
  554.                                                                              2
  555. The definite article in English has only one form - 'a'. In German the       3
  556. indefinite article changes its ending according to the gender and case of the4
  557. noun after it.                                                               5
  558.                                      Singular                                6
  559.                  Case           Masculine   Feminine   Neuter                7
  560.                  Nominative     ein         eine       ein                   8
  561.                  Accusative     einen       eine       ein                   9
  562.                  Genitive       eines       einer      eines                 0
  563.                  Dative         einem       einer      einem                 1
  564. ARTICLESç  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  565.                            Kein (no, not a, not any)         Page 48 of 133  1
  566. Kein has the same endings as the indefinite article ein, but also has a      2
  567. plural form:                                                                 3
  568.                         Singular                    Plural                   4
  569. Case           Masculine   Feminine   Neuter        All Genders              5
  570.                                                                              6
  571. Nominative     kein        keine      kein          keine                    7
  572. Accusative     keinen      keine      kein          keine                    8
  573. Genitive       keines      keiner     keines        keiner                   9
  574. Dative         keinem      keiner     keinem        keinen                   0
  575.                                                                              1
  576. ARTICLESç  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  577.                                 Demonstratives               Page 49 of 133  1
  578. dieser   jener    jeder          mancher         solcher    aller    welcher 2
  579. this     that     each, every    some, many a    such       all      which   3
  580. These are generally called demonstrative adjectives (or pronouns). Adjectives4
  581. that follow them have the same endings as after the definitive article.      5
  582. Case           Masculine   Feminine   Neuter        All Genders              6
  583. Nominative     dieser      diese      dieses        diese                    7
  584. Accusative     diesen      diese      dieses        diese                    8
  585. Genitive       dieses      dieser     dieses        dieser                   9
  586. Dative         diesem      dieser     diesem        diesen                   0
  587. The others have the same endings, except that jeder does not have any plural 1
  588. forms.          ARTICLESç  TABLE[of Contents                                 2
  589.                                   Possessives                Page 50 of 133  1
  590.                             Pronoun               Possesive                  2
  591.                       English      German      English     German            3
  592.                       I            ich         mine        mein              4
  593.                       you          du          yours       dein              5
  594.                       he           er          his         sein              6
  595.                       she          sie         hers        ihr               7
  596.                       it           es          its         sein              8
  597.                       we           wir         ours        unser             9
  598.                       you          ihr         yours       euer              0
  599.                       you (polite) Sie         -           Ihr               1
  600.                       they         sie         theirs      ihr               2
  601.                                                              Page 51 of 133  1
  602. The same endings apply for all the possessives i.e mein, dein, sein etc.:    2
  603.                                                                              3
  604.                         Singular                    Plural                   4
  605. Case           Masculine   Feminine   Neuter        All Genders              5
  606.                                                                              6
  607. Nominative     mein        meine      mein          meine                    7
  608. Accusative     meinen      meine      mein          meine                    8
  609. Genitive       meines      meiner     meines        meiner                   9
  610. Dative         meinem      meiner     meinem        meinen                   0
  611.                                                                              1
  612. ARTICLESç  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  613.                                   Adjectives                 Page 52 of 133  1
  614.                                                                              2
  615. There is a major difference between English and German in the predicative use3
  616. of adjectives (e.g. after is, are, were) and their attributive use (before   4
  617. nouns and pronouns). In the sentences                                        5
  618.               Predicative              Attributive                           6
  619. German :      mein Wagen ist alt       ich fahre einen alten Wagen           7
  620. English:      my car is old            I drive an old car                    8
  621.                                                                              9
  622. Notice how alt apear in both sentences but in the attributive usage has an   0
  623. extra ending -en.                                                            1
  624.                                                                              2
  625.                                                              Page 53 of 133  1
  626. The rules governing the endings that are added to adjectives in the          2
  627. attributive usage are as follows:                                            3
  628.                                                                              4
  629. 1. After the definite article (der, die das):                                5
  630.                                 Singular                  Plural             6
  631.           Case          Masculine  Feminine  Neuter       All Genders        7
  632.           Nominative       -e        -e        -e           -en              8
  633.           Accusative       -en       -e        -e           -en              9
  634.           Genitive         -en       -en       -en          -en              0
  635.           Dative           -en       -en       -en          -en              1
  636.                                                                              2
  637.                                                              Page 54 of 133  1
  638. 2. After the indefinitive article:                                           2
  639.                                           Singular                           3
  640.                    Case          Masculine  Feminine  Neuter                 4
  641.                    Nominative       -er       -e        -es                  5
  642.                    Accusative       -en       -e        -es                  6
  643.                    Genitive         -en       -en       -en                  7
  644.                    Dative           -en       -en       -en                  8
  645.                                                                              9
  646.                                                                              0
  647.                                                                              1
  648.                                                                              2
  649.                                                              Page 55 of 133  1
  650. 3. Without any preceding article:                                            2
  651.                                 Singular                  Plural             3
  652.           Case          Masculine  Feminine  Neuter       All Genders        4
  653.           Nominative       -er       -e        -es          -e               5
  654.           Accusative       -en       -e        -es          -e               6
  655.           Genitive         -en       -er       -en          -er              7
  656.           Dative           -em       -er       -em          -en              8
  657.                                                                              9
  658.                                                                              0
  659.                                                                              1
  660. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  661.                                     Adverbs                  Page 56 of 133  1
  662. There are two main differences between German and English adverbs:           2
  663. 1. many German adverbs have the same form as the corresponding adjective:    3
  664.     German :   die Wohnung is bilig (adjective)   er lebt bilig (adverb)     4
  665.     English:   the flat is cheap                  he lives cheaply           5
  666. 2. the word order with adverbs often differs from English:                   6
  667.     German :   sie übt oft Klavier                                           7
  668.     English:   she often practices the piano                                 8
  669.                                                                              9
  670.     1. FORMATIONôof Adverbs    2. USAGEùof Adverbs   3. WORD¢Order           0
  671.                                                                              1
  672. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  673.                           Formation of Adverbs               Page 57 of 133  1
  674.                                                                              2
  675. 1. Words which are exclusively adverbs:                                      3
  676.    G: da     sehr   geradeaus    da sind sie!     sehr nett  nur geradeaus!  4
  677.    E: there  very   straight on  there they are!  very nice  keep straight on5
  678.                                                                              6
  679. 2. Adverbs identical in form with adjectives:                                7
  680.                 Adjective  Adverb          Adjective   Adverb                8
  681.    German       schön      schön           furchtbar   furchtbar             9
  682.    English      beautiful  beautifully     terrible    terribly              0
  683.                                                                              1
  684.                                                                              2
  685.                                                              Page 58 of 133  1
  686. 3. Adverbs formed from participles:                                          2
  687.    German :   übertrieben groß                                               3
  688.    English:   exaggeratedly large                                            4
  689.                                                                              5
  690. 4. Adverbs formed from other parts of speech plus suffix:                    6
  691.                                                                              7
  692.    a)  Suffix        Adjective                      Adverb                   8
  693.                   German      English         German      English            9
  694.        -lich      neu         new, recent     neulich     recently           0
  695.                   kurz        short           kürzlich    recently           1
  696.                                                                              2
  697.                                                              Page 59 of 133  1
  698.    b)  Suffix      Adjective or Numeral             Adverb                   2
  699.                   German      English         German      English            3
  700.        -mal(s)    jed-        every           jedesmal    every time         4
  701.                   manch-      many a          manchmal    sometimes          5
  702.                   ein         one             einmal      once               6
  703.                                                                              7
  704.    c)  Suffix          Adjective                      Adverb                 8
  705.                   German      English         German          English        9
  706.        -maßen     einig-      some            einigermaßen    somewhat       0
  707.                   folgend-    following       folgendermaßen  as follows     1
  708.                                                                              2
  709.                                                              Page 60 of 133  1
  710.    d)  Suffix           Noun                        Adverb                   2
  711.                   German        English       German      English            3
  712.        -s         (der) Mittag  midday        mittags     at midday          4
  713.                   (der) Freitag Friday        freitags    on Fridays         5
  714.                                                                              6
  715.    e)  Suffix         Noun or Adjective                Adverb                7
  716.                     German      English         German      English          8
  717.        -(er)weise   (der) Teil  part            teilweise   partly, in parts 9
  718.                                                                              0
  719.                                                                              1
  720. ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                                                  2
  721.                                Usage of Adverbs              Page 61 of 133  1
  722.                                                                              2
  723. Adverbs are often used to quantify a verb, but as adverbial intensifiers they3
  724. can also quantify adjectives and other adverbs.                              4
  725.                                                                              5
  726.                              1. With a VERBÿ                                 6
  727.                              2. With An ADJECITVEÖ                           7
  728.                              3. With Another ADVERBÜ                         8
  729.                                                                              9
  730.                                                                              0
  731.                                                                              1
  732. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  733.                                   With a Verb                Page 62 of 133  1
  734.      G: morgen schreibt er         G: verlassen Sie uns hier?                2
  735.      E: he will write tomorrow     E: are you leaving us here?               3
  736.                                                                              4
  737.    German usage makes a consistent distinction between position and movement 5
  738.    in relation to adverb:                                                    6
  739.      G: wir wohnen hier      G: sie saß da                                   7
  740.      E: we live here         E: she was sitting there                        8
  741.                                                                              9
  742.      G: wo arbeiten Sie?     G: wo wartet er?                                0
  743.      E: where do you work?   E: where is he waiting?                         1
  744. USAGEùof Adverbs   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                               2
  745.                                With An Adjective             Page 63 of 133  1
  746.                                                                              2
  747.      G: das ist fast einmalig     G: ein sehr langweiliges Buch              3
  748.      E: that is almost unique     E: a very boring book                      4
  749.                                                                              5
  750.      G: es war unglublich kalt                                               6
  751.      E: it was unbelievably cold                                             7
  752.                                                                              8
  753.                                                                              9
  754.                                                                              0
  755.                                                                              1
  756. USAGEùof Adverbs   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                               2
  757.                               With Another Adverb            Page 64 of 133  1
  758.                                                                              2
  759.      G: ich koche ebenso gut     G: atme schön tief!                         3
  760.      E: I cook just as well      E: breathe nice and deeply!                 4
  761.                                                                              5
  762.      G: er schreibt erstaunlich schnell                                      6
  763.      E: he writes amazingly quickly                                          7
  764.                                                                              8
  765.                                                                              9
  766.                                                                              0
  767.                                                                              1
  768. USAGEùof Adverbs   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                               2
  769.                                   Word Order                 Page 65 of 133  1
  770.                                                                              2
  771.                  1. Qualifying an ADJECTIVE£or Another Adverb                3
  772.                  2. Qualifying a VERB¥                                       4
  773.                  3. SEQUENCEáof Adverbs                                      5
  774.                                                                              6
  775.                                                                              7
  776.                                                                              8
  777.                                                                              9
  778.                                                                              0
  779.                                                                              1
  780. ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                                                  2
  781.                Qualifying an Adjective or Another Adverb     Page 66 of 133  1
  782.                                                                              2
  783. Adverbs come immediately before the adjective or adverb they qualify:        3
  784.                                                                              4
  785.   German :  sehr gut          ganz hoch          weiter rechts               5
  786.   English:  very good/well    quite tall/high    further (along) on the right6
  787.                                                                              7
  788.   German :  immer länger       äußerst dünn        viel lieber               8
  789.   English:  longer and longer  extremely thin(ly)  much rather               9
  790.                                                                              0
  791.                                                                              1
  792. WORD¢Order   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  793.                                Qualifying a Verb             Page 67 of 133  1
  794.                                                                              2
  795. 1. In statements the normal position of the adverb is at the end of the      3
  796.    clause, but before a past participle, infinitive, separable prefix and, in4
  797.    a subordinate clause, before the finite verb:                             5
  798.                                                                              6
  799.      G: Herr Braun liest nicht oft       G: sie hat neulich geschrieben      7
  800.      E: Mr Braun doesn't read much       E: she wrote recently               8
  801.                                                                              9
  802.      G: Sie können mich direkt anrufen   G: ich gebe es sofort auf           0
  803.      E: you can dial me direct           E: I am giving it up immediately    1
  804.                                                                              2
  805.                                                              Page 68 of 133  1
  806. 2. In direct questions the order of the subject and finite verb is reversed, 2
  807.    but the normal position of the adverb otherwise remains as in 1.:         3
  808.                                                                              4
  809.      G: liest Herr Braun nicht oft?      G: hat sie neulich geschrieben?     5
  810.      E: does Mr Braun not often read?    E: has she written recently?        6
  811.                                                                              7
  812. 3. In a simple command the normal position of the adverb is after Sie and wir8
  813.    or after the finite verb (in the case of the du and ihr form of the       9
  814.    imperative):                                                              0
  815.      G: bleiben Sie da!    G: gehen wir morgen baden!                        1
  816.      E: stay here!         E: let us go swimming tomorrow!                   2
  817.                                                              Page 69 of 133  1
  818.      G: fahr langsamer!      G: eßt schnell euer Frühstück!                  2
  819.      E: drive more slowly    G: eat your breakfast quickly!                  3
  820.                                                                              4
  821.                                                                              5
  822.                                                                              6
  823.                                                                              7
  824.                                                                              8
  825.                                                                              9
  826.                                                                              0
  827.                                                                              1
  828. WORD¢Order   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  829.                               Sequence of Adverbs            Page 70 of 133  1
  830.                                                                              2
  831. 1. When two or more adverbs (or adverbial phrases) appear in the same        3
  832.    sentence, they usually do so in the following sequence:                   4
  833.                                                                              5
  834.                         Time Manner  Place                                   6
  835.           G: ich bleibe oft  alleine zu Hause                                7
  836.           E: I often stay at home by myself                                  8
  837.                                                                              9
  838.                        Time          Manner       Place                      0
  839.           G: wer fährt diesen Sommer per Anhalter ins Ausland?               1
  840.           E: who is going hitching abroad this summer?                       2
  841.                                                              Page 71 of 133  1
  842. 2. If several adverbial items are used, it is common for one to be placed at 2
  843.    the beginning of the sentence. This may be for special emphasis or for    3
  844.    stylistic reasons, since a long string of items can be cumbersome.        4
  845.                                                                              5
  846.                                                                              6
  847.                                                                              7
  848.                                                                              8
  849.                                                                              9
  850.                                                                              0
  851.                                                                              1
  852. WORD¢Order   ADVERBSÆ  TABLE[of Contents                                     2
  853.                                  Pronouns                    Page 72 of 133  1
  854.                                                                              2
  855. Pronouns are words which can substitute for nouns. They are divided into     3
  856. personal, reflexive, indefinite, relative and interrogative pronouns:        4
  857.                       1. PERSONALúPronouns                                   5
  858.                       2. REFLEXIVE¿Pronouns                                  6
  859.                       3. INDEFINITE⌐Pronouns                                 7
  860.                       4. UNINFLECTED½Indefinite Pronouns                     8
  861.                       5. RELATIVE¼Pronouns                                   9
  862.                       6. INTERROGATIVE¡Pronouns                              0
  863.                                                                              1
  864. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  865.                                Personal Pronouns             Page 73 of 133  1
  866.                      NOMINATIVEñ  ACCUSATIVEÑ    GENITIVEª   DATIVEº         2
  867.             I          ich          mich         meiner      mir             3
  868.             you        du           dich         deiner      dir             4
  869.             he         er           ihn          seiner      ihm             5
  870.             she        sie          sie          ihrer       ihr             6
  871.             it         es           es           seiner      ihm             7
  872.             we         wir          uns          unser       uns             8
  873.             you        ihr          euch         euer        euch            9
  874.             you        Sie          Sie          Ihrer       Ihnen           0
  875.             they       sie          sie          ihrer       ihnen           1
  876. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  877.                              Use of the Nominative           Page 74 of 133  1
  878.                                                                              2
  879. The nominative is used for the subjects of verbs and following the verb sein:3
  880.                                                                              4
  881.          German :    ich sehe         kannst du kommen?    ich bin es        5
  882.          English:    I see            can you come?        it's me           6
  883.                                                                              7
  884.          German :    das sind wir     morgen gehen wir                       8
  885.          English:    that's us        we are going tomorrow                  9
  886.                                                                              0
  887.                                                                              1
  888. PERSONALúPronouns   PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                             2
  889.                              Use of the Accusative           Page 75 of 133  1
  890.                                                                              2
  891. The accusative is used for the direct object of verbs and after certain      3
  892. prepositions:                                                                4
  893.                                                                              5
  894.          German :    ich mag ihn      nimm uns mit!    ein Brief an dich     6
  895.          English:    I like him       take us too      a letter to you       7
  896.                                                                              8
  897.                                                                              9
  898.                                                                              0
  899.                                                                              1
  900. PERSONALúPronouns   PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                             2
  901.                               Use of the Genitive            Page 76 of 133  1
  902.                                                                              2
  903. The genitive of the pronouns is rare and is only used with a small number of 3
  904. verbs, prepositions and adjectives which are followed by the genitive:       4
  905.                                                                              5
  906.          German :    erinnerst du dich meiner?                               6
  907.          English:    do you remember me?                                     7
  908.                                                                              8
  909.          German :    er war ihrer satt        trotz seiner                   9
  910.          English:    he was tired of her      in spite of him                0
  911.                                                                              1
  912. PERSONALúPronouns   PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                             2
  913.                                Use of the Dative             Page 77 of 133  1
  914.                                                                              2
  915. The dative is used for the indirect object of verbs and after certain        3
  916. prepositions:                                                                4
  917.                                                                              5
  918.          German :    ich gebe es dir            folgen Sie Ihr               6
  919.          English:    I'm giving it to you       follow her                   7
  920.                                                                              8
  921.          German :    nach Ihnen                 bei uns                      9
  922.          English:    after you                  at our house                 0
  923.                                                                              1
  924. PERSONALúPronouns   PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                             2
  925.                               Refelxive Pronouns             Page 78 of 133  1
  926.                 Person             English               German              2
  927.         English         German                      Accusative   Dative      3
  928.           I             ich        myself             mich       mir         4
  929.           you           du         yourself           dich       dir         5
  930.           he/she/it     er/sie/es  him-,her-,itself   sich       sich        6
  931.           we            wir        ourselves          uns        uns         7
  932.           you           ihr        yourself           euch       euch        8
  933.           you (polite)  Sie        yourself           sich       sich        9
  934.           they          sie        themselves         sich       sich        0
  935.                                                                              1
  936. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  937.                               Indefinite Pronouns            Page 79 of 133  1
  938.                                                                              2
  939.     German   man        jemand       niemand        unsereiner               3
  940.                                                                              4
  941.    English   one, you   anyone,      no-one,        people of our sort,      5
  942.              people,    someone,     nobody         class                    6
  943.              they, we   somebody                                             7
  944.                                                                              8
  945. Nominative   man        jemand       niemand           --                    9
  946.                                                                              0
  947. Accusative   einen      jemand(en)   niemand(en)    unsereinen               1
  948.                                                                              2
  949.                                                              Page 80 of 133  1
  950.   Genitive   --         jemand(e)s   niemand(e)s       --                    2
  951.                                                                              3
  952.     Dative   einem      jemand(em)   niemand(em)    unsereinem               4
  953.                                                                              5
  954.  Reflexive   sich       sich         sich              --                    6
  955.                                                                              7
  956. Possessive   sein       sein         sein              --                    8
  957.                                                                              9
  958.                                                                              0
  959.                                                                              1
  960. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  961.                         Uninflected Indefinite Pronouns      Page 81 of 133  1
  962.                                                                              2
  963. There is a group of indefinite pronouns which remain the same whatever case  3
  964. they are in:                                                                 4
  965.                                                                              5
  966.             German      English            German         English            6
  967.             etwas       something          ein bißchen    a little           7
  968.             nichts      nothing            ein paar       a few              8
  969.             jederman    everyone           ein wenig      a little           9
  970.                                                                              0
  971.                                                                              1
  972. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  973.                                Relative Pronouns             Page 82 of 133  1
  974.                                                                              2
  975. German generally uses the definite article for the relative pronoun:         3
  976.                                                                              4
  977.                              Singular                     Plural             5
  978.                    Masculine     Feminine    Neuter       All Genders        6
  979.     Nominative     der           die         das             die             7
  980.     Accusative     den           die         das             die             8
  981.       Genitive     densen        deren       dessen          deren           9
  982.         Dative     dem           der         dem             denen           0
  983.                                                                              1
  984. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  985.                             Interrogative Pronouns           Page 83 of 133  1
  986.                                                                              2
  987.                                 Personal         Impersonal                  3
  988.                                (for persons)    (for things)                 4
  989.                                                                              5
  990.                 Nominative          wer              was                     6
  991.                 Accusative          wen              was                     7
  992.                   Genitive          wessen           wessen                  8
  993.                     Dative          wem              --                      9
  994.                                                                              0
  995.                                                                              1
  996. PRONOUNSó  TABLE[of Contents                                                 2
  997.                                  Prepositions                Page 84 of 133  1
  998.                                                                              2
  999. Prepositions are words such as 'from', 'in', 'with'. They are followed by    3
  1000. nouns or pronouns, which, in German, must be in the case determined by the   4
  1001. preposition.                                                                 5
  1002.                              Prepositions with:                              6
  1003.                              1. DATIVE»only                                  7
  1004.                              2. ACCUSATIVE▓only                              8
  1005.                              3. DATIVE╡or accusative                         9
  1006.                              4. GENITIVE╖                                    0
  1007.                              5. GENITIVE║or dative                           1
  1008. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  1009.                          Prepositions With Dative Only       Page 85 of 133  1
  1010.                                                                              2
  1011.      Preposition       Meaning(s)        Example of usage                    3
  1012.      in German         in English                                            4
  1013.                                                                              5
  1014.         aus            out of,           G: er lief aus dem Haus             6
  1015.                        from,             E: he ran out of the house          7
  1016.                        made of                                               8
  1017.                                                                              9
  1018.         ausser         apart from,       G: außer Kontrolle                  0
  1019.                        out of, out       E: out of control                   1
  1020.                                                                              2
  1021.                                                              Page 86 of 133  1
  1022.         bei            near, at,         G: bei Woolworth                    2
  1023.                        on, with,         E: at Woolworth's                   3
  1024.                        in, by                                                4
  1025.                                                                              5
  1026.         gegenüber      opposite,     G: er ist mir gegenüber sehr freundlich 6
  1027.                        facing,       E: he's very friendly towards me        7
  1028.                        towards,                                              8
  1029.                        compared with                                         9
  1030.                                                                              0
  1031.         gemäss         in accordance with  G: unseren Wünschen gemäß         1
  1032.                                            E: in accordance with our wishes  2
  1033.         mit            with, by, at, in    G: mit 30 Jahren  Page 87 of 133  1
  1034.                                            E: at 30 years of age             2
  1035.                                                                              3
  1036.         nach           to, after, past     G: nach rechts unten gehen        4
  1037.                                            E: to go right downstairs         5
  1038.                                                                              6
  1039.         von            from, of, by        G: von 6 bis 9 Uhr abends         7
  1040.                                            E: from 6 to 9 in the evening     8
  1041.                                                                              9
  1042.         zu             to, at, for, on     G: zur Zeit                       0
  1043.                                            E: at present                     1
  1044. PREPOSITIONS«  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1045.                        Prepositions With Accusative Only     Page 88 of 133  1
  1046.                                                                              2
  1047.      Preposition       Meaning(s)        Example of usage                    3
  1048.      in German         in English                                            4
  1049.                                                                              5
  1050.         bis            till, by          G: bis nächstes Jahr!               6
  1051.                                          E: till next year                   7
  1052.                                                                              8
  1053.         durch          through, by       G: durch Zufall                     9
  1054.                        along             E: by chance                        0
  1055.                                                                              1
  1056.                                                                              2
  1057.                                                              Page 89 of 133  1
  1058.         entlang        along             G: sie rannte die Straße entlang    2
  1059.                                          E: she ran along the street         3
  1060.                                                                              4
  1061.         für            for               G: sie ging für ein Jahr ins Ausland5
  1062.                                          E: she went abroad for a year       6
  1063.                                                                              7
  1064.         gegen          against, about,   G: gegen 6 Uhr                      8
  1065.                        towards, for      E: at about 6 o'clock               9
  1066.                        in return for,                                        0
  1067.                        contrary to                                           1
  1068.                                                                              2
  1069.                                                              Page 90 of 133  1
  1070.         ohne           without           G: sie kam ohne ihre Eltern         2
  1071.                                          E: she came without her parents     3
  1072.                                                                              4
  1073.         per            by                G: per Post                         5
  1074.                                          E: by mail                          6
  1075.                                                                              7
  1076.         um             round, at,        G: um 11 Uhr                        8
  1077.                        around            E: at 11 o'clock                    9
  1078.                                                                              0
  1079.                                                                              1
  1080. PREPOSITIONS«  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1081.                     Prepositions With Dative or Accusative   Page 91 of 133  1
  1082.                                                                              2
  1083.      German Preposition         English Meaning(s)                           3
  1084.         an                      on, onto, against, to, at, in                4
  1085.         auf                     (donwn) on(to)                               5
  1086.         hinter                  behind                                       6
  1087.         in                      in(to)                                       7
  1088.         neben                   next to, beside                              8
  1089.         über                    above, over                                  9
  1090.         unter                   under(neath), below                          0
  1091.         vor                     in front of, before                          1
  1092.         zwischen                between                                      2
  1093.                                                              Page 92 of 133  1
  1094.    The dative case is used where the position or location of a person, thing 2
  1095.    or action is signified.  (wo?)                                            3
  1096.                                                                              4
  1097.    The accusative case indicates movement to, in the direction of, or a new  5
  1098.    position.  (wohin?)                                                       6
  1099.                                                                              7
  1100.                                                                              8
  1101.                                                                              9
  1102.                                                                              0
  1103.                                                                              1
  1104. PREPOSITIONS«  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1105.                           Prepositions With Genitive         Page 93 of 133  1
  1106.                                                                              2
  1107.      Preposition       Meaning(s)      Example of usage                      3
  1108.      in German         in English                                            4
  1109.                                                                              5
  1110.      anhand            by means of     G: er erläuterte seine Theorie anhand 6
  1111.                                             eines Beispiels                  7
  1112.                                        E: he explained his theory by means   8
  1113.                                             of an example                    9
  1114.                                                                              0
  1115.      ausserhalb        outside         G: außerhalb der Arbeitszeit          1
  1116.                                        E: outside working hours              2
  1117.                                                              Page 94 of 133  1
  1118.      diesseits         on this side of   G: diesseits der Straße             2
  1119.                                          E: on this side of the street       3
  1120.                                                                              4
  1121.      innerhalb         inside, within    G: innerhalb einer Sekunde          5
  1122.                                          E: within a second                  6
  1123.                                                                              7
  1124.      jenseits          on the other      G: jenseits des Flusses             8
  1125.                        side of           E: on the other side of the river   9
  1126.                                                                              0
  1127.      kraft             by virtue of      G: kraft seines Amtes               1
  1128.                                          E: by virtue of his office          2
  1129.                                                              Page 95 of 133  1
  1130.      mittels           by means of       G: mittels eines Zweitschüssels     2
  1131.                                          E: by means of a duplicate key      3
  1132.                                                                              4
  1133.      statt             instead of        G: statt des Bürgermeisters         5
  1134.                                          E: instead of the mayor             6
  1135.                                                                              7
  1136.      um...willen       for...sake        G: um Gottes willen!                8
  1137.                                          E: for God's sake!                  9
  1138.                                                                              0
  1139.                                                                              1
  1140. PREPOSITIONS«  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1141.                      Prepositions with Genitive or Dative    Page 96 of 133  1
  1142.                                                                              2
  1143.      Preposition       Meaning(s)    Example of usage                        3
  1144.      in German         in English                                            4
  1145.                                                                              5
  1146.      dank              thanks to      Gen.: dank meines guten Gedächtnisses  6
  1147.                                       Dat.: dank meinem guten Gedächtnis     7
  1148.                                       Eng.: thanks to my good memory         8
  1149.                                                                              9
  1150.      trotz             in spite of    Gen.: trotz strömenden Regens          0
  1151.                                       Dat.: trotz strömendem Regen           1
  1152.                                       Eng.: in spite of the pouring rain     2
  1153.                                                              Page 97 of 133  1
  1154.      wegen             because of,    Gen.: wegen meines Kindes              2
  1155.                        for...sake     Dat.: wegen meinem Kind                3
  1156.                                       Eng.: for my child's sake              4
  1157.                                                                              5
  1158.                                                                              6
  1159.                                                                              7
  1160.                                                                              8
  1161.                                                                              9
  1162.                                                                              0
  1163.                                                                              1
  1164. PREPOSITIONS«  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1165.                             Conjunctions                     Page 98 of 133  1
  1166.                                                                              2
  1167.                  Conjunctions link words, phrases and clauses.               3
  1168.                         They fall into two categories:                       4
  1169.                                                                              5
  1170.                        1. Co-ORDINATING╜Conjunctions                         6
  1171.                        2. SUBORDINATING└Conjunctions                         7
  1172.                                                                              8
  1173.                                                                              9
  1174.                                                                              0
  1175.                                                                              1
  1176. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  1177.                           Co-ordinating Conjunctions         Page 99 of 133  1
  1178.                                                                              2
  1179. Co-ordinating conjunctions link two similar words or groups of words (e.g.   3
  1180. nouns, pronouns, adjectie, adverbs, prepositions, phrases or clauses).       4
  1181.                                                                              5
  1182. 1. Main co-ordinating conjuctions:                                           6
  1183.      German :   aber     denn      oder    und    sondern   sowie            7
  1184.      English:   but      because   or      and    but       as well as       8
  1185.                                                                              9
  1186. 2. Conjunctions consisting of two parts:                                     0
  1187.        German                      English                                   1
  1188.        sowohl...als auch           both...and                                2
  1189.                                                              Page 100 of 133 1
  1190.        nicht nur...sondern auch    not only...but also                       2
  1191.        entweder...oder             either...or                               3
  1192.        weder...noch                neither...nor                             4
  1193.                                                                              5
  1194. 3. Adverbs                                                                   6
  1195.    Some adverbs also function as co-ordinating conjunctions. In such cases   7
  1196.    the order of the following subject and finite verb are reversed. Among    8
  1197.    the most common of these adverbs are:                                     9
  1198.                                                                              0
  1199.                                                                              1
  1200.                                                                              2
  1201.                                                              Page 101 of 133 1
  1202.              German     English             German       English             2
  1203.                                                                              3
  1204.              also       so, therefore       inzwischen   meanwhile           4
  1205.              außerdem   in any case         sonst        otherwise           5
  1206.              deshalb    therefore           trotzdem     despite that        6
  1207.                                                                              7
  1208.                                                                              8
  1209.                                                                              9
  1210.                                                                              0
  1211.                                                                              1
  1212. CONJUNCTIONS╝  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1213.                           Subordinating Conjunctions         Page 102 of 133 1
  1214.                                                                              2
  1215. Subordinating conjunctions join a subordinate clause to another clause. The  3
  1216. finite verb comes at the end of a subordinate cluase.                        4
  1217.                                                                              5
  1218. 1. Main subordinating conjunctions:                                          6
  1219.      German   English        German       English       German    English    7
  1220.      daß      that           als          when          bevor/ehe before     8
  1221.      nachdem  after          seit(dem)    since         während   while      9
  1222.      wenn     if,when(ever)  als ob       as if         damit     so that    0
  1223.      da/weil  because        so daß       with the      sobald    as soon as 1
  1224.                                           result that                        2
  1225.                                                              Page 103 of 133 1
  1226.      obwohl/  although       ohne(...)zu  wihtout       um(...)zu in order to2
  1227.      obgleich                                                                3
  1228.                                                                              4
  1229. 2. Omission                                                                  5
  1230.                                                                              6
  1231.    On occasion a subordinating conjuntion my be ommited:                     7
  1232.                                                                              8
  1233.      G: hatten wir nur Zeit, würden wir so viel tun                          9
  1234.      E: had we only the time, we would do so much                            0
  1235.                                                                              1
  1236.                                                                              2
  1237.                                                              Page 104 of 133 1
  1238. 3. Interrogatives                                                            2
  1239.                                                                              3
  1240.    Interrogatives (was?, welcher?, and wie?) function as subordinating       4
  1241.    conjunctions in indirect questions:                                       5
  1242.                                                                              6
  1243.     G: dann fragte er mich, was ich gehört hätte                             7
  1244.     E: then he asked me what I had heard                                     8
  1245.                                                                              9
  1246.                                                                              0
  1247.                                                                              1
  1248. CONJUNCTIONS╝  TABLE[of Contents                                             2
  1249.                                Time And Numbers              Page 105 of 133 1
  1250.                                                                              2
  1251.                                   1. The TIME─                               3
  1252.                                   2. The DATE╞                               4
  1253.                                   3. NUMBERS╦                                5
  1254.                                                                              6
  1255.                                                                              7
  1256.                                                                              8
  1257.                                                                              9
  1258.                                                                              0
  1259.                                                                              1
  1260. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  1261.                                    The Time                  Page 106 of 133 1
  1262.                                                                              2
  1263. G: wie spät ist es?    G: wievile Uhr ist es?  G: wieviel Uhr haben Sie?     3
  1264. E: what is the time?   E: what is the time?    E: what do you make the time? 4
  1265.                                                                              5
  1266. 1. Full Hours                                                                6
  1267.      G: es ist ein Uhr           G: es ist Mittag                            7
  1268.      E: it is 1 o'clock          E: it is 12 noon                            8
  1269.                                                                              9
  1270. 2. Half Hours                                                                0
  1271.      G: es ist halb vier         G: es ist halb                              1
  1272.      E: it is half past three    E: it is 11.30                              2
  1273.                                                              Page 107 of 133 1
  1274. 3. Quarter Hours                                                             2
  1275.      G: es ist Viertel nach elf      G: es ist Viertel vor zehn              3
  1276.      E: it is 11.15                  E: it is 9.45                           4
  1277.                                                                              5
  1278. 4. Minutes                                                                   6
  1279.      G: es ist acht Minuten nach neun   G: es ist sechzehn Minuten vor sechs 7
  1280.      E: it is 9.08                      E: it is 5.44                        8
  1281.                                                                              9
  1282. 5. a.m. and p.m.                                                             0
  1283.      G: es ist zehn Uhr vormittags/nachts    E: it is 2 a.m.                 1
  1284. TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                                         2
  1285.                                    The Date                  Page 108 of 133 1
  1286. 1. Months                                                                    2
  1287.            German     English        German      English                     3
  1288.            Januar     January        Juli        July                        4
  1289.            Februar    February       August      August                      5
  1290.            März       March          September   September                   6
  1291.            April      April          Oktober     October                     7
  1292.            Mai        May            November    November                    8
  1293.            Juni       June           Dezember    December                    9
  1294.                                                                              0
  1295.                                                                              1
  1296.                                                                              2
  1297.                                                              Page 109 of 133 1
  1298. 2. Days of the week                                                          2
  1299.                      German               English                            3
  1300.                      Montag               Monday                             4
  1301.                      Dienstag             Tuesday                            5
  1302.                      Mittwoch             Wednesday                          6
  1303.                      Donnerstag           Thursday                           7
  1304.                      Freitag              Friday                             8
  1305.                      Samstag/Sonnabend    Saturday                           9
  1306.                      Sonntag              Sunday                             0
  1307.                                                                              1
  1308.                                                                              2
  1309.                                                              Page 110 of 133 1
  1310. 3. Seasons                                                                   2
  1311.                                                                              3
  1312.           German                English                                      4
  1313.           der Frühling          spring                                       5
  1314.           der Sommer            summer                                       6
  1315.           der Herbst            autumn                                       7
  1316.           der Winter            winter                                       8
  1317.                                                                              9
  1318.                                                                              0
  1319.                                                                              1
  1320.                                                                              2
  1321.                                                              Page 111 of 133 1
  1322. 4. The Date                                                                  2
  1323.                                                                              3
  1324.    a) Ordinal numbers are used for the dates of the month, as in English, but4
  1325.       'of' is not translated into German:                                    5
  1326.          G:  der 1. (spoken: erste) Mai   G: am 11. (spoken: elften) April   6
  1327.          E:  the first of May             E: on the 11th of April            7
  1328.                                                                              8
  1329.    b) Dates on letters and card are usually written:                         9
  1330.         Dortmund, (den) 3.7.1988                                             0
  1331.           (read: den dritten siebten neunzehnhundertachtundachtzig)          1
  1332.         or Dortmund, den 3. Juli 1988                                        2
  1333.                                                              Page 112 of 133 1
  1334.    c) 'what is the date today?' is translated as:                            2
  1335.         der wieveilte ist heute?  or                                         3
  1336.         den wievielten haben wir heute?                                      4
  1337.                                                                              5
  1338.                                                                              6
  1339.                                                                              7
  1340.                                                                              8
  1341.                                                                              9
  1342.                                                                              0
  1343.                                                                              1
  1344. TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                                         2
  1345.                                     Numbers                  Page 113 of 133 1
  1346.                                                                              2
  1347.                               1. CARDINAL╠numbers                            3
  1348.                               2. ORDINAL╬numbers                             4
  1349.                               3. MEASUREMENTS╨                               5
  1350.                               4. PRICES╤                                     6
  1351.                                                                              7
  1352.                                                                              8
  1353.                                                                              9
  1354.                                                                              0
  1355.                                                                              1
  1356. TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                                         2
  1357.                                Cardinal Numbers              Page 114 of 133 1
  1358.  0 null              11 elf                30 dreißig                        2
  1359.  1 eins              12 zwölf              40 vierzig                        3
  1360.  2 zwei              13 dreizehn           60 sechzig                        4
  1361.  3 drei              14 vierzhen           70 siebzig                        5
  1362.  4 vier              15 fünfzehn           80 achtzig                        6
  1363.  5 fünf              16 sechzehn           90 neunzig                        7
  1364.  6 sechs             17 siebzehn          100 hundert                        8
  1365.  7 sieben            18 achtzehn          101 hunderteins                    9
  1366.  8 acht              19 neunzehn          130 hundertdreißig                 0
  1367.  9 neun              20 zwanzig           200 zweihundert                    1
  1368. 10 zehn              21 einundzwanzig    1000 tausend                        2
  1369.                                                              Page 115 of 133 1
  1370.     1,001 tausendundeins                                                     2
  1371.     1,234 tausendzweihundertvierunddreißig                                   3
  1372.      1990 neunzehnhundertneunzig (date)                                      4
  1373.     2,000 zweitausend                                                        5
  1374.    10,000 zehntausend                                                        6
  1375. 1,000,000 eine Million                                                       7
  1376. 1,198,369 einen Million hundertachtundneunzigtausenddreihundertneunundsechzig8
  1377. 2,000,000 zwei Millionen                                                     9
  1378. 1,000,000,000  eine Milliarde                                                0
  1379. 1,000,000,000,000  eine Billion                                              1
  1380. NUMBERS╦  TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                               2
  1381.                                 Ordinal Numbers              Page 116 of 133 1
  1382.                                                                              2
  1383. The following numbers are usually preceded by an article and are always      3
  1384. declined (i.e. they agree with the noun that follows them in gender and      4
  1385. case):                                                                       5
  1386.                                                                              6
  1387.  1st erst-         11th elft-                  21st einundzwanzigst-         7
  1388.  2nd zweit-        12th zwölft-                30th dreißigst-               8
  1389.  3rd dritt-        13th dreizehnt-            100th hundertst-               9
  1390.  4th viert-        14th vierzehnt-            101st hunderterst-             0
  1391.  5th fünft-        15th fünfzehnt-            200th zweihundertst-           1
  1392.  6th sechst-       16th sechzehnt-           1000th tausendst-               2
  1393.                                                              Page 117 of 133 1
  1394.  7th siebt-        17th siebzehnt-         10,000th zehntausendst-           2
  1395.  8th acht-         18th achtzehnt-      1,000,000th millionst-               3
  1396.  9th neunt-        19th neunzehnt-                                           4
  1397. 10th zehnt-        20th zwanzigst-                                           5
  1398.                                                                              6
  1399.                                                                              7
  1400.                                                                              8
  1401.                                                                              9
  1402.                                                                              0
  1403.                                                                              1
  1404. NUMBERS╦  TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                               2
  1405.                                 Measurements                 Page 118 of 133 1
  1406.                                                                              2
  1407. Germany uses the metric system and therefore everything is measured in       3
  1408. kilometers, meters, centimeters, milimeters, kilograms, grams etc.           4
  1409.                                                                              5
  1410.                                                                              6
  1411.                                                                              7
  1412.                                                                              8
  1413.                                                                              9
  1414.                                                                              0
  1415.                                                                              1
  1416. NUMBERS╦  TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                               2
  1417.                                    Prices                    Page 119 of 133 1
  1418. Examples:                                                                    2
  1419.                                                                              3
  1420. G1: was kosten die Umschläge?     G2: sie kosten zwei Mark zehn (Dm 2.10)    4
  1421. E1: how much are the envelopes?   E2: they are 2 marks 10                    5
  1422.                                                                              6
  1423. G3: 75 Pfening das Stück          G4: 5 Mark das Kilo                        7
  1424. E3: 75 pfenings each              E4: 5 marks a kilo                         8
  1425.                                                                              9
  1426.                                                                              0
  1427.                                                                              1
  1428. NUMBERS╦  TIME├and Numbers   TABLE[of Contents                               2
  1429.                               Sentence Structure             Page 120 of 133 1
  1430.                                                                              2
  1431.                        1. WORD╙Order                                         3
  1432.                        2. NEGATIVES╒                                         4
  1433.                        3. DIRECT╫and Indirect Questions                      5
  1434.                        4. ANSWERS█('yes' and 'no')                           6
  1435.                        5. TRANSLATION▌Problems                               7
  1436.                                                                              8
  1437.                                                                              9
  1438.                                                                              0
  1439.                                                                              1
  1440. TABLE[of Contents                                                            2
  1441.                                  Word Order                  Page 121 of 133 1
  1442. Main Clauses                                                                 2
  1443.                                                                              3
  1444. 1. In a simple sentence the basic word order is:                             4
  1445.                Subject + Finite Verb (+ object(s)) (+ complement)            5
  1446.                                                                              6
  1447. 2. If there is both a direct and an indirect object the normal order depends 7
  1448.    on whether they are nouns or pronouns.                                    8
  1449.                                                                              9
  1450. 3. Past participles, dependent infinitives, separable prefixes and adverbial 0
  1451.    complements usually come at the end of a sentence.                        1
  1452.                                                                              2
  1453.                                                              Page 122 of 133 1
  1454. 4. Inversion: It is quite common to begin a sentence with something other    2
  1455.    than the subject in German. Not only adverbs and adverbial phrases but    3
  1456.    also direct and indirect objects regularly function in this way.          4
  1457.                                                                              5
  1458. Subordinate Clauses                                                          6
  1459.                                                                              7
  1460. 1. After relative pronouns (derm dessen, an dem, worauf, etc.) and           8
  1461.    subordinating conjunctions (daß, warum, obwohl, etc.) the finite verb goes9
  1462.    to the end of the clause.                                                 0
  1463.                                                                              1
  1464. SENTENCE╥Structure   TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  1465.                                    Negatives                 Page 123 of 133 1
  1466. Main Negative Words:                                                         2
  1467.                  German                      English                         3
  1468.                  kein, keine, kein           not a, no                       4
  1469.                  keiner, keine, ekin(e)s     nobody, none                    5
  1470.                  keinerlei                   no...of any sort                6
  1471.                  keineswegs                  by no means                     7
  1472.                  nicht                       not                             8
  1473.                  nicht nur...sondern auch    not only...but also             9
  1474.                  nicht mehr                  no more                         0
  1475.                  nichts                      nothing                         1
  1476.                  nie, niemals                never                           2
  1477.                                                              Page 124 of 133 1
  1478.                  niemand                     nobody                          2
  1479.                  nirgends, nirgendwo         nowhere                         3
  1480.                  nirgenwohin                 (to) nowhere                    4
  1481.                  weder...noch                neither...nor                   5
  1482.                                                                              6
  1483.                                                                              7
  1484.                                                                              8
  1485.                                                                              9
  1486.                                                                              0
  1487.                                                                              1
  1488. SENTENCE╥Structure   TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  1489.                          Direct and Indirect Questions       Page 125 of 133 1
  1490.                                                                              2
  1491. Direct Questions:                                                            3
  1492.                                                                              4
  1493. There are four basic ways of forming direct questions in German:             5
  1494.                                                                              6
  1495. 1. Inversion of the normal word order of a statement:                        7
  1496.                                                                              8
  1497.         German : sprechen Sie Deutsch?                                       9
  1498.         English: do you speak German?                                        0
  1499.                                                                              1
  1500.                                                                              2
  1501.                                                              Page 126 of 133 1
  1502. 2. Question word(s) + finite verb (+ subject) (+ complement)                 2
  1503.     List of question words:                                                  3
  1504.         German       English             German          English             4
  1505.         wer?         who?                wann?           when?               5
  1506.         (an) wen?    (to) who(m)?        warum?          why?                6
  1507.         wessen?      whose?              was?            what?               7
  1508.         (mit) wem?   (with) whom?        was für?        what kind of?       8
  1509.         welch-?      which-?             wie?            how?                9
  1510.         wo?          where?              woher?          where...from?       0
  1511.                                          wohin?          where...to?         1
  1512.                                                                              2
  1513.                                                              Page 127 of 133 1
  1514. 3. Subject + finite verb (+ complement)                                      2
  1515.                                                                              3
  1516.         German : das soll billig sein?!                                      4
  1517.         English: that's suposed to be cheap?!                                5
  1518.                                                                              6
  1519. 4. Subject + finite verb (+ complement) + tag                                7
  1520.                                                                              8
  1521.     Tags in English: isn't it, aren't you, doesn't he, can't she, etc.       9
  1522.                                                                              0
  1523.     Tags in German: nicht (wahr), gell/gelt, oder.                           1
  1524.                                                                              2
  1525. Indirect Questions                                           Page 128 of 133 1
  1526.                                                                              2
  1527. 1. Indirect questions follow a verb or a clause and are introduced by an     3
  1528.    interrogative word:  'explain why you are angry'.                         4
  1529.                                                                              5
  1530. 2. The two clauses are always separated by a comma and the finite verb comes 6
  1531.    at the end of the indirect question.                                      7
  1532.                                                                              8
  1533.                                                                              9
  1534.                                                                              0
  1535.                                                                              1
  1536. SENTENCE╥Structure   TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  1537.                            Answers ('yes' and 'no')          Page 129 of 133 1
  1538.                                                                              2
  1539. 1. 'ja' and 'doch' both mean yes, but 'ja' is used to answer an affirmative  3
  1540.     question, and doch to contradict a negative question:                    4
  1541.                     Question                           Answer                5
  1542.       German :  gehst du schon?                 ja, ich muß jetzt gehen      6
  1543.       English:  are you going already?          yes, I have to go now        7
  1544.                                                                              8
  1545.       German :  liebst du mich nicht mehr?      doch                         9
  1546.       English:  don't you love me any more?     yes, I do love you           0
  1547.                                                                              1
  1548.                                                                              2
  1549.                                                              Page 130 of 133 1
  1550. 2. 'nein' means no:                                                          2
  1551.                     Question                      Answer                     3
  1552.       German :  war es interessant?        nein, es war langweilig           4
  1553.       English:  was it interesting?        no, it was boring                 5
  1554.                                                                              6
  1555.                                                                              7
  1556.                                                                              8
  1557.                                                                              9
  1558.                                                                              0
  1559.                                                                              1
  1560. SENTENCE╥Structure   TABLE[of Contents                                       2
  1561.                              Translation Problems            Page 131 of 133 1
  1562.                                                                              2
  1563. English words not translated into German:                                    3
  1564.                                                                              4
  1565. 1. Articles                                                                  5
  1566.                                                                              6
  1567.    a) The indefinite article is often left out in German where it is present 7
  1568.       in English:                                                            8
  1569.           German :  er ist leider Popsänger geworden                         9
  1570.           English:  unfortunately he has become a pop singer                 0
  1571.                                                                              1
  1572.    b) The definite article is often used where it is omitted in English:     2
  1573.                                                              Page 132 of 133 1
  1574.           German :  ich verstehe nichts von der Gärtnerei                    2
  1575.           English:  I know nothing about gardening                           3
  1576.                                                                              4
  1577. 2. 'daß' and the relative pronoun are often omitted in English but must be   5
  1578.    kept in German:                                                           6
  1579.                                                                              7
  1580.           German :  das Getränk, dass ich am liebsten mag                    8
  1581.           English:  the drink I like best                                    9
  1582.                                                                              0
  1583. 3. After modal verbs a verb expressing motion is very often omitted if there 1
  1584.    is an adverb or phrase indicating direction:                              2
  1585.                                                              Page 133 of 133 1
  1586.           German :  ich spüre nichts                                         2
  1587.           English:  I cannot feel anything                                   3
  1588.                                                                              4
  1589. 4. 'can' is sometimes omitted with verbs of preception where it is present in5
  1590.     English:                                                                 6
  1591.                                                                              7
  1592.           German :  hörst du mich?                                           8
  1593.           English:  can you hear me?                                         9
  1594.                                                                              0
  1595.                                                                              1
  1596. SENTENCE╥Structure   TABLE[of Contents                                       2