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- When you register this shareware version of Dino Match, you will receive
- the complete version (all ten levels of play with complete sound support).
- As a bonus, you also will receive a FREE copy of Dino Numbers [Math Game].
- Name _______________________________________________________________________
- Address ____________________________________________________________________
- City _______________________ State/Prov _________ ZIP/Post Code ____________
- Country ____________________ Phone Number (________)________________________
- NOTE: Dino Match comes on one 3╜" HD disk (5╝" NOT available).
- Where did you get Dino Match (please circle)?
- BBS Shareware Vendor User Group Friend Other__________________
- In the US: Check or Money Order for $20 + $4 S/H
- Foreign Orders: International Money Order for US$20 + US$6 S/H
- Amount enclosed: $__________
- Make check or Money Order payable to "DynoTech Software"
- Charge to VISA or MasterCard:
- Card Number ________________________________ Expiration Date _____________
- Name on Card _________________________ Signature __________________________
- Mail To: Dino Match Registration
- DynoTech Software
- 1105 Home Avenue
- Waynesville, MO 65583-2231