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- Race Track v1.0 (RACETRK.EXE) is a Windows shareware version
- of the classic Swiss racing simulation game. Not an arcade
- game, but just as exciting -- it requires thinking rather than
- reflexes. A good example of a game based on simple rules
- that models the real world with amazing accuracy. Design
- and build your own tracks and share them with a friend.
- Race against a friend or the 'ghost' of the track champion.
- Challenging but fun, easy to learn and play, great
- graphics, sound effects, and MIDI background music!
- RACETRK.ZIP should yield the following program files when un-zipped:
- RACETRK.EXE -- The Race Track executable
- RACETRK.HLP -- The Race Track Help File
- README.TXT -- This 'read-me' file
- RACETRK.MID -- The racing background MIDI music
- RTWIN.MID -- The winners 'fanfare' MIDI music
- RTCRASH.WAV -- The crash sound WAV file
- RTSIREN.WAV -- The WAV file of an ambulance siren
- + three example tracks:
- RTGARD.TRK -- Martin Gardners's original race track
- RTMAZE.TRK -- a maze-like track
- RTTOUGH.TRK -- a challenging race track
- Race Track is written in Visual Basic 3.0. As such it
- requires that VBRUN300.DLL exists in your Windows System directory.
- I have a 'slick' install program that takes care of everything having
- to do with installation, but for file exchanges across BBSs
- it takes up too much room -- adding almost 300K to the files.
- So . . . to install Race Track, please do the following:
- 1. Check that VBRUN300.DLL is in your Windows System directory. If not,
- please download a copy ( there should be a copy on the BBS from which
- you downloaded RACETRK.ZIP)
- 2. Create a directory RACETRK
- 3. Copy all the files 'unzipped' from RACETRK.ZIP
- to this new RACETRK directory.
- 4. Create a program manager icon for RACETRK.EXE by adding it as a file
- in your GAMES program manager group.
- That's it.
- Thanks for using Race Track. I hope its challenging, fun, and
- educational at the same time!
- Steve Neeley