CD Direkt: Spezial 1
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How to Play!
Two decks of cards are shuffled and dealt face up in the center
playing area. This area is called the Table and contains 13 piles
of cards. These piles correspond to the 13 cards in one suit
beginning with the Ace. Whenever an Ace or King is dealt, a
single card is dealt face down into the Draw pile. If a card dealt
on the Table matches the pile number it was dealt to (a 3 is dealt
to the third pile), two cards are dealt face down to the Draw Pile.
The number beside the Draw pile indicates how many cards are left
in the pile.
Your objective is to play all 104 cards to the Stack piles. The
Stack piles on the left begin with Kings and build downward
by suit. The Stack piles on the right begin with Aces and build
upward by suit.
If any Aces or Kings are showing on the Table piles, left click on
one of them. This will move the card to the Stack pile and then
display the next card in the pile. Continue playing from the Table
piles until there are no plays left.
Left click on the Draw pile. This will take the top card from the pile
and its matching pile from the Table and display them in the Play
pile along the bottom of the screen. For example, if the card taken
from the Draw pile is a Jack, the Jack is placed on top of the
eleventh Table pile and the entire pile is picked up and placed on
the Play pile. The Play pile displays every card in the pile starting
from the bottom card and moving right to the top card. You may
play any card from the Play pile. If the card played isn't the top
card, the cards are shifted to the left to fill the void left by the card
played. Remember to check the Table piles again as you may now
be able to play a card from there after making a play from the Play
pile. When you have played all the cards you can, left click on the
Draw pile again. This replaces the current Play pile to the Table
pile and starts the cycle over again.
Occasionally, the card you choose to play can be played on both
Stack piles. When this occurs, the card will raise slightly upward
on the screen. You will need to left click on the Stack pile you
wish to play it on.
There are three tools to help you win the game. The first is the
Shift button. Pressing this will move the top card in the current
Play pile to the bottom card. This is helpful if you have drawn a
card that you won't need for awhile, such as a King. If you have
already played the King in the King Stack, you won't need this
King until you are ready to complete the Ace Stack. Placing this
card on the bottom of the pile means the other cards in the pile
will be accessible to you from the Table Stack. The second tool
at your disposal is the right mouse button. Using this on a Table
pile will show you the card below it. This is very handy when you
have the same card on two Table piles and don't know which one
to play. If a back of a card is shown, this tells you there are no
cards below the one you clicked on. The third tool you can use is
found on the menu. Take the Options|Draw Pile selection and you
get to select a mininum starting Draw pile count. This is helpful
because it is VERY difficult to win the game with fewer than 20
cards in the Draw pile. If you have one of the mininums set the
game will keep dealing hands until the mininum is met.
Don't give up! This game isn't easy to win but is fun to play!