Important! You must have VBRUN300.DLL installed in your \windows\system directory. While I have not included it, it is freeware and should be available from the source you got this program from. If you cannot find it, send me a floppy disk and I will send it to you.
This program is shareware. If you enjoy it, please send $5.00 or more to:
Interactive Media Design
100 Graham Road 3B
Ithaca, NY 14850
In return, I promise to send you an upgraded version containing at least two-thirds of the following enhancements:
1. Better awareness of pictures that are too big or small.
2. Other file formats (PCX?, GIF?).
3. Better file manipulation.
4. Save game option.
5. Timer and/or move counter.
6. Sound Blaster support.
7. Animation
8. User customizable default picture
9. Smoother screen redraws.
10. Removal of any bugs you folks find.
11. Any requests?
If you think $5.00 is too much but you would like to keep using the program, at least send me a note. I would appreciate it.
Please report any bugs, deliver any comments, or shower praise via snail mail at:
Interactive Media Design
(Paul Navarre)
100 Graham Road 3B
Ithaca, NY 14850
or via Compuserve:
Constructive criticism also welcome. Or at least tolerated.
The Windows logo bitmap comes with Windows, so I do not think Bill minds me giving Microsoft a little free creative advertising. I f anyone from Microsoft complains, I will remove it. Windows and the logo are of course the property of Microsoft.
Picture Slide Puzzle was created in Visual Basic, which is also a Microsoft product. (Do you see a pattern developing here...)
The actual puzzle is my property, however. Picture Slide Puzzle is copyright 1993 by Interactive Media Design, and all rights are reserved.
Foreign Users: Please do not send Eurochecks or checks in currencies other than the US dollar. Instead, you could send me some dollars in cash. Unfortunately, it is very expensive for Americans to change money here (especially checks), so I would be very happy if you would do that for me.
The object is to take a bitmap picture which has been mixed up and divided into smaller squares, and reassemble it.
First you will be asked for the number squares you would like on the horizotal axis and the number for the verticle axis. The loaded bitmap will be divided into the appropriate number of squares. One square will be blank, however. Note that the blank square is selected at random.
By clicking on any square adjacent to the blank square, the clicked on square will slide to take the place of the blank square (or vice versa if you are little warped). You may only click on squares next to the blank square (not diagonal), and you may not click on the blank square. (Well, ok, if you must, you can, but alot of good it will do you.)
Continue to rearange the puzzle until you have all the pieces in the correct position. When you have all the pieces correctly placed (except for the blank piece), you will get the whole picture sans the lines.
You can also load other bitmaps if you like. Pictures that are two big for the screen or too small to really be seen work; they just cannot really be used very well. User beware. Let's be careful out there.
When entering the number of squares you want, you can enter any number above 1. Making a square 2 by 2 works, but is not a lot of fun. Either you get lucky or you don't. Same with 2 by 3. 3 by 3 I am not sure about. I think all other combinations are always possible to solve. Anyone got a difinitive answer?
Note also that winlogo.bmp must be in the \picslide directory for the default button to work. With the winlogo, picking over 5 by 5 is sure to drive you nuts.
So there it is. Have fun!
Paul Navarre
Version Information
.9 9/4/93 First Public release.
.91 9/8/93 Generates message when one attemps to load imcompatible files.