\paperw11190 \margr0\margl0 \plain \pard\tx7050\ATXts240\qc\ATXbrdr0 \f1 \fs18 \b Here are a few hints for when you're having trouble with a puzzle:\fs20 \par
\pard\ATXts240\qj\ATXbrdr0 \par
\fs18 \ATXsh271 1.\ATXsh0 Always remember that the word-order of the puzzle has been designed to fool you. A lot of players forget that the word-order they see when the puzzle first appears CAN'T be right . . . after all, that's the whole p
oint of the game! What happens is this: the player starts out by making one or two changes, then decides that there's something sacrosanct about this word-order, and refuses to try something else. \ATXsh271 Balderdash!\ATXsh0 Move those words! Espec
ially the ones you're unsure about. You can leave the parts you like and change the parts you don't like. \fs20 \par
\fs18 \ATXsh271 2.\ATXsh0 Random moving of words is always a good idea when you're stuck. Don't let yourself get fixated on some
non-sensical word-order. If you're confident you've got a certain number of words right, leave 'em! Move some others!\fs20 \par
\fs18 \ATXsh271 3.\ATXsh0 Don't forget to look at the Punctuation Panel . . . knowing the punctuation can be helpful.\fs20 \par
\fs18 \ATXsh271 4.\ATXsh0 And if you're stuck don't hesitate to click the Hint buttons. Sure, taking a Hint lowers the point-value of the puzzle, but its better to take a lower point-value than to give up and get no points at all.\fs20
\fs18 \ATXsh271 5.\ATXsh0 Endgame: if it looks right but you're not getting the \ATXsh271 WINNER\ATXsh0 signal, try moving the relative position of a couple of phrases. For example, "they went west in the morning" might be "in the morning th
ey went west".\fs20 \par
\fs18 \ATXsh4336 Drag/dropping\ATXsh0 word-tiles into place:\fs20 \par
\fs18 If words are dropping AFTER the words you want them to be in front of, instead of in front of them, that's because you're putting the moved wor
d ON TOP of the other word instead of in front of it. Any word-tile placed on top of another word-tile will go into place to the \ATXul1024 right\ATXul0 of the tile it was on top of. Always put moved words IN BETWEEN other words, never on top of them.
Click the \ATXsh271 \cf1 How To Move Words\ATXsh0 \cf0 button for an explanation with graphics.\fs20