\pard\ATXts240\li195\fi-195\ATXbrdr0 \fs18 When you register, Compuserve \cf12 instantly\cf0 adds your name to the list of registrants. We check in regularly for new registrations -- sometimes m
ore than once an hour -- and we email Q500.ZIP \cf12 immediately\cf0 to your Compuserve address. This means that you receive Qunck super-fast. If you register between 8am and 4pm, Eastern, there's a good chance you'll have Qunck in a couple hours -- and
certainly before the end of the day. (If you call evenings or weekends, Professor Wilberforce and Mr. WordsWorth may be out of the office, so please wait for 12 or 24 hours to check your mailbox for Qunck).\par
The cost is $39. Your Compuserve accoun
t will be automatically billed on Compuserve's next billing period. Purchase of version 1.0 gets you a free upgrade to the next upgrade version.\par
Unlike most software, your purchase of a single copy of Qunck allows you and your immediate family, all
who are living together in one household, to install the program on as many computers as are owned by the family. This includes the family portable computer. Please ask your friends to purchase Qunck, and do not make pirate copies.