\qj \fs18 \up0 \cf0 - You are allowed to move any word anywhere in your attempts to find the correct word-order fo
r the solution.\par
- You must use all the words on the playing-field...the solution always has the exact same words as the puzzle.\par
- Check the Punctuation Panel to get an idea of how many phrases or sentences the puzzle has, or whether it is a que
stion, and so forth.\par
\ql \fs20 \cf14 SCORING\par
\qj \fs18 \cf0 The Qunck Points Panel will show you the point-value of each puzzle when it is opened on-screen. Each player's points are automatically totalled by the ScoreBoard -- click the\fs20 \cf15 \ATXsh4336 \cf1 View Scoreboard\cf0 \fs18 \ATXsh0 button to see point totals.\par
\fs20 \cf14 EXTRA POINTS\par
\fs18 \cf0 If you're sure you know the solution, click the\fs20 \cf11 \fs24 \ATXsh271 \cf1 Write-In Solution\fs20 \ATXsh0 \cf15 \fs18 \cf0 button. This gives you the chance to type the words of the solution without having to move the word-tiles around . . . and if you get it right you'll be awarded\fs20 \cf11 \ATXsh4320 \cf0 DOUBLE POINTS\fs18 \ATXsh0 . Just follow the instructions on the
\qj \fs18 \cf0 - 20% of the puzzle's points are subtracted when you click the #1 Hint button.\par
- 40% is subtracted from the puzzle's original points when you click the #
2 Hint button.\par
\fs20 \ATXsh271 CLOCK\par
\fs18 \ATXsh0 You're also competing against a\cf15 \cf0 clock: if you solve the puzzle in\cf11 \cf12 less than a minute\cf0 , you'll get\cf11 \cf12 20%\cf0 added to the puzzle's point-value. If you
take \cf12 more than one minute but less than two\cf0 , you'll be awarded an additional\cf11 \cf12 10%\cf15 \cf0 over the assigned value. The "Points" panel will reflect the additional points . . . and, of course, they'll be totalled automatically on
the ScoreBoard.\par
Play as many puzzles as you like -- the player with the highest point-total is the winner.