This is Sugar Loaf Mountain that overlooks Rio de Janeiro.
Brazil information
"Official name - Federative Republic of Brazil"
"Brazil is a huge country. It has a large population of 150 million. Brazil is a poor country and children are frequently abandoned."
"Brazil is a federal republic. They have a congress with a member senate and chamber. The executive president is elected for a five year term."
"Through the middle of Brazil runs the Amazon river which is surrounded by the worlds largest forest - the Amazon rainforest."
"Smoking tobacco is a major cause of death in Brazil. Between 1970-85 adult consumption increased by 30%."
"Brazil has one of the largest levels of spending on advertising tobacco in the world."
"Brazil is the 4th largest producer of tobacco in the world. Brazil cures all its tobacco by burning wood. This process involves drying tobacco in flue curing factiories. This is the main cause of deforestation and air pollution. You need to cut down 1 tree for every 300 cigarettes produced."
"Tobacco destroys the soil at a higher rate than other crops. The tropical soils are less rich and you need to use fertilisers which increases the cost of producing tobacco in poor countries. Therefore tobacco growers often move to a new area when the soil is exhausted."
"Large ammounts of wood to produce the paper required for cigarettes. In Brazil this wood comes from the rainforests near the tobacco plantations."
"In Brazil the Amazonian rainforest is being cut back at a rate of 4% a year"
"Tobacco production has had a devastating enviromental impact on the rainforests of Brazil."
"1.The tobacco plant damages the soil by taking out the soils goodness much more quickly than other crops."
"2.The tobacco plant gives off a sticky nicotene gum which kills any insect which walks through it."
"3.The plant uses up much more water than any other plant. This dries out the root system of the trees in the rainforest and they die."
"4.Tobacco is cured in flue curing factories which burn lots of wood as fuel. Resulting in trees being cut down, creating pollution."
"5.A lot of wood is needed to produce the paper for cigarettes, which comes from the local rainforests."
"6.Rainforests are sprayed with insecticides to kill the insects before they eat the tobacco plants."