Should you exprience problems with running the shareware programs directly from the CD-ROM menu system, the best option is to go to DOS (or DOS prompt in windows) and install them from there.
On the coverdisc we have included 2 versions of most of the programs one type is a ZIP file. This is compressed data and needs to be de-compressed onto your Hard disk.
To do this, first go to the relevant directory on the CD-ROM i.e. (assuming CD Drive is D:)
cd sw
cd skymap
Having then done that type DIR to see what is in that directory.
Now you have to unzip the file to your Hard disk.
Type the following
and press the RETURN key. It should now decompress.
To explain the above command line.
PKUNZIP is the program which unzips files and is best copied to either your DOS directory or your windows directory (basically wherever your PATH statment looks)
-d is the additional command for PKUNZIP which tells it to create directories automatically.
SKYMAP.ZIP is the name oc the compressed file.
C:\sky is the DRIVE and the directory you wish the uncompressed data to be put into. (this can be anywhere of your choice and does not have to already exist, that is taken care of by -d).
If all this doesn't work you can always use the ZIPFIX file which can sometimes save bad files.