The Heart of the Tiger is pounding, driving the stakes higher as you fend off the Kilrathi on all fronts. You've lasted long enough in this war to lose two carriers, countless friends and earn the grudging respect of your adversaries. After the destruction of the Concordia, you re assigned to be the squadron commander aboard the auspiciously christened TCS Victory. Contrary to official news briefings, the war s going from bad to worse. In one final act of desperation, the Confederation High Command resolves to destroy the homeworld of Kilrah using a top-secret weapon. This technologically astounding sequel ends the war-ridden saga of the Terran-Kilrathi conflict, with a final showdown occurring on one of the homeworlds. Which will it be? Only a true Wing Commander can write the ending ...
Heart of the Tiger blazes into the entertainment industry with origin s latest installment in the successful Commander series. This unique gaming experience exposes space sim players to a new world founded on cinematic style and cutting-edge technology. Seamlessly integrating professional filming techniques and state-of-the-art rendered sets, it strives to attain a concept that evolved to describe the original game Interactive Movie.
Live, professional actors matted on stunning synthetic sets evoke real emotion throughout the game. As a player, you guide individual and group morale by how you interact with other characters. Two CDs the equivalent of over 700 floppy disks hold full speech, explosive sound, an interactive plot and thousands of live action video images. Wing Commander III branches away from all previous origin games, handing you complete control over the continuing Terran-Kilrathi conflict. As Hollywood- type film techniques merge with computer graphics, origin leads the way by creating an interactive movie starring you!