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- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>Chameleon Getting Started 4</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <p>
- <img src="todobutt.gif"><h2>What can I do on the Internet?</h2>
- <img src="bullet.gif"><i><b>NetManage Software</i></b><p>
- The Internet contains a tremendous amount of information and
- there are
- many different ways to access this information. At first this may
- seem
- confusing, but once you understand how to use each accessing method
- and
- how they differ, you will understand how they complement each other.
- <p>
- The NetManage applications are listed below. To get more
- information about any of them,
- double click on the name in blue text or the icon.
- <pre>
- <a href="#icham1"><b><img src=mosaicac.gif>WebSurfer</b></a> - WWW Client <a href="#icham2"><b><img src=gophract.gif>Gopher</b></a> - Gopher Client<p>
- <a href="#icham3"><b><img src=ftpact.gif>FTP</b></a> - File Transfer <a href="#icham4"><b><img src=archieac.gif>Archie</b></a> - Search Tool<p>
- <a href="#icham5"><b><img src=newsact.gif>NEWTNews</b></a> - News Reader <a href="#icham6"><b><img src=mailact.gif>Mail</b></a> - Email<p>
- <a href="#icham7"><b><img src=telntact.gif>Telnet</b></a> - Terminal Emulator <a href="#icham8"><b><img src=whoisact.gif>WhoIs</b></a> - Phone Book<p>
- <a href="#icham9"><b><img src=fingerac.gif>Finger</b></a> - Information Query <a href="#icham10"><b><img src=pingact.gif>Ping</b></a> - Diagnostic Tool<p>
- </pre>
- <hr>
- <p><a href="netm3.htm"><img src=4prvbutt.gif></a>
- <a href="netm.htm"><img src=4homebtt.gif></a>
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham1">WebSurfer</a></h2>
- <img src="mosaicac.gif"><p>
- WebSurfer is a client application which allows you to browse
- information on the World Wide Web (WWW).
- The WWW is a set of servers on the
- Internet that are
- interconnected through hypertext. Hypertext is a method of presenting
- information
- where selected items, or items that are highlighted in blue, can be
- expanded at any
- time to provide other information
- about the item. These selected items are links which allow
- you to move from document to document and server to server.
- The WWW is unique
- in its use of hypertext along with multimedia such as sound, video, and
- graphics.
- <p>
- The WWW is split into two parts, client and server. The server
- manages the data and answers requests from the client, while the client
- application (WebSurfer) allows you to connect to all the servers
- and gather information.
- <p>
- NetManage has constructed a page of useful starting points to help
- you get
- acquainted with the WWW. We call it the
- <a href=http://www.netmanage.com/netmanage/nm11.html>
- Jump Point</a> page.
- <p>
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham2">Gopher</a></h2>
- <img src="gophract.gif"><p>
- The Gopher application allows you to browse through information
- located on
- the 3,600 Gopher servers (or GopherSpace) around the world.
- The resource
- material in GopherSpace consists of data in a variety of formats such as
- text, images, sounds, and services such as Telnet connections,
- index servers, and
- phone book servers.
- <p>
- When you open your NetManage Gopher application, you will find that it
- already points to the NetManage Gopher server. You will also find
- that the
- NetManage Gopher software has another pointer to the central
- Gopher server.
- <p>
- The list of Gopher servers will seem quite long. There is an online
- catalog, known as Veronica,
- that allows you to do key word searches of GopherSpace. Your
- NetManage Gopher application
- supports
- this search tool. To find GopherSpace catalogs start at the central
- Gopher
- server.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham3">FTP</a></h2>
- <img src="ftpact.gif"><p>
- The FTP (File Transfer Protocol) application is used to transfer
- files between Internet
- computers. Both client and server applications are provided with
- NetManage software. The FTP client downloads files published on any
- remote server
- on the Internet to your PC. The FTP server permits others to access
- files on your local
- hard drive while you are connected to the Internet.
- <p>
- The NetManage FTP application also provides an intuitive point and
- click interface that keeps track of sites
- that you have connected to so that you can return to them easily.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham4">Archie</a></h2>
- <img src="archieac.gif"><p>
- The Archie application is an Internet information system for gathering
- data and indexing widely
- distributed collections of data. Archie allows users to retrieve
- public
- domain files (of text, graphics, or sound) from anonymous FTP hosts
- (servers
- that can be accessed by anyone on the Internet).
- <p>
- The NetManage
- Archie software comes preconfigured with a list of Archie servers
- located
- around the world. Archie is also
- linked to the NetManage FTP software which makes it easy to
- download
- files once you find them.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham5">NEWTNews</a></h2>
- <img src="newsact.gif"><p>
- The NEWTNews application allows you to subscribe to any of the
- thousands of
- newsgroups on the Internet. You can read and post articles,
- post follow-up articles, and check for new article groups.
- <p>
- The first time you start NEWTNews, it may take longer than normal
- because
- the application will
- download a list of newsgroups that you can subscribe to. NetManage
- provides a
- newsserver, newtnews.netmanage.com, which is set for automatic
- connection
- in your newsreader. The NetManage newsreader allows you to sort messages
- by date, sender or topic. Once you are using your Internet provider's
- newsserver, you can post messages to any
- of the groups or respond via Email to anyone in the group.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham6">Mail</a></h2>
- <img src="mailact.gif"><p>
- The Mail application provides electronic mail (Email) services
- that allow you to send and receive mail and to retrieve mail from a
- server.
- Your Internet provider will supply you with an Email account and a
- mailbox.
- <p>
- In addition to sending and receiving mail over the Internet, you can
- use NetManages MIME capability to send attachments (such as
- spreadsheets or graphics) with your mail. There are also mailing lists
- you can subscribe to
- that allow you to participate in discussions or monitor areas of interest.
- NetManage's Rules feature can sort messages from
- these mailing lists and automatically put them in folders to be read later.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham7">Telnet</a></h2>
- <img src="telntact.gif"><p>
- The Telnet application is software that enables your PC to
- emulate a virtual terminal so that you can communicate with a wide variety
- of remote systems (including other computers where you have an account).
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham8">WhoIs</a></h2>
- <img src="whoisact.gif"><p>
- The WhoIs application is a directory service that
- displays information about Internet users. The information includes
- the user's full name, U.S. mailing address, telephone number, and email
- address.
- WhoIs comes preconfigured with the names of various WhoIs
- servers around the Internet.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham9">Finger</a></h2>
- <img src="fingerac.gif"><p>
- The Finger application displays information about each user on a specified
- host. This information includes the users login name, full name, the time
- they logged in, as well as the terminal or host from which they logged in.
- If no user name is specified, Finger displays information on all the users
- currently logged in to the specified host.
- <p>
- To test out Finger on the Internet, fill in the host field with
- "geophys.washington.edu" and the user field with "quake", press the
- finger button
- and you will get earthquake information.
- <hr>
- <h2><A name="icham10">Ping</a></h2>
- <img src="pingact.gif"><p>
- The Ping application is a diagnostic tool for checking your network
- connection to a particular system on your network, it is useful for
- checking to see if you Internet connection is active and working.<p>
- <hr>
- <p><a href="netm3.htm"><img src=4prvbutt.gif></a>
- <a href="netm.htm"><img src=4homebtt.gif></a>
- <hr>
- <i>NetManage, 10725 N. De Anza Blvd., Cupertino, California 95014,
- (408) 973-7171,
- sales@netmanage.com</i>
- </BODY>