ocr: Microsoft Art Gallery Sunflowers AINT presents the celebrated Van 18A8 GoG art collection of the 1 walim National Gallery, London / - - caale = - nos with vivid color, animation, and sound. ton Tane caus Mper of t bup sepeneer pertine of IMA ntioen they MR f deds 004 deccee the Vto- Haei i aie, we n egh ands acapis - 1o wot sehn thed lmen ael s wey anheoin The pat evoke te sna - te send heath VanCegh podacnde 36 ople - e pairing aa Click to Demo hay Aaetam 18N0 delmmnn vineeet Vanc soth MUT ns 1 - 1 - Experience the masterpieces from one of the From the delicate line ofLeonardo da world's fine ...