Run Magazine ReRun: Game Pak
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Commodore BASIC
121 lines
0 rem tag program by gerald coddington (214-725-5489)
10 printchr$(142):printchr$(8):poke53280,0:poke53281,0:sr=1:goto90
20 pokev+16,16:pokev+43,ff:pokev+8,40:pokev+9,150
30 print" it";
40 print" [163][163]"
50 print" time[157][157][157][157]not[157][157][157]it:[157][157][157]"right$(ti$,3)
60 ifh1$>"000200"orh2$>"000200"then620
70 forl=54272to54296:pokel,0:next:s=54272
80 pokes+24,15:pokes+19,138:pokes+15,xx:pokes+18,17:pokev+30,0:return
90 print"[147]":ff=5:poke53280,254:ti$="000000":h1$="000000":h2$="000000"
100 v=53248:x=15:y=47:z=255:pokev+30,0:
110 pokev+21,19
120 poke2040,13:poke2041,13:poke2044,13
130 pokev+23,255:pokev+29,255
140 forn=0to62:readq:poke832+n,q:next:goto900
150 pokev+39,2:pokev+40,5
160 ifsr=1then310
170 pokev+0,255:pokev+1,215:pokev+2,15:pokev+3,47:poke53280,5
180 fori=1to25:print"[152] ":next:q=215
190 gosub20
200 poke2018,160
210 ifff=2thenh1$=ti$
220 print" time[157][157][157][157]not[157][157][157]it:[157][157][157][153]"right$(h1$,3)
230 ifh1$>"000199"orh2$>"000199"then620
240 ifpeek(v+30)and3=3andff=5thenff=2:xx=30:ti$=h1$:poke53280,2:gosub20
250 ifff=5thenh2$=ti$
260 print""
270 print" time[157][157][157][157]not[157][157][157]it:[157][157][157]"right$(h2$,3)
280 ifpeek(v+30)and3=3andff=2thenff=5:xx=68:ti$=h2$:poke53280,5:gosub20
290 ifh1$>"000199"orh2$>"000199"then620
300 goto210
310 v=53248:pokev+30,0:print"[147] [166][166][166][166][166][166][166][166] [153] [166][166][166][166][166] [166][166][166][166][166][166][166]
320 [153]" spc(spc( print spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc( spc(spc(
330 print" [166][166] [153] [166][166] [166][166] [166][166]
340 [153]" spc(spc( print spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc( spc(spc( spc(spc(spc(
350 print" [166][166] [153] [166][166] [166][166] [166][166] [166][166]
360 [153]" spc(spc( print spc(spc( spc(spc( spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(spc(
370 print" by gerald coddington"
380 print""tab(4)"do you need instructions? y or n"
390 aa=-35:fori=35to245
400 pokev+0,i:pokev+1,180
410 pokev+2,i-aa:pokev+3,180
420 geta$:ifa$=""then450
430 ifa$="n"thenrestore:clr:goto90
440 ifa$="y"then770
450 aa=aa+.07:pokev+30,0
460 ifpeek(v+30)and3=3thenprint""tab(22)"got you!":goto480
470 next
480 fori=1to1000:next:printtab(11)"[145][145]yea but now i am chasing you!"
490 aa=-30:fori=1to1800:next:print"[145][145] "
500 print"[145] "
510 fori=245to35step-1
520 pokev+0,i+aa:pokev+1,180
530 pokev+2,i:pokev+3,180
540 geta$:ifa$=""then570
550 ifa$="n"thenrestore:clr:goto90
560 ifa$="y"then770
570 pokev+30,0
580 ifpeek(v+30)and3=3thenprinttab(9)"[145]darn you got me.":goto610
590 aa=aa+.06
600 next
610 fori=1to1000:next:print"[145] [145]":run310
620 fori=vtov+9:pokei,0:next:print"[147] [152]game over"
630 print"time:":print"[153]player 1 time-"h1$:print"player 2 time-"h2$
640 hs=1:ifh2$>h1$thenhs=2
650 print"player"hs"wins!"
660 print"press button on joystick 1 to play again[157][145]"
670 wait56321,16,16:clr:restore:goto90
680 end
690 restore:clr:goto90
700 data0,0,0,0,126,0,0,255,0
710 data1,255,128,3,255,192,3,255,192
720 data3,153,192,3,153,192,3,153,192
730 data3,255,192,1,255,128,0,255,0
740 data0,255,0,0,66,0,0,66,0
750 data0,66,0,0,231,0,0,0,0
760 data0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0
770 fori=vtov+9:pokei,0:next:print"[147]"tab(12)"welcome to tag!"
780 print"[150] the object of the game is to not be "chr$(34)"it"chr$(34);
790 print" for 2 minutes. the first person to do so wins."
800 print"[151] you get the other person "chr$(34)"it"chr$(34)" by "
810 print"running in";
820 print"to his man. when you do, your timer starts counting. if the "
830 print"other person tags you back then your timer stops and his starts.
840 [153]"this keeps going on until one of the":[153]"timers reaches 2 minutes."
850 [153]"print this game requires two joysticks,one to move each man."
860 [153]"cont if you forget who is it,look under the timers ";
870 [153]"or at the border color.":[153]"list"[163]7)"good luck to both of you!"
880 [153]" press button on joystick 1 to play"
890 [137]670
900 [129]adres[178]49152[164]49305:[135]datta:[151]adres,datta:[130]adres
909 [143]***data for machine language***
910 [131] 120, 173, 21, 3, 201, 234
920 [131] 208, 13, 169, 33, 141, 20
930 [131] 3, 169, 192, 141, 21, 3
940 [131] 76, 31, 192, 169, 49, 141
950 [131] 20, 3, 169, 234, 141, 21
960 [131] 3, 88, 96, 173, 0, 220
970 [131] 201, 123, 240, 15, 201, 119
980 [131] 240, 20, 201, 126, 240, 25
990 [131] 201, 125, 240, 30, 76, 94
1000 [131] 192, 206, 0, 208, 206, 0
1010 [131] 208, 76, 94, 192, 238, 0
1020 [131] 208, 238, 0, 208, 76, 94
1030 [131] 192, 206, 1, 208, 206, 1
1040 [131] 208, 76, 94, 192, 238, 1
1050 [131] 208, 238, 1, 208, 238, 7
1060 [131] 208, 76, 94, 192, 173, 1
1070 [131] 220, 201, 251, 240, 15, 201
1080 [131] 247, 240, 20, 201, 254, 240
1090 [131] 25, 201, 253, 240, 30, 76
1100 [131] 49, 234, 206, 2, 208, 206
1110 [131] 2, 208, 76, 49, 234, 238
1120 [131] 2, 208, 238, 2, 208, 76
1130 [131] 49, 234, 206, 3, 208, 206
1140 [131] 3, 208, 76, 49, 234, 238
1150 [131] 3, 208, 238, 3, 208, 76
1160 [131] 49, 234, 96, 0,0,0
1170 [139][194](789)[178]234[167][158]49152
1180 [137]150