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# ebonicspeak by pent. who the hell else would do this?
# i think people like this though :)
^set input_protection off
@ englishwords = [i are am is pretty ask alright hi hello friend man girl \
people suck cool neat awesome and my don't friends you more for everyone \
this work beautiful were thing anything something there door anymore \
have about the get warez shit having using fool hey good with white \
a shoot went guys them boys girls fuck best dude dood no that was \
you're woman oh doesn't doesnt isn't isnt your to stuff ebonics they \
question script i'm i'll does because better again of saw any]
@ ebonicswords = [ah be be be fine ax aight werd peace homey nig bitch \
brothas wack phat phat phat an' mah don' homies ya mo' fo' brothas \
dis werk fine was thin' anythin' somethin' dere do' anymo' \
gots 'bout de git juarez sheeit havin' usin' foo' yo pimp-tight wiff whitey \
uh sheeeyit go pimpz dem nigs bitches fuk bawmb nigga nigga nahh dat been \
you bitch awww don' don' ain't ain't yo' ta sheeit ebonix dey \
queshun scrip' ah'm ah'll do cuz bettah ag'in o' seen no]
eval $srand(23134234)
@ ephrasenum = [7]
@ ephrase[0] = [. Ya' know what I'm sayin']
@ ephrase[1] = [. Ya' dig?]
@ ephrase[3] = []
@ ephrase[4] = []
@ ephrase[5] = []
@ ephrase[6] = []
alias esay {
@ ebonics.str = [$*]
@ ebonicsnumwords = [$#ebonics.str]
@ ebonparse = [1]
while (ebonparse <= ebonicsnumwords) {
@ currentword = [$word(${ebonparse - 1} $ebonics.str)]
if (rmatch($currentword $englishwords)) {
@ ebonwd[$ebonparse] = [$ebontrans($currentword)]
@ ebonwd[$ebonparse] = [$word(${ebonparse - 1} ${ebonics.str})]
@ ebonparse = ebonparse + 1
@ ebonnew = [1]
while (ebonnew <= ebonicsnumwords) {
if ([$ebonnew]==[1]) {
@ ebonicsstring = [$ebonwd[$ebonnew]]
@ ebonicsstring = [$ebonicsstring $ebonwd[$ebonnew]]
@ ebonnew = ebonnew + 1
@ function_return = [${ebonicsstring}${ephrase[$rand($ephrasenum)]}]
purge ebonwd;^assign -ebonicsstring
alias purge {
foreach $0 ii {purge $0.$ii}
^assign -ii
^assign -$0
alias ebontrans if (rmatch($0 ${englishwords})){
@ word_to_trans = [$0]
@ searchidx = [0]
while ([$word($searchidx $englishwords)] != [$word_to_trans]) {
@ searchidx = searchidx + 1
if ([$word($searchidx $englishwords)] == [$word_to_trans]) {@ function_return = [$word($searchidx $ebonicswords)]}
^assign -search_idx
alias emsg if ([$1]) {msg $0 $esay($1-)}{echo *** USAGE /emsg <nick> message}
alisa es if ([$0]) {say $esay($0-)}
alias ebon_on {
^on ^input "*" {
if (([$[1]0]!=[/])&&([$0]!=[])) {sendline $esay($*);type }{
if ([$0]==[/me]) {//me $esay($1-);type }{SENDLINE $*}
alias ebon_off {
^on -input "*"
echo *** ebonik ta'ker buh pent lo'ded, muh brotha
echo *** /emsg send a msg in ebonics
echo *** /es send a public message in ebonics (unnecessary unless you are
echo *** ebon_off or you cannot usually see what you type)
echo *** /ebon_off will turn de automatic ta'ker off.
echo *** /ebon_on will turn de automatic ta'ker on (done automatikly)