The function of a "Pink Box" is to ad hold button that allows music or anythielse to be played into the telephone whithe person is on hold. This Modificatioan either be done right in the telephone as a seperate box.
=/=> Materials Needed
1. Open the wall box and locate the RED and GREEN wires.
2. Take a piece or RED wire and strip tend and attach it to the red lead on
the wall box. Do the same for the GN.
3. Connect the GREEN wire to the ANODE e of the LED.
4. Connect the CATHODE side of the LED the UPPER pin of the primary side of
the transformer. See diagram below.
To one pole of phono ---! Top !--- To HODE of LED
-!View !- Primary side
To other phono pole ---!_____!--- To pole" or trans. & one pole of switch
5. Connect the pin directly across fromat to one pole of the phono jack.
6. Connect the RED wire to one side of resistor and to the "C pole" of the
7. Connect the open pin of the switch the other side of the resistor and to
the "G pole" of the transistor.
=/=> Wiring Diam <=\=
RCA Jack X-former LED
_____ C A
Pole or Jack --/---! Top !---/--(*)--\------GREEN wire
Hook the RED and GREEN wires up to tappropriate terminals and hook the RCA j to the output on your stereo. Turn on r stereo at a good volume. Now call a frd. To test the Box, Hold down the switcnd hang up the phone. The LED should go and your frien