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Message-ID: <233308Z28111993@anon.penet.fi>
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
From: an36116@anon.penet.fi
Date: Sun, 28 Nov 1993 23:30:05 UTC
Subject: Yohimbine HCL
A friend of mine bought me a bottle of Yohimbine HCL 5.4mg tablets at
a pharmacy in Mexico. When I take them they seem to make me more horny
and give me a good hard-on. The trouble is that they seem to interfere
with my sleep later on and the next morning I still get hard-ons every
few minutes.
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Newsgroups: alt.psychoactives
From: jshorey@netcom.com (John Shorey)
Subject: Yomimbe
Message-ID: <jshoreyD0puF3.Fw0@netcom.com>
Date: Mon, 12 Dec 1994 21:01:51 GMT
I bought some of this stuff from a health food place..pure
yohimbe...nothing else added..in capsule form.....i took like 4 of these
and felt absolutely nothing....it said on the bottle it was direct from
africa...and it was quite expensive...like $25 for 50 capsules...
Is it better to boil the contents and make tea?..and if so why would that
be different from just eating the capsules?...
From: syris@west.darkside.com (syris)
Newsgroups: alt.drugs
Subject: Yohimbe Bark - My experience...
Message-ID: <9owF3c3w166w@west.darkside.com>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 95 15:35:07 PST
Hi there, my name is syris and I will be your guide for tonight. I want
to tell you about my Yohimbe Bark experience. If you don't already know,
Yohimbe Bark is suppose to be a aphodisiac (sp?) that is available at
just about any herb shop. Anyways, I bought some early in the week and
decided to try it out. I mixed seven heaping teaspoons of it with 1 quart
of water. I boiled it for ten minutes and then strained it. I added a
glob of honey and then proceded to drink it. It really did not taste that
bad, but I would not drink it everyday. After that I went back to my
computer and messed around for about 1/2 hour. Then I started to speed up
like hell. It was like a mega dose of caffeine. Not pleasent at all. So I
go to my room and lay down. I can't go to sleep because I am too wired,
so I just listen to music for a while. Then an odd thing happened. I got
an erection. But this erection was different than other erections in one
respect, It would not go away. I was not thinking any sexual thoughts or
masturbating. My penis just stayed erect. So this started to hurt a bit
because I was wearing shorts... I decided that I had to masturbate this
erection away. This is harder than it sounds. For one, my heart is
beating pretty fast now and the stress of sex might be too much... but I
did it anyways. So I start masturbating and it is starting to get really
hard to continue... I keep on thinking I am going to have a heart attack.
Finally I reached an orgasm. The orgasm I felt was different than most.
It was prolonged. At that time I did not give a flying shit because not
my heart was beating so hard that the room was turning black. I fell to
the floor and waited for my heart rate to go down. It eventually did and
I went back to bed. I did not sleep at all. I was up the whole night. And
I had a constant feeling that I was going to throw up.... In summary, I
might do it again at a lower dosage. Maybe... It really was not a
pleasant feeling..... For more info, look in the natural-highs faq....
That's all folks....
From: lucifer@teleport.com (Pantless )
Newsgroups: alt.drugs.psychedelics
Subject: YOHIMBE information (save your money)
Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 13:28:09 +1000
Message-ID: <lucifer.1018.0067959E@teleport.com>
After reading a bunch of FAQs about Yohimbe and seeing it mentioned in books,
we decided to try it out. The alleged effects of Yohimbe (the inner bark from
a west-african tree) were reported to be: stimulant, euphoriant, warm
pleasant spinal shivers, mild perceptual changes, aphrodisiac.
I tried the Yohimbe three times, twice by consuming the yohimbe directly and
and the third time trying a tea. I tried 3 different dosages, the recommended
dosage, slightly more than recommended dosage, and approximately twice the
recommended dosage.
The effects at all dosages were approximately the same, although at twice the
recommended dose they were slightly more pronounced. The effects were all
very subtle, not nearly what I expected them to be. The most profound effect
was a heavy caffeine-like stimulation, complete with stomach cramps. There
was a period where it seemed a little difficult to concentrate, much like if
you drink a too much coffee for a long period of time and exhaust your body's
supply of L-phenyalanine. There also was some slight dizziness. We got an
awful case of cotton mouth and appeared to become dehydrated. This dried out
my contact lenses and created 'mild perceptual changes'. For awhile I thought
I might be experiencing 'warm spinal shivers' but I think it was more like a
bad case of caffeine shakes. As far as other effects, such as the
aphrodisiac qualities, none was noted.
One effect which might be usefull to some people (although I don't know why)
was that after taking Yohimbe the first time and feeling disappointed with our
experience, we attempted to catch an alcohol buzz but couldn't. Either we
were overstimulated and the alcohol would not depress the CNS or the euphoric
effects of alcohol were somehow blocked.
All in all, I would recommend saving your money. The effects we experienced
from Yohimbe was approximately the same as consuming large amounts of coffee.
Over and out.