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Motorola 68000 Instruction Set.
Condition Codes
Assembler Data
Instruction Description Syntax Size X N Z V C
----------------------- --------- ---- ---------
ABCD Add BCD with extend Dx,Dy B-- * U * U *
ADD ADD binary Dn,<ea> BWL * * * * *
ADDA ADD binary to An <ea>,An -WL - - - - -
ADDI ADD Immediate #x,<ea> BWL * * * * *
ADDQ ADD 3-bit immediate #<1-8>,<ea> BWL * * * * *
ADDX ADD eXtended Dy,Dx BWL * * * * *
AND Bit-wise AND <ea>,Dn BWL - * * 0 0
ANDI Bit-wise AND with Immediate #<data>,<ea> BWL - * * 0 0
ASL Arithmetic Shift Left #<1-8>,Dy BWL * * * * *
ASR Arithmetic Shift Right ... BWL * * * * *
Bcc Conditional Branch Bcc.S <label> BW- - - - - -
Bcc.W <label>
BCHG Test a Bit and CHanGe Dn,<ea> B-L - - * - -
BCLR Test a Bit and CLeaR ... B-L - - * - -
BSET Test a Bit and SET ... B-L - - * - -
BSR Branch to SubRoutine BSR.S <label> BW- - - - - -
BSR.W <label>
BTST Bit TeST Dn,<ea> B-L - - * - -
CHK CHecK Dn Against Bounds <ea>,Dn -W- - * U U U
CLR CLeaR <ea> BWL - 0 1 0 0
CMP CoMPare <ea>,Dn BWL - * * * *
CMPA CoMPare Address <ea>,An -WL - * * * *
CMPI CoMPare Immediate #<data>,<ea> BWL - * * * *
CMPM CoMPare Memory (Ay)+,(Ax)+ BWL - * * * *
DBcc Looping Instruction DBcc Dn,<label> -W- - - - - -
DIVS DIVide Signed <ea>,Dn -W- - * * * 0
DIVU DIVide Unsigned <ea>,Dn -W- - * * * 0
EOR Exclusive OR Dn,<ea> BWL - * * 0 0
EORI Exclusive OR Immediate #<data>,<ea> BWL - * * 0 0
EXG Exchange any two registers Rx,Ry --L - - - - -
EXT Sign EXTend Dn -WL - * * 0 0
ILLEGAL ILLEGAL-Instruction Exception ILLEGAL - - - - -
JMP JuMP to Affective Address <ea> - - - - -
JSR Jump to SubRoutine <ea> - - - - -
LEA Load Effective Address <ea>,An --L - - - - -
LINK Allocate Stack Frame An,#<displacement> - - - - -
LSL Logical Shift Left Dx,Dy BWL * * * 0 *
LSR Logical Shift Right ... BWL * * * 0 *
MOVE Between Effective Addresses <ea>,<ea> BWL - * * 0 0
MOVE To CCR <ea>,CCR -W- I I I I I
MOVE To SR <ea>,SR -W- I I I I I
MOVE From SR SR,<ea> -W- - - - - -
MOVE USP to/from Address Register USP,An --L - - - - -
MOVEA MOVE Address <ea>,An -WL - - - - -
MOVEM MOVE Multiple <register list>,<ea> -WL - - - - -
<ea>,<register list>
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MOVEP MOVE Peripheral Dn,x(An) -WL - - - - -
MOVEQ MOVE 8-bit immediate #<-128.+127>,Dn --L - * * 0 0
MULS MULtiply Signed <ea>,Dn -W- - * * 0 0
MULU MULtiply Unsigned <ea>,Dn -W- - * * 0 0
NBCD Negate BCD <ea> B-- * U * U *
NEG NEGate <ea> BWL * * * * *
NEGX NEGate with eXtend <ea> BWL * * * * *
NOP No OPeration NOP - - - - -
NOT Form one's complement <ea> BWL - * * 0 0
OR Bit-wise OR <ea>,Dn BWL - * * 0 0
ORI Bit-wise OR with Immediate #<data>,<ea> BWL - * * 0 0
PEA Push Effective Address <ea> --L - - - - -
RESET RESET all external devices RESET - - - - -
ROL ROtate Left #<1-8>,Dy BWL - * * 0 *
ROR ROtate Right ... BWL - * * 0 *
ROXL ROtate Left with eXtend ... BWL * * * 0 *
ROXR ROtate Right with eXtend ... BWL * * * 0 *
RTE ReTurn from Exception RTE I I I I I
RTR ReTurn and Restore RTR I I I I I
RTS ReTurn from Subroutine RTS - - - - -
SBCD Subtract BCD with eXtend Dx,Dy B-- * U * U *
Scc Set to -1 if True, 0 if False <ea> B-- - - - - -
STOP Enable & wait for interrupts #<data> I I I I I
SUB SUBtract binary Dn,<ea> BWL * * * * *
SUBA SUBtract binary from An <ea>,An -WL - - - - -
SUBI SUBtract Immediate #x,<ea> BWL * * * * *
SUBQ SUBtract 3-bit immediate #<data>,<ea> BWL * * * * *
SUBX SUBtract eXtended Dy,Dx BWL * * * * *
SWAP SWAP words of Dn Dn -W- - * * 0 0
TAS Test & Set MSB & Set N/Z-bits <ea> B-- - * * 0 0
TRAP Execute TRAP Exception #<vector> - - - - -
TRAPV TRAPV Exception if V-bit Set TRAPV - - - - -
TST TeST for negative or zero <ea> BWL - * * 0 0
UNLK Deallocate Stack Frame An - - - - -
Symbol Meaning
------ -------
* Set according to result of operation
- Not affected
0 Cleared
1 Set
U Outcome (state after operation) undefined
I Set by immediate data
<ea> Effective Address Operand
<data> Immediate data
<label> Assembler label
<vector> TRAP instruction Exception vector (0-15)
<rg.lst> MOVEM instruction register specification list
<displ.> LINK instruction negative displacement
... Same as previous instruction
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Addressing Modes Syntax
---------------- ------
Data Register Direct Dn
Address Register Direct An
Address Register Indirect (An)
Address Register Indirect with Post-Increment (An)+
Address Register Indirect with Pre-Decrement -(An)
Address Register Indirect with Displacement w(An)
Address Register Indirect with Index b(An,Rx)
Absolute Short w
Absolute Long l
Program Counter with Displacement w(PC)
Program Counter with Index b(PC,Rx)
Immediate #x
Status Register SR
Condition Code Register CCR
Dn Data Register (n is 0-7)
An Address Register (n is 0-7)
b 08-bit constant
w 16-bit constant
l 32-bit constant
x 8-, 16-, 32-bit constant
Rx Index Register Specification, one of:
Dn.W Low 16 bits of Data Register
Dn.L All 32 bits of Data Register
An.W Low 16 bits of Address Register
An.L All 32 bits of Address Register
Condition Codes for Bcc, DBcc and Scc Instructions.
Condition Codes set after CMP D0,D1 Instruction.
Relationship Unsigned Signed
------------ -------- ------
D1 < D0 CS - Carry Bit Set LT - Less Than
D1 <= D0 LS - Lower or Same LE - Less than or Equal
D1 = D0 EQ - Equal (Z-bit Set) EQ - Equal (Z-bit Set)
D1 != D0 NE - Not Equal (Z-bit Clear) NE - Not Equal (Z-bit Clear)
D1 > D0 HI - HIgher than GT - Greater Than
D1 >= D0 CC - Carry Bit Clear GE - Greater than or Equal
PL - PLus (N-bit Clear) MI - Minus (N-bit Set)
VC - V-bit Clear (No Overflow) VS - V-bit Set (Overflow)
RA - BRanch Always
DBcc Only - F - Never Terminate (DBRA is an alternate to DBF)
T - Always Terminate
Scc Only - SF - Never Set
ST - Always Set
Parts from "Programming the 68000" by Steve Williams. (c) 1985 Sybex Inc.
Parts from BYTE Magazine article.
Compiled by Diego Barros. e-mail : alien@zikzak.apana.org.au
Revision 2.1 22 May, 1994
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