HaCKeRz KrOnIcKLeZ 3
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73 lines
Session Start: Thu Sep 12 02:07:51 1996
* Logging #warez666 to: [#warez66.log]
*** bearcat1 has quit IRC (Leaving)
Abstract *!*Killar@
CTCP => ECHO, Halted
Babble *!*kioffice@RITSEC3.COM.EG
CTCP => ECHO, Halted
TryMe *!*labtech@RITSEC1.COM.EG
CTCP => ECHO, Halted
*** Sta has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Rage has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** ARCO has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Mr^Big has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** mynick has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Prometheu has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Zort has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** bitbanger has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** DISCO has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** PunkTrash has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** ICE9 has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Crazyjoe has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** BWH has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Tragity has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** _XyPh has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** _LiNT has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
* dOoRMaN needs Office 97 *final* , FrontPage 97 *final* and
Pagemaker 6.5. msg me for trade<
*** Wrandom has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** haha has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Lug has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** FireMaker has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** slug has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Garath has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** ramdisk has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** OoGiE has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
Abstract (*!*Killar@
Flood => ECHO, Ignored *!*@* => CTCP
*** Itchfacto has quit IRC (Read error to Itchfacto[]:
EOF from client)
<Steinberg> is looking for a adult check.......
*** RaBiD (as569@pm199-16.dialip.mich.net) has left #warez666
*** saruman has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** AWAR has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** mOSSYoAk has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Penhall has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Jimi has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** ]sickboy[ has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Terminato has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
<HaNKiPaNk> ftp l&p: t3 (Please upload anything
GOOD and CURRENT b4 downloads... upload DUPES or anything
LAME and get banned) Max users 20
*** KiZeRsOsA has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Bestmaste has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Vipers has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Rainbwman has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Keith has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Blazer4 has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** PlaNeT-x has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Spddemon has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
*** Nation has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
<Ekaf> wow
*** Abstract was kicked by Slammin (Fuck Off!!!)
*** OoGiE (bcre8tiv@user15.betacom.net) has joined #warez666
*** Abstract (Killar@ has joined #warez666
*** ARCO (~ejohnson@port35.verinet.com) has joined #warez666
<saB3r> hahahahahahah
*** river sets mode: +b *!*@
*** Killar was kicked by Padre (Banned)
*** Abstract was kicked by Padre (Banned)
*** Capster (~user@ has joined #warez666
Session Close: Thu Sep 12 02:08:35 1996