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- John A. Keel, in his book "OPERATION TROJAN HORSE",
- confirmed that news records of that time reveal that a
- large-scale "UFO flap" did take place in April of 1897, covering
- about five states. Many of the witnesses reported the strange or
- hideous type of occupants as described by Hamilton, and Keel
- reports that these creatures "made a real effort to hide from the
- witnesses who stumbled upon them accidentally..." Could it be
- that these creatures were deliberately attempting to hide
- reptilian features, fearing that if the witnesses knew of their
- true nature the largely God-fearing residents of this part of the
- country might put two and two together?
- Another prominent person - one of the many government-
- military-industrial members who are now coming forward with the
- truth of the existence of a non-human alien race - is veteran
- flying ace John Lear. John is the son of William Lear, the
- original founder of the "Lear" Jet Corp. He has for several
- years been a captain with a major U.S. Airline and has test flown
- over 160 different types of aircraft. Once a die-hard skeptic,
- Lear the son has made a complete reversal. It all began several
- years ago when a close friend of his in a high-level position in
- the military told John that he was witness to a UFO landing which
- took place at the Bentwaters Air Force Base in England, and
- during which several small, alien "gray" type creatures were
- seen. Lear decided that he would check into the subject in
- greater depth, utilizing his many contacts in the Intelligence
- community. Largely due to the fact that he had flown top-secret
- missions for the CIA and other governmental agencies in the past,
- he had gained the confidence of several high-level Intelligence
- workers. He took advantage of these contacts and began to pry
- into the U.S. Government's own knowledge and experience with the
- UFO phenomena. Although bits and pieces of the scenario were
- learned from different sources (some of whom knew only PART, but
- not all of the scenario), Lear was amazed to find that all these
- pieces of information fell together into one big overall picture,
- and a FRIGHTENING picture at that. One thing which kept coming
- up over and over when he probed his Intelligence contacts for
- information, was repeated references to a small town in
- northwestern New Mexico known as 'Dulce,' where some very strange
- and "alien" things were allegedly taking place.
- Lear learned three basic facts from the many CIA and other
- Intelligence sources:
- 1) The U.S. Government has, since the end of World War II,
- retrieved several unidentified objects, mostly disk-shaped, which
- had crashed in different regions in both the United States and
- overseas. The occupants retrieved from these various crash sites
- were both humanoid and reptoid in nature. A few from each group
- were allegedly recovered alive (and many of these died within a
- few years after recovery), but most of the occupants were
- deceased when found. Many of the occupants and objects were
- taken to a secret hanger in Wright Patterson Air Force Base
- in Ohio, while others were transferred to various other bases
- throughout the country. Most of the occupants were of the
- reptilian or saurian "gray" type. Other 'entities' were found
- to be some type of bio-synthetic automaton apparently constructed
- in part out of organs taken from mutilation victims. There is no
- indication of what might have animated these other creatures
- since they were found to possess a sponge-like consistency all
- the way through instead of reptilian or human organs. Some
- however had suggested, based on various findings, that this third
- type of entity might have been animated-used as physical "shells"
- by non-physical entities desiring to utilize such constructions
- in order to work and operate in the physical dimension. Some of
- the technology retrieved from these objects were later used to
- develop top-secret aerial craft of Military construction, while
- other objects were found in-tact to the point that they could
- still be test-flown by military personnel. After one of the
- first such crash/retrievals which took place near Corona and
- Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, President Truman assisted in putting
- together a top-secret committee consisting of some of the most
- prominent scientists, economists and political scientists in the
- nation in order to analyze the phenomena and make determinations.
- 2) Certain segments of the government, desiring to get
- possession of the super-advanced technology utilized by this
- alien race, attempted to make contact with them, since these
- creatures usually passed themselves off as benevolent
- extraterrestrials. Actually, it was later determined that these
- entities are neither benevolent, nor (originally) extra-
- terrestrial, although they may have established outposts on
- other planetary bodies according to certain sources. There is
- evidence that the Government and the Intelligence Community is
- beginning to realize this, but due to certain concessions which
- they had made in the past with these creatures without public
- consent, they have unfortunately and unknowingly forced
- themselves and their people (the U.S. citizens) into a position
- which they cannot presently escape from, unless something
- miraculous takes place.
- 3) It was found that certain "underground bases" existed,
- concentrated largely beneath the southwestern United States, with
- the largest of them being beneath the area of Dulce, New Mexico.
- The U.S. Government learned of these after years of surveillance
- and tracking of UFO flight paths, etc., which forced the "aliens"
- to make a "deal" with the government. This included the exchange
- of technology and the use of the UPPER levels of these
- underground "bases" if the U.S. Government agreed to consent to
- the alien-grays continued "scientific observation" of human
- subjects via abductions, and agreed to keep the existence of the
- alien presence from the American public. The U.S. Govt. also
- 'allowed' the aliens to jointly use some of their own underground
- bases. This was later turned out to be a BIG mistake. Although
- these creatures still maintained a facade of benevolence, they
- absolutely refused the majority of the scientists and government
- workers within these "joint" bases to enter the lower levels,
- much less know that they existed. The "security clearances"
- increased as one descended into these lower levels until such a
- point was passed when an individual learned "too much" about what
- was going on "down there". At this point the base workers would
- often turn up missing. But there have been reports given by
- individuals who have seen these lower levels which suggest that
- the story given by the aliens (i.e. that the "bases" are of
- recent construction, are of limited extent, and that the aliens
- themselves are of extraterrestrial origin) is not all true. Some
- of these descriptions suggest that these so-called "bases" are
- actually hundreds if not thousands of years old, and are
- underground systems which connect with ancient tunnel and cavern
- networks which literally undermine the American continent and
- beyond. Other sources with "inside" knowledge on these bases
- have stated that these underlying systems have for centuries been
- the abode of reptilian races native to planet earth, as well as
- other hidden human societies with which the saurians have been at
- war for ages - the knowledge of whom the reptilians have
- attempted to keep from those on the surface (divide and conquer
- strategy against the human race). The government, according to
- many sources, began to learn that these creatures were lying to
- them. Also, something began to happen to the minds of the "joint
- base" workers operating within these installations. It seemed as
- if some type of occult or mind-manipulating influence was slowly
- bringing these workers under it's control; and many witnesses who
- had been in these bases and were fortunate enough to live to tell
- of it were confused by the fact that most of the human workers
- appeared to be nothing less than mindless automatons carrying on
- their assigned tasks in almost zombie-like fashion. Many seemed
- to have lost all feeling and personality altogether. It is not
- known just how ancient some of these underground systems are,
- although some sources suggest that many of them were of
- antediluvian construction. Such activity as we've indicated has
- also allegedly spread to underground bases of government
- construction, such as the underground base network existing
- beneath the Nevada Military Complex. Some bases are of
- exclusively alien construction, others of human construction,
- while still others were found to have already been in existence
- since antediluvian times. Some of the bases such as the one
- below 'Dulce' N.M. are allegedly combinations of two or all three
- of these constructions - i.e. ancient underground systems which
- have been extended by modern alien and/or human occupation.
- The above three paragraphs are scenarios which were related
- not only by John Lear, but several other researchers as well. As
- the reader will see, most of the researchers involved (except for
- a few who have been exposed as disinformation agents intent on
- confusing the issue) have gathered information which fits
- perfectly and collectively into one large, overall and
- frightening scenario.
- John Lear was the keynote speaker at the 1989 MUFON
- conference which was held in Las Vegas. In his address, Lear
- showed portions of actual footage, narrated by Rod Serling, of a
- UFO fly-over and subsequent landing at Holloman Air Force Base.
- The film, according to Lear, was commissioned by the government
- as part of a mass-education program to inform the public of the
- alien presence in an official format. This was when they still
- believed that the (grey) entities were benevolent. These plans
- were dropped however when the "Horrible Truth" became known,
- namely that these sauroid "aliens" were not as benevolent as
- first believed, but were cunningly using the "space brother"
- approach to gain control over the minds of those they came in
- contact with. The top-secret MJ-12 committee and their
- superiors, the MAJIC committee, soon learned that hundreds of
- HUMAN mutilations were being carried out and that THOUSANDS of
- people were being abducted and were never seen again. MJ-12 ever
- since this time seems to have become a rather schizophrenic
- organization, attempting to "feed" and appease this 'beast' with
- one hand while at the same time attempting to develop the
- defensive and offensive technology needed to destroy it with the
- other hand. There are some who suggest that at least part of the
- MJ-12 committee and the allied organizations such as the Delta
- Group, the Jason Society, and the CIA et al. have at least been
- partially infiltrated by the alien influence via implantation and
- mind manipulation, especially among those members of the "secret
- government" who are associated with some of the more nefarious
- activities of certain "Illuminated" secret societies.
- Aside from the underground facilities of New Mexico, Lear
- also insists that the saurian grays have taken over the lower
- levels of secret U.S. government installations in Nevada as well
- (Groom Lake, Dreamland, S-4, Blue Diamond, Mercury, Nevada Test
- Site). Human workers there have also apparently come under their
- "spell". These alien creatures apparently know how to manipulate
- the human mind extremely well, as they have probably had
- thousands of years experience. Other sources indicate that these
- installations were infiltrated and taken over from BELOW and not
- from above. This would explain the LARGE NUMBER of saurian-
- reptilian entities which have allegedly been seen in the extreme
- lower levels of the underground systems beneath the Nevada
- Military Complex, as they have also been seen in the Dulce, New
- Mexico complex - and BOTH of these complexes according to Lear
- and others are allegedly connected subterraneously with each
- other! Apparently, during the deep excavations beneath Nevada,
- the U.S. government "broke-in" to enormous natural underground
- systems and encountered this "alien" race. This seems to have
- taken place unfortunately during the period when the so-called
- "treaties" were being made and the government assumed that these
- aliens were benevolent. There are also allegedly "gray" type
- entities which have been recovered alive from crash/retrievals
- that are being held in the Nevada systems, but even these cannot
- account for all the alien activity allegedly taking place beneath
- this area. That is, unless John Lear and other prominent
- researchers are putting their very reputations at stake by
- perpetrating a collective hoax.
- Many of the workers beneath Nevada's Nellis Air Force Range,
- as in New Mexico, are allegedly being controlled through fear,
- intimidation and mind manipulation, and are led to believe that
- the government is still in control and that everything taking
- place is for the good of humanity, when actually the serpent race
- is running the program, and as Lear put it, they "don't give a
- damn" about the human race. From various accounts, it seems that
- the U.S. Government may have assumed that because of their
- diminutive stature, the "grays" were not so much a threat to us
- as they possibly could be. Yet there is also much evidence as
- we've said earlier that the saurian "grays" are the BOTTOM LEVEL
- of an enormous reptilian "hierarchy". The Grays are perhaps the
- least "offensive looking" of the "Reptoid" species, even though
- they are not at all pleasing to look at (especially their eyes),
- and they can also be indicted in numerous cattle and even human
- mutilation incidents. They have apparently been chosen to
- interface with human beings in order to gain their trust and to
- persuade us to let down our guard, establish "treaties" (which
- the saurians never intend to keep) and other methods designed to
- establish further CONTROL over the human race. The REAL power
- behind this alien hierarchy includes even larger, more secretive
- and more grotesque-appearing reptilian branches which, if
- encountered, would cause absolute terror in most human beings who
- meet up with them. If all of this sounds like so much "science
- fiction", just remember the old saying: "Truth is often stranger
- than fiction!" Also, we have not even begun to record all of the
- various corroborating accounts suggesting that such a scenario is
- actually taking place. Please bear with us and let the
- documentation speak for itself.
- As we indicated earlier, shortly after World War II,
- according to Lear and others, certain segments of the government
- made contact with this saurian-reptilian or "serpent" race. One
- source who does not identify himself but who claims to be a high-
- level official in Military Intelligence (this was confirmed by
- Timothy Green Beckley of Abelard Press, N.Y., who has published
- some of this man's revelations and knows his real identity), goes
- by the name of "Commander X". This (alleged) Intelligence source
- claims that the initial contact took place in the 1930's, that
- the contact involved members of the government who were tied-in
- with the "Order of the Illuminati", and that it was not an
- extraterrestrial race but a SUBTERRANEAN race which they came in
- contact with.
- In addition to this (although it may sound almost
- unbelievable) SEVERAL DOZEN SOURCES, many of whom we will quote
- in greater detail further on, claim that HUNDREDS people -
- victims of abduction incidents - are being held captive in a 7th
- sub-level of the massive underground complex beneath the Dulce,
- New Mexico area. This level, and allegedly deeper levels below
- consisting of natural cavern and artificial tunnel systems, are
- largely under the control of the saurian-grays and their
- reptilian 'overlords.' The region beneath the four-corners area
- of the southwestern U.S., according to various sources, is one of
- the major if not THE major center of activity for these non-human
- beings in North America. There are apparently other centers of
- activity beneath other continents - i.e. aside from Mt. Archuleta
- near Dulce, New Mexico there is Mt. Illampu in South America; the
- Pine Gap Plateau in Australia; unspecified underground areas in
- Africa; the Manosarowar region of the Himalayan Mts. of Asia; the
- island of Malta in Europe; and Mt. Erebus in Antarctica. These
- can be considered as areas of intense subterranean activity,
- especially sauroid activity, or areas where paraspeleological
- events are concentrated. Some of these areas are sites where
- both saurian AND human activity has been reported, and in some
- cases, areas of CONFLICT between saurian and human beings.
- The massive complex beneath the Archuleta plateau near
- Dulce, New Mexico, allegedly intersects with other similar bases
- or installations in New Mexico and neighboring states, for
- instance: Page, Superstition Mts., Arizona; Datil, Pie Town,
- Carlsbad, Taos, New Mexico; Creed, Ft. Collins, Colorado, etc. -
- that is, this system allegedly connects with underground sites
- somewhere NEAR these areas, and others beyond. Incidentally, the
- MAJOR concentrations of cattle mutilations have been in the
- southwestern states and, particularly, epicenters on a ranch only
- 13 miles from the small town of Dulce, New Mexico. Herds roaming
- through that general area have been the MAJOR targets, which
- suggests that similar but smaller installations may exist in
- other areas with high concentrations of cattle mutilations.
- In 1979, according to John Lear's Intelligence and CIA
- sources, a group of government scientists and workers within the
- lower levels of the Dulce complex managed to penetrate into the
- lower depths of this underground system, and were horrified when
- they suddenly came across huge underground chambers filled with
- the REMAINS of untold numbers of HUMAN mutilation victims. Some
- of these remains were apparently those of CHILDREN. Lear and his
- sources believe that many of these may have been some of
- America's MISSING children! This, and other indications, suggest
- that there may be a "hidden holocaust" taking place deep
- underground which may make Hitler's "final solution" appear
- insignificant by comparison.
- These workers had no sooner discovered the "Horrible Truth",
- according to Lear, then they themselves were taken captive by the
- infernal creatures which controlled the deeper levels of this
- labyrinth; but not before these workers were able to warn other
- government workers above about what was really going on. When
- MJ-12 and other deep-level government agencies learned of the
- hostage situation, they decided to send in special forces units
- (Delta Forces and Blue Berets, based in Ft. Collins, Colorado -
- N.R.O. or National Recon Organization headquarters), in an
- attempt to seize the base and set free the people who had been
- captured. When the blood-bath was over nearly 66 of the special
- forces soldiers were dead and the "base" was not taken. I
- realize that all of this sounds rather fantastic, but why would
- John Lear, and many others who have confirmed the activities
- taking place at Dulce, put their entire reputations on the line
- to make such earth-shattering claims unless they are absolutely
- convinced that such claims were in fact true?
- If the reader is not yet convinced, then we would ask them
- to consider the following:
- -- In 1983, New Mexico newspapers reported the "crash" of a
- "top secret military aircraft" near Mt. Archuleta, northwest of
- Dulce. The story appeared for a few days and then nothing else
- was mentioned. During the "recovery operation" witnesses
- reported hundreds of combat ready troops, "armed to the teeth",
- in the area who would run and disappear without a trace when
- approached. Other investigators found a CRESCENT-SHAPED
- impression in the ground where the object had landed, as well as
- trees which had been broken in half when the craft descended, and
- other bizarre signs which were not consistent with the "official"
- version of the story.
- -- Mt. Archuleta is in a very rugged area, accessible - on
- the surface - only by 4-wheel-drive vehicles. In 1978 the
- Federal Government made an agreement with the Ute Indian tribe
- (which has a reservation on the southern border of Colorado, some
- miles north of the Archuleta area, and through which runs the
- only road by which Mt. Archuleta can be accessed by non-4-wheel-
- drive vehicles). The Ute's agreed to enforce a strict "No
- Trespassing" regulation in exchange for certain properties along
- the Colorado-New Mexico border.
- -- John F. Gille (the French national and UFO researcher who
- helped exposed the Club of Rome - Pine Gap, Australia underground
- Base connection), Edmound Gomez (owner of the large ranch 13
- miles from Dulce, New Mexico where the majority of the cattle
- mutilations in the area took place), and Gabe Valdez (at the time
- head of the State Police in Dulce), as well as others
- participated in a field investigation. Because of their
- positions, the group were able to go onto the Archuleta Mountain-
- Plateau via a 4-wheel-drive trail, on Oct. 23-24, 1988. Members
- of the investigation team later went on record to state that in
- the early morning hours while camped atop Archuleta peak they
- witnessed a large "boomerang-shaped" object coming from the
- northwest at great speed, stop and hover in mid-air, and emit
- something like "sparks" from both ends, then continuing off at
- great speed into the distance. They also reported seeing strange
- lights which would appear and fade over a period of time, within
- a canyon cliff where a prominent physicist and UFO researcher by
- the name of Paul Bennewitz alleged were cave-openings through
- which UFO's had been seen entering and leaving. Bennewitz by the
- way had concluded that there was an "alien" controlled "base"
- beneath Mt. Archuleta, based upon years of research into the UFO
- activity that has often been witnessed by several people in the
- Dulce area. The investigation team who saw the "boomerang
- -shaped" object also claimed that when the lights appeared in the
- cliff they could hear sounds like radio transmissions, although
- the voices were not understandable, and at one point they thought
- they heard a sound like "trucks moving" in the distance, even
- though they were several miles from any public road (except for
- the restricted one?)
- -- Paul Bennewitz reported that: "Troops went in and out of
- there (Dulce) every summer, starting in '47. The natives do
- recall that. They also built a road--right in front of the
- people of Dulce and trucks went in and out for a long period.
- That road was later blocked and destroyed.... The signs on the
- trucks were "Smith" Corporation out of Paragosa Springs,
- Colorado. No such organization exists--no record exists....I
- believe the base--at least the first one (i.e. first U.S.
- government built extension of the upper-levels of the base -
- Branton) was being built then (under the) covering of a lumbering
- project...problem--they NEVER hauled logs. Only BIG equipment."
- (Note: There are indications, based on the testimony of Commander
- X and others, that the government was at this time actually
- expanding the UPPER LEVELS of an ancient underground installation
- which was apparently built originally by an ancient human race
- and later infiltrated by the saurian-grays - Branton)
- -- "Commander X", the anonymous military-intelligence
- official mentioned earlier, claims to have learned a great deal
- about the goings on at the Dulce facility through the
- intelligence "grapevine". He states: "R & D and the Military
- Industrial complex became involved and did a study for the base.
- Most of the lakes near Dulce were made via government grants
- "for" the Indians. Navajo Dam is the main source for
- conventional electric power, with a second source in El Vado
- (also an entrance to this massive complex, which some claim opens
- out onto the surface in over 100 sites)."
- There are many indications as we've said that an
- antediluvian race may have inhabited the Americas and - although
- extremely warlike and prone to practicing sorcery - were advanced
- enough in their sciences to construct a vast system of
- underground tunnels connecting large natural cavern systems deep
- underground. The reasons for this could include the following:
- military or national defense purposes; protection from saurian
- predators above; occult or religious purposes; mining and
- excavation, or simply for living purposes. There are several
- documented accounts of people who have encountered very ANCIENT
- tunnels and underground excavations of prehistoric origin all
- over the United States, however strange this might sound to some
- people. The Mt. Archuleta region MAY be such a site which has
- been re-established in post-deluvian times. We say this because
- the four-corners region of the Southwest U.S. seems to be a
- central "hub" of subterranean activity which apparently dates
- back to ancient or possibly even antediluvian times. Many of the
- ancient tunnel systems which hunters and explorers have allegedly
- stumbled across in the southwest - some of which will be
- described in detail later on - were at least a few centuries old
- when they were found, and possibly even thousands of years old.
- Based on the statement by Commander X that the 'Illuminati' came
- into contact with a SUBTERRANEAN reptilian race in the 1930's,
- and other accounts which we will describe later, and due to the
- fact that not even MJ-12 seems to know how "deep" some of these
- installations descend into the earth - we can only come to the
- conclusion that the Southwestern subnet (subterranean network) is
- much more ancient than the aliens would lead us to believe. This
- ancient subnet has apparently been added to and expanded upon in
- more recent ages, based on the numerous accounts which have been
- gathered.
- There seems to be basically four "branches" of subterranean
- activity radiating out from the Archuleta area. Who or whatever
- controlled these subterranean networks in the past, it is evident
- that much of it is now under the control of the "serpent race".
- Even if humans work within many of these installations, there are
- many reports which state that a large number of these have been
- implanted in a similar manner that UFO abductees have been
- implanted by miniaturized monitoring devices, and thus the
- reptilians control such bases, either way one looks at it. Some
- of these electronic implants or monitoring/mind-control devices
- are allegedly injected into the optical or nervous systems at the
- base of the brain via a large needle which is inserted into the
- nasal cavity. This aspect of the UFO phenomena has surfaced
- among thousands of alleged UFO abductees, and these "implants"
- have actually been photographed by x-rays and CAT scans. As
- for the four "branches" radiating out from the Dulce, New Mexico
- subnet, they are based on various accounts which have been
- collected, reports which concern one or more of the following: 1)
- Areas where excessively large cavern systems have been reported;
- 2) Areas where ancient tunnels or artificial excavations of
- unknown origin have been reported; 3) Subterranean recesses -
- both natural and artificial - in which non-human entities have
- been encountered; 4) Subterranean recesses - both natural and
- artificial - in which human beings have been encountered. We
- will give a very basic list of these areas, and in later writings
- we will deal with each site on which this list in far greater
- detail.
- SOUTHERN BRANCH - This reaches down along the border of
- Arizona - New Mexico and southwest into the Salt River Valley -
- Superstition Mts. area of southeast Arizona and again spreading
- southeast towards Pie Town and Datil, Las Cruces, Dona Anna Mts.,
- Organ Mts., Carlsbad, Guadellupe Mts., New Mexico. From here
- reports of subterranean activity tend to reach south along the
- Guadellupe's and into Texas, towards the region of Dallas and
- also into the Big Bend region directly south. From here the
- subterranean activity appears to reach down into Mexico,
- Guatemala, and eventually into South America.
- NORTHERN BRANCH - North Along the border of Colorado - Utah,
- stretching northeast towards the Uncompagre Mts., Creed, Colorado
- Springs, Pikes Peak, Colorado; and then again up through eastern
- Utah along the Western Rockies, the Utah and Salt Lake Valleys,
- and west into the Salt Flats - Dougway area, north past Hill AFB,
- and then northwards into southern Idaho, Burley, etc., and then
- north towards the Mt. Teton - Jenny Lake region of NW Wyoming.
- WESTERN BRANCH - This tends to stretch along the Utah -
- Arizona border to Page, with branches going southward to the
- Coconino Plateau and the Colorado - Little Colorado river
- convergence and another branch stretching up into the St. George
- area of southwestern Utah. West from Page towards the Black
- Mts., area and then into the Las Vegas - Nevada Military Complex,
- and on into southern California through the general region
- encompassed by the 29 Palms Marine Base, The Devil's Playground,
- Death Valley, Panamint Range, Ft. Irwin, Deep Springs, El Paso
- Mts., Edwards AFB., Lancaster, and west to San Francisco and
- surrounding regions, to Los Angeles and then up towards Clear
- Lake, Mt. Lassen, Mt. Shasta, and then up through the region of
- Salem, Oregon, and then up into Washington State and to Mt.
- Rainier, etc.
- EASTERN BRANCH - Eastward through northern New Mexico, Los
- Alamos, San Cristobel, Taos, etc., and into northern Texas and
- then southern Oklahoma - Sulfur Springs, Bromide Springs, Binger,
- McCallester, etc., and then eastward through northern Arkansas -
- Cushman, Ozark Range, etc., and on into the Kentucky - Tennessee
- region - Sweetwater, TN., Salem, Mammoth Caves, Lexington, etc.,
- KY., while a "side branch" seems to run north towards Chicago and
- then into southern Minnesota. From Kentucky - Tennessee this
- area of activity tends to run through West Virginia - Helevita
- and Newville area and into the Bluemont area of Virginia and
- Washington D.C., and again into southern Pennsylvania - Allegheny
- Mts., Pittsburgh, Dixonville, etc., and then fanning out into
- Western New York state - Salamanca, Syracuse, and again towards
- Hartford, Connecticut and Mt. Moodus and then towards New York
- City and Boston, and the White Mountains of New Hampshire, and
- also into southeast Canada - Toronto, Lake Ontario, Schefferville
- on the Quebec-Newfoundland border, etc.
- As we've said, there are many indications that an
- antediluvian race achieved sufficient technological or occult-
- technological sophistication to create such a subsurface system,
- and there are indications that segments of the U.S. government
- have over the years, in addition to recovering crashed aerial
- disks, re-discovered many of these ancient tunnel systems and
- subsurface networks, and have been "adding on" to them. Hints of
- this activity can be seen in the Military-Industrial complex's,
- Los Alamos - Rand Corps., etc., heavy involvement with the
- "underground", as evidenced by several sources, including their
- own research documents. On page 645 of the Rand Proceedings of
- instance, we read on page 645: "Just as airplanes, ships and
- automobiles have given man mastery of the surface of the Earth,
- tunnel-boring machines...will give him access to the Subterranean
- World." The Rand - Los Alamos organization has for years
- possessed technology which could accomplish the massive and rapid
- exploration of the "Subterranean World", and there is no telling
- how far they may have come in realizing this goal, for they are
- strangely silent on the outcome of this project. However, the
- September, 1983 issue of OMNI Magazine (page 80) showed a color
- drawing of the "Subterrene," the Los Alamos nuclear-powered
- tunnel machine that burrows through rock, deep underground, by
- heating whatever stone it encounters into molten rock (magma),
- which cools after the Subterrene has moved on.
- The incredible thing is, however, that ancient tunnels
- seemingly constructed by such "thermal bores" had been discovered
- in remote caverns in diverse parts of the world years before Los
- Alamos labs even thought of the possibility. It appears as if
- someone, perhaps some forgotten race in ages past, thought of
- this very same thing long before the Anglo-Saxon exploration of
- the American continent came about.