Compute! Gazette 1989 June
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Commodore BASIC
75 lines
5 gosub 500
10 open15,8,15,"i0"
20 open1,8,8,"0:64 contents,s,r":input#15,en,em$:if en>0 then130
30 input#1,mo$:input#1,it:dimn$(it),j$(it)
40 it=it-3:rem ** screen proof,mlx,surv
50 fori=0toit:input#1,n$(i),j$(i):next
60 close1:close15
70 open15,8,15,"i0"
80 open1,8,8,"0:128 contents,s,r":input#15,en,em$:if en>0 then130
90 input#1,mo$:input#1,ot:dimn1$(ot),j1$(ot)
100 ot=ot-3:rem ** screen proof,mlx,surv
110 fori=0toot:input#1,n1$(i),j1$(i):next
120 close1:close15:goto140
130 close1:close15:print"[147]disk error":end
140 sp$=" "
150 l$="............................................."
160 h1$="compute!'s gazette disk survey for the "+mo$+" 1989 issue"
170 open4,4:cmd4
180 print h1$:print
190 print"please rate the following gazette ";:print"programs on a scale of ";
200 print"1(low)-10(high).":print"a blank space has been provided for your ";
210 print"comments and suggestions."
220 forx=1to71:print"*";:next:print
230 print"program title rating comments"
240 forx=1to71:print"*";:next:print:print
250 fori=0to(it)
260 iflen(n$(i))>20 then n$(i)=left$(n$(i),19)
270 sp=20-len(n$(i))
280 n$(i)=n$(i)+left$(sp$,sp)+" [ ] "+l$+chr$(13)
290 printn$(i)
300 next
310 print"* 128 programs *":print
320 fori=0to(ot)
330 iflen(n1$(i))>20 then n1$(i)=left$(n1$(i),19)
340 sp=20-len(n1$(i))
350 n1$(i)=n1$(i)+left$(sp$,sp)+" [ ] "+l$+chr$(13)
360 printn1$(i)
370 next
380 forx=1to71:print"*";:next:print
390 print"list any additional comments below:":print
400 forx=1to3:fory=1to71
410 print".";:next:print:print
420 next
430 forx=1to71:print"*";:next:print
440 print"return this form to the address below.";:print" thank you for your ";
450 print"participation.":print
460 print"attention: submissions reviewer"
470 print"p.o. box 5406"
480 print"greensboro, nc 27403"
490 print#4:close4
495 goto 600
500 print"[147]":poke53281,0:poke53280,0
510 print"we're interested in your opinions about"
520 print"the gazette disk service and the"
530 print"programs we publish. to help us serve"
540 print"you better, please take the time to"
550 print"fill out our survey sheet. any"
551 print"comments, critical or complimentary,"
552 print"are welcome. the gazette survey will be"
553 print"printed to your printer. make sure your"
555 print"printer is on-line and the paper is"
556 print"positioned at the top of form."
557 print" m [146] return to menu."
558 print" p [146] print survey."
560 geta$:ifa$="" then 560
570 if a$="m" then goto600
580 if a$="p" then return
590 goto560
600 v=peek(772)+256*peek(773)
601 ifv=17165 then run"128 menu"
610 print"[147][144]load";chr$(34);"mn";chr$(34);",8"
611 print"printchr$(147):run"
612 poke198,3:poke631,19:poke632,13:poke633,13:poke634,13:poke635,13
630 end