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- VIRUS-L Digest Monday, 12 Dec 1988 Volume 1 : Issue 42
- Today's Topics:
- Public CERT Teams
- Paper viri and postage
- Sending .arc files from vax/vms to ibm/vm userids
- CHRISTMA EXEC?? Kids Stuff!!!! (IBM VM/CMS)
- Virus Carried by >2400 baud modem carrier
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: SAT, 10 DEC 88 13.11.11 EST
- From: "Scott J. Ellentuch" <KFBT@MARISTB>
- Subject: Public CERT Teams
- The idea of a CERT team is nothing new. The Air Force (I
- believe) has what they refer to as a "Tiger Team". Basically they are
- specialized in penetration testing. They will set up a coordinated
- effort to get into a computer system and then point out any weak
- spots. This service is also available to the public sector from only
- a few companies.
- Using the techniques of computer "hackers/crackers" (Since some
- team member ARE ex-hackers/crackers) they will attempt to launch a
- full scale attack on your computer system. When (and if) they gain
- entry they will inform you as to where the weak spot was and
- suggestions on how to improve security. This service usually runs for
- 1 week.
- Another service available is where they will log onto private
- electronic bulletin boards and check to see if there is any
- information about your system (Dial up #, passwords, etc) on those
- boards. Any such information is sent to the owner for further
- actions. This service usually lasts for one month.
- These people are also available to speak at conferences in the
- fields of cowhen
- relating to computer "hackers/crackers" and phone "phreaks"
- If anyone is interested in more information, please contact me
- personally by email.......Scott J. Ellentuch KFBT@MARISTB.BITNET
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sat, 10 Dec 88 12:56:34 PST
- From: Robert Slade <USERCE57@UBCMTSG.BITNET>
- Subject: Paper viri and postage
- Regarding the recent messages about a "personals" virus, and the
- "caution" slowdown, a wirter in RISKS-FORUM suggested that a really
- fiendish virus would be to send out a notification of a really serious
- (and totally fictious) virus that was so dangerous you should reformat
- *everything* you own, and send away for replacements of *all* your
- software. *But first* spread the message to everyone you know, so
- they won't get caught ...
- Also, I have had a number of requests from those in the States as to
- how to get Canadian postage. No, the Canadian post office doesn't
- accept American postage. (I have had people send cas in the States.) As
- the international community is aware, there are such things as
- "International Reply Coupons" which allow you to, essentially,prepay
- the return postage at your post office.
- Unfortunately, I do not have access to Quad density disk drives at
- home, so you must use 360 or 720 K.
- And, I have not received a request in a year and a half for Apple or
- Mac format. I do not think, given how behind I am in just compiling
- the stuff, that I can accomodate those requests.
- Again, please don't ask for the stuff via email.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 11 Dec 88 19:09 EST
- Subject: Sending .arc files from vax/vms to ibm/vm userids
- I am a recent subscriber to VIRUS-L and became one because I
- discovered the Brain virus on some of my floppies. I've managed to get
- a copy of FSP_14.arc from uxe.cso.uiuc.edu via anonymous ftp. I've
- also downloaded it onto my PC and have De-Arced the contents and it
- runs fine on my PCrd because I live off
- campus and there are too many people on campus who are perpetually
- logging into his boa rd. He has a VM account (on the IBM 3090) to
- which I could send this file if I can determine how. This file is
- currently on my VAX/VMS account. I've tried sending it with the
- /binary and the /binary/netdata options of the send/file command but
- when its downloaded it cannot be de-arced. I was wondering of some one
- else encountered this problem and how it could be remedied. I'm sorry
- this doesn't pertain directly to viruses, but there are a lot of
- students out there who would benefit greatly if I could make it
- available on their BBS. Any help or leads would be greatly
- appreciated.
- - -Mathew Mathai
- Student Virgina Tech (aka VPI & SU)
- Blacksburg, VA.
- ------------------------------
- Date: Sun, 11 Dec 88 22:39:38 EST
- From: Gabriel Basco <GJB100C@ODUVM>
- Subject: CHRISTMA EXEC?? Kids Stuff!!!! (IBM VM/CMS)
- We got a REXX psuedo-compiler, tns besides the all the XMAS EXEC stuff..
- 'FORMAT 191 A'
- Is there a way to fight back? Or should we just don;t run any programs
- that appear in the READER??
- Gabe
- ------------------------------
- Date: Tue, 6 Dec 88 08:33:44 PST
- From: eto@elroy.jpl.nasa.go
- Subject: Virus Carried by >2400 baud modem carrier
- This memo has been distributed at JPL, but I have not run across
- mention of the virus anywhere else:
- Subject: New Virus
- Sender: David I NAKAMOTO / JPL/01 Contents: 2.
- Part 1.
- TO: JEMS / JPL/01
- Part 2.
- There is a new virus out there that is carried on the subcarrier
- of modems running at 2400 baud or higher. This virus was
- discovered by someone working in a Telecommunications company in
- Seattle. From my information, this virus is transmitted during a
- binary file transfer and uses the subcarrier to change registers
- inside your modem to spread the virus around. That's how it
- replicates. The virapparent cure is to cycle the
- power on the modem or reset the modem registers BY HAND. To
- prevent the spread of the virus, it is recommended that you use
- 300 or 1200 baud only, that you refrain from file transfers, that
- sysops close their file transfer areas, and make backups of your
- hard disk every day in case of infection.
- Four systems are known to be infected with this virus, none on
- lab that I know of. A possible hardware fix is being developed
- that filters the subcarrier for this virus.
- End of Item 2.
- ------------------------------
- End of VIRUS-L Digest
- *********************
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