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VIRUS-L Digest Wednesday, 20 Sep 1989 Volume 2 : Issue 198
VIRUS-L is a moderated, digested mail forum for discussing computer
virus issues; comp.virus is a non-digested Usenet counterpart.
Discussions are not limited to any one hardware/software platform -
diversity is welcomed. Contributions should be relevant, concise,
polite, etc., and sent to VIRUS-L@IBM1.CC.LEHIGH.EDU (that's
LEHIIBM1.BITNET for BITNET folks). Information on accessing
anti-virus, document, and back-issue archives is distributed
periodically on the list. Administrative mail (comments, suggestions,
and so forth) should be sent to me at: krvw@SEI.CMU.EDU.
- Ken van Wyk
Today's Topics:
Re: Macintosh Virus
datacrime question (PC)
Possible virus? (VAX/VMS)
RE: VirusDetective questions (Mac)
RE: Centel Corp. and ViruScan
Re: VirusDetective questions (Mac)
DataCrime antidote: NOCRM11.ARC availability (PC)
Date: 20 Sep 89 11:56:23 +0000
From: shull@scrolls.wharton.upenn.edu (Christopher E. Shull)
Subject: Re: Macintosh Virus
In article <0001.8909191859.AA09184@ge.sei.cmu.edu> JOHN P. BRADLEY writes
that he has found the Macintosh Scores virus, and asks about how to proceed
with eradication and user education.
Since the Decision Sciences Department teaches the largest Mac-based
course at the University of Pennsylvania, we have taken the lead in
user education. Who else on campus has a captive audience of >600
students each year? :-) Our instructors encourage students to drop
Vaccine 1.1.1 into their system folders (explaining that it was like
practicing safe sex, but less intrusive). We also taught them how to
use Disinfectant 1.2. Although we resent having to take time from
teaching to cover this, the peace of mind of the students is well
worth the effort. Furthermore, the hot-line and walk-in consulting
staff have many fewer problems since students are encouraged to pass
along the programs and the minimal knowledge required to use them.
If we didn't have a captive "seed" group, I would probably try to run
some special noon-time seminars on Mac virus detection, removal, and
We are just now trying to get offices which have frequent contact with
student diskettes to go further than just protecting themselves, and
perform first tier advice to their "clients". (In some cases, we are
still trying to get them to protect themselves -- one Mac II user I
worked with yesterday had 44 nVIR A and B infections on his hard disk,
and didn't have the foggiest idea!)
At the very least, the latest versions of the tools mentioned above,
plus GateKeeper (for sophisticated users) should be readily available
in a well publicized location. (My teaching lab remains the only one
on campus. :-( )
Good luck,
- -Chris
Christopher E. Shull shull@scrolls.wharton.upenn.edu
Decision Sciences Department shull@wharton.upenn.edu
The Wharton School University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA 19104-6366 215/898-5930
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"Damn the torpedoes! Full speed ahead!" Admiral Farragut, USN, 1801-1870
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Date: Tue, 19 Sep 89 19:13:00 -0400
Subject: datacrime question (PC)
if you use fdisk to create a dummy partition of lets says 2
cylinders and then create a second normal active dos partition
will this prevent the virus from destroying track zero?
seems like it might to me...how about some comments!
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 08:59:00 -0400
From: System Manager <MANAGER@JHUIGF.BITNET>
Subject: Possible virus? (VAX/VMS)
I recieved this from Info-VAX today. I think it may be of interest.
Damian Hammontree
System Programmer, Johns Hopkins School of Medicine
Message follows:
Comments: From IVERS@CMR.MFENET on 19-SEP-1989 23:36:02.73 EDT
Comments: To: info-vax@kl.sri.com
On Monday morning, our users (including the system manager) were
surprised to find that they could no longer log in to our VAX 11/750
(VMS V4.5). Coincidentally, one user reported the appearance of
several files in his directory with names like WARNING., VIRUS., and
ATTACK.. He thought it was a joke and said nothing at the time the
files appeared.
The system was booted with UAFALTERNATE =1. It appeared that
SYSUAF.DAT was intact, but the passwords were no longer valid. A
SYSUAF.DAT file was restored from a backup set and new passwords were
issued. The problem is that now when more than 2 users attempt to use
the system, a message of the type LICENSED NUMBER OF SYSTEM USERS
EXCEEDED appears.
As for the "virus" files - all that remains are subdirectories of
names similar to the files reportedly seen by the user (one of them is
called [.DEADLY-VIRUS]).
Any ideas as to the cause or cure of the LICENCED NUMBER OF...
problem, or insight into the nature of the "virus" would be
Thanks in advance,
Tom Ivers (system manager)
Columbia U. Plasma Physics Lab
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 09:22:55 -0400
From: dmg@lid.mitre.org (David Gursky)
Subject: RE: VirusDetective questions (Mac)
What version are you using? The latest and greatest is 3.0.1. I've
been using it with no problems. [On the other hand, the systems I am
using it on are clean according to it and Disinfectant 1.2...]
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 09:36:26 -0400
From: dmg@lid.mitre.org (David Gursky)
Subject: RE: Centel Corp. and ViruScan
Why does McAfee's note about Centel and Viruscan bug me? Correct me
if I'm wrong, but is not Viruscan shareware? I certainly understand
John's concern about the possible loss of revenue because people
mistakenly believe they have "purchased" Viruscan, rather than paid
Centel for the distribution cost (as an aside, I somehow find $25 to
be awfully high for what Centel is purporting to be doing). In any
event, it strikes me that the tone of John's message is to the effect
of "I want you to get your information from me and no one else". If
my interpretation is indeed correct (and I apologize in advance if it
is not), is this the type of attitude VIRUS-L wishes to promote? It
is not in anyone's interest to restrict the flow of information on
countering viruses.
[Ed. VIRUS-L wishes to _facilitate_ the open discussion of virus
issues and information, neither endorsing nor condemning the opinions
of its contributors.]
Disclaimer: Dis is soup. Dis is Art. Soup. Art. [Apologies to L. Tomlin.]
David Gursky
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 14:33:49 +0000
From: yale!slb-sdr!sdr.slb!shulman@uunet.UU.NET (Jeff Shulman)
Subject: Re: VirusDetective questions (Mac)
awinterb@udenva.cair.du.edu (Richard Nixon) writes:
>Has anyone used VirusDetective for the Mac? We've
>used it, but it seems to detect viruses in files that
>we doubt are affected.
I have (but then again I wrote it! <standard disclaimers>).
VirusDetective (VD) is only as good as the search strings used. VD
3.0.1 (the latest) is distributed with search strings that detect all
known *active* Mac viruses. With the latest search patterns I have
seen NO cases of "false" alarms. Some earlier search strings (say
CODE Size xxx) to test for a virus *could* match legitimate CODE
resources. So, without knowing what version you are running nor the
search strings you are using you may very well be getting matches
where no virus actually exists. Standard example of Garbage In,
Garbage Out.
>How reliable is this bit of software?
I have not seen any known virus get past VD 3.0.1. VD is the only
program (to my knowledge) that can be user configured to search for
any new virus (or *any* resource for that matter) as soon as a virus
is discovered thus you do not need to obtain a new version (costing $$
from commercial vendors) when a new virus is discovered. NOTE: I *do*
send out notification of new search strings to my registered users but
you are apt to see them in Usenet first.
Jeff Shulman
VirusDetective author
- --
uucp: ...rutgers!yale!slb-sdr!shulman
Delphi: JEFFS
CIS: 76136,667
AppleLink: KILROY
Disclaimer: VD has absolutely nothing to do with my "day" job at SDR and
opinions, etc. herein should not be construed as coming from SDR.
Date: Wed, 20 Sep 89 11:09:27 -0500
From: jwright@atanasoff.cs.iastate.edu (Jim Wright)
Subject: DataCrime antidote: NOCRM11.ARC availability (PC)
Version 1.1 of NoCrime has been sent to the IBMPC anti-viral archive
sites. This program is meant to combat the DataCrime virus strains
receiving so much publicity lately. This file, NOCRM11.ARC, replaces
version 0.1 sent out previously under the name NOCRIME.ARC.
NOCRM11.ARC Fights the DataCrime viruses.
End of VIRUS-L Digest
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