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VIRUS-L Digest Thursday, 9 Feb 1989 Volume 2 : Issue 41
Today's Topics:
Arpa Worm & Knowledge spread
Request for info on a message given by Interferon 3.0 (Mac)
Re: Virus Technical Report (Apple // query)
A virus book
Macintosh ANTI virus (from VALERT-L)
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 1989 18:11 EST
From: Bruce Ide <xd2w@purccvm.BITNET>
Subject: Arpa Worm & Knowledge spread
I hate to tell you guys, but the info provided in most newspapers
after that nasty ARPA worm hit was enough for me and the consultants
here to go on if we happened to write another one. Don't complain
about these books when Magazines have been supplying this info for
years. I read the Articles in Science Digest and said "Hey, I could do
that." Not that I ever did, but the concepts are fairly easy, at least
for worms and trojans. Any good programmer could whip up something
like the Bitnet XMAS greeting in thirty minutes. But not too many
would because we are not all wierdoes who enjoy that sort of thing.
This book won't really make much difference in what's out there. There
won't be many new viruses, but maybe more old ones, if listings are
provided in the book. Thought you'd like to know...
-Grey Fox
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 89 19:17 EST
From: Cincinnati Bengals. <KUMMER@XAVIER.BITNET>
Subject: Request for info on a message given by Interferon 3.0 (Mac)
Recently we've gotten a copy of Interferon 3.0 for our Mac's here
at Xavier to eradicate the nVIR virus that infected our hard disks.
Occasionally, when a disk is checked, the message, "This is not an HPS
disk" appears. Does anyone know what this means?
Tom Kummer
Date: Wed, 08 Feb 89 21:30:02 EST
From: "Bruce Howells" <engnbsc@buacca.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Virus Technical Report (Apple // query)
In 2.40, David J. Ferbrache mentions an Apple // virus (elk). This is
the first time I've seen reference to this critter - any info out
there other than it's name??
Bruce Howells, engnbsc@buacca.bu.edu / engnbsc@buacca.bitnet
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 89 22:59 EST
From: Dimitri Vulis <DLV@CUNYVMS1.BITNET>
Subject: A virus book
Ralf Burger
Computer Viruses: a High Tech Disease
Abacus, Inc
5370 52nd Street Southeast
Grand Rapid, Michigan 49508
282 pp.
But is this THE book Bill Machrone wrote about?
Date: Wed, 8 Feb 89 10:43:00 CST
Sender: Virus Alert List <VALERT-L@IBM1.CC.Lehigh.Edu>
From: "David Richardson, UT-Arlington" <B645ZAX@UTARLG.BITNET>
Subject: Macintosh ANTI virus (from VALERT-L)
- ----------------------------------------------------
Description: similar to nVIR, SCORES, & others, but does NOT add new
resources, only changes existing ones.
Detection: Vaccine beeps ONLY when "always compile MPW inits" is
unchecked. Cannot be detected by virus-detective or most other
antiviral utilities.
Symptoms for novice: ??
[...forwarded text deleted - can be found in VIRUS-L Volume 2 Issue 39...]
- -David Richardson, The University of Texas at Arlington
Bitnet: b645zax@utarlg Internet/Domain: b645zax@utarlg.arl.utexas.edu
UUCP: ...!{ames,sun,texbell,uunet}!utarlg.arl.utexas.edu!b645zax
USnailMail: P O Box 192053, Arlington, TX 76019-2053
PhoNet: 817-273-3656 (FREE from Dallas/Ft. Worth, school months only)
PS: I (David Richardson) have never actually seen this, & I honestly hope
it is a hoax (like the "modem virus"), but it is too scary to ignore.
End of VIRUS-L Digest
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