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~QEDPAS~0~000003424~ (SMartEditor(tm) for ~turbo_PAScal~0~000004356~ .PAS files)
( 910317etpc )
~Edit SAMPLE.PAS~0~@QedPas sample~
~Compile SAMPLE.PAS~0~@tpc sample~ ( needs TPC.EXE )
~Run sample~0~@sample~
~Print SAMPLE.PAS~0~@print sample.bat~
~Pretty Print SAMPLE.PAS~0~@print TempPas.Tmp~ ( on Gestetner LJ Printer)
~Edit sample files~0~000000842~ ( a sub menu )
~Print ReadMe File~0~@print readme~
~Print ReadMe File~0~@print readme.ges~ ( on ~Gestetner~0~000003047~ LJ )
~Edit Gestetner File~0~@QedGes readme.ges~
~View ' ' ~0~@QedGes /w readme.ges~
~EXIT~0~EXIT~ ~DOS~0~@command~
( NB. Press [home] key for help on how to navigate )
End User Editors
This file contains several common End User Scripts,
each with a customised End Users Editor.
QEDSME's SMartEditor(tm) series of EUE's know something
about the syntax of the target files, enabling the End User
to spot many potential errors during Edit-Time.
BATch Files ~List~0~$Sample.Bat~ ~Edit~0~@QedBat sample~
HyTeXt ( used to give this demonstration ) ~List~0~$Sample.Htx~ ~Edit~0~@QedHtx sample~
. GEStetner Pretty Print Files. ~List~0~$Sample.Ges~ ~Edit~0~@QedGes sample~
turbo_PAScal Script ~List~0~$Sample.PAS~ ~Edit~0~@QedPas Sample~
Editor Instructions ~View~0~@QedGes /w QedIns~ ~List~0~$List~
~Print~0~@print QedIns~ ~Pretty Print~0~@print QedIns.Ges~
~Edit this menu file~0~@QedHtx Go~
~LCL~0~000002218~ Laser Command Language.
PAN ( Program ANimator ) is a DOS helper shell program.
Described in Australian Personal Computer magazine 1990 May p193.
BATch ═══ the language used by ═╦═ DR-DOS ═╦═ .
╚═ MS-DOS ═╝
Laser Command Language by ~Gestetner~0~000003047~
A set of printer codes that :
1) Easy to remember mnenomics
2) Use only printable ascii codes.
3) Free formatting - LCL codes can be interspersed with text.
│CF3. Change Font 3
│CP12. Character Pitch 12.
│LH2 10. Line Horizontal thickness 2 length 10.
CopyRight (c) 198? - Gestetner Lasers Pty Ltd.
QEDPAN is based on QED.PAS found in PC-BLUE 0261
Max of 5000 lines.
Doesn't really handle lines greater than 80 characters long ;
lines longer than 80 chars are displayed , but can't be edited
beyond then 80th column.
~Hit any key~0~BACK~
Gestetner Lasers Pty Ltd
12 Rodborough Road
Frenchs Forest NSW 2086
Telephone: +61-2-975-0555
Makers for GLX800 laser printers etc.
Copyright holders of Laser Command Language (LCL).
( Formerly known as Impact Systems ).
( Formerly located in Chatswood NSW ).
QEDPAS SMartEditor(tm) for turbo_PAScal ( BORLAND ).
Try This!
PO Box 363
Mona Vale NSW 2103 Phone: +61-2-997-2543
Australia Fax: +61-2-979-5632
CopyRight (c) QEDSME - All rights reserved
Australian Personal Computer Magazine
published by Computer Publications Pty Ltd.
HyText - a shareware hypertext system from ═╦═ PC-SIG1234 ═╦═.
╚═ MDS ════════╝
HyText can also be used to run a simple free format DOS menu system,
such as this demonstration.
SMartEditor(tm) for End User Editing of ═╦═ DR-DOS ═╦═ BATch files.
╚═ MS-DOS ═╝
turbo_PAScal v5.0 from Borland