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QEDSME SMartEditors(tm) for End User Editing - PriceList 901130
QEDSME SMartEditors(tm) speed up End User Editing because
they work as if an expert were looking over your shoulder, advising you
about the syntax of the text you are writing, and spotting many errors as
soon as they are made. So let's see you work ═╦═ harder ══╦═ . All you
╚═ smarter ═╝
need to do is the select the appropiate SMartEditor(tm) for the
particular End User Script that you are trying to write.
DISK Descriptions % Author/ShareWare# Price
QEDEUE SMEd for End User Editing 100 ═╦═ ( APC 1990Sep ) $AUD 19.90
╚═ ( Byte Int 1990Aug )
QEDSME_1 SMartEditor Collection #01 (SMEPD _*A0069) set $AUD 55.00
QEDHTX SMEd for HyText 100 ═╦═ (MDS)(PCSIG1234) $AUD 30.00
╚═ ( _*S1234)
QEDHLP SMEd for HyperHelper 75 ( _*S1332) $AUD 30.00
QEDAUT SMEd for AutoMenu(r) 75 (Magee) ( _*S0608) $AUD 30.00
QEDSME_2 SMartEditor Collection #02 (SMEPD _*A0100) set $AUD 85.00
QEDPBA SMEd for pBase 75 ( _*S0464) $AUD 50.00
QEDGES SMEd for Gestetner LJ 90 (Gestetner) $AUD 30.00
QEDQIZ SMEd for PC-QUIZZER 90 ( _*S1143) $AUD 30.00
QEDTDB SMEd for Teacher's DB 75 ( _*S0878) $AUD 30.00
QEDSME_3 SMartEditor Collection for Expert Systems ( S*A0460) set $AUD 125.00
QEDMAE SMEd for MAE 90 (MARS) ( _*S0464) $AUD 50.00
QEDIMP SMEd for IMPSHELL 75 ( _*S0761) $AUD 50.00
QEDEXP SMEd Sawyer&Foster Expert 75 ( ISBN 0-471-84267-2 ) $AUD 50.00
QEDESI SMEd for ESIE 75 ( _*S0878) $AUD 50.00
( Exp Sys Inference Engine )
QEDSME_4 SMartEditor Collection for Speech ( SMEPD S*A0461) set $AUD 45.00
QEDTLK SMEd for PCTALKER 90 ( S*A0461) $AUD 30.00
QEDREA SMEd for READ 90 ( _*S1377) $AUD 30.00
QEDSPE SMEd for SPEECH's SAY 90 ( _*S1668) $AUD 30.00
QEDSME_5 SMartEditors for Communications #1 ( _*A____) set $AUD 95.00
QEDBOY SMEd for BOYan 75 ( _*S1209) $AUD 40.00
QEDBRN SMEd for The BRaiN 75 ( _*S0752) $AUD 40.00
QEDGTN SMEd for GT-Comm 75 ( _*S0782) $AUD 40.00
QEDSME_6 SMartEditors for Communications #2 ( _*A____) set $AUD 95.00
QEDPRO SMEd for PROcomm 75 ( _*S0499) $AUD 40.00
QEDQMO SMEd for QMOdem 75 ( _*S0310) $AUD 40.00
QEDUNI SMEd for UNICom 75 ( _*_____) $AUD 40.00
QEDSME_7 SMartEditors for Communications #3 ( _*A____) set $AUD 125.00
QEDPCT SMEd for PC-Tools 75 (CentralPointSoftware) $AUD 50.00
QEDSOF SMEd for SOFterm 75 (_________) $AUD 50.00
QEDITE SMEd for IT Ideal TErminal 75 ( _*S0679) $AUD 40.00
QEDSME_8 SMartEditors for Communications #4 ( _*A____) set $AUD 125.00
QEDSUP SMEd for SUPerComm 2 75 (OperatingSystemsResearch) $AUD 50.00
QEDRFL SMEd for ReFLection 7 75 ( ) $AUD 50.00
QEDNTC SMEd for NeTComm v.2.4 75 (NetComm Aust Pty Ltd ) $AUD 50.00
QEDSME_9 SMartEditors for Communications #5 ( _*A____) set $AUD 75.00
QEDCBN SMEd for CarBoN Copy Plus 75 $AUD 50.00
QEDTLX SMEd for TeLiX SALT 51 ( _*S2300) $AUD 40.00
QEDMRR SMEd for MiRroR 75 $AUD 50.00
QEDSME_A SMartEditors for Communications #6 ( in preparation )
901127 Prices.Ges.001
QEDSME__ SMartEditors - UnGrouped
QEDPAN SMEd for PAN(ProgramAnmatr) 90 ( APC 1990 May p196 ) $AUD 50.00
QEDXMA SMEd for XMaKer 90 ( APC 1990 ) $AUD 30.00
QEDOFT SMEd for OneFingeredTypists 90 ( APC 1990 ) $AUD 20.00
QEDSBK SMEd for SoftBooK 80 ═╦═( PCU 1990 May p021 ) $AUD 30.00
╠═════( SMEPD N*A0446 )
╚═( Karda Prints )
QEDPCH SMEd for PatChWork 80 ═╦═( YC 1990 May p048 ) $AUD 160.00
╚═( Seamless Software )
QEDBRG SMEd for BRidGe/286 65 ═╦═( YC 1990 Jun p___ ) $AUD 160.00
╚═( SoftBridge MicroSystems )
QEDCFG SMEd for ConFiGuration 50 $AUD 10.00
QEDBAT SMEd for DOS Batch files 50 $AUD 50.00
QEDFTH SMEd for ForTH Encyclopedia 85 ( MountainViewPress ) $AUD 40.00
QEDDBG SMEd for DeBuG Assembler 50 ( MicroSoft ) $AUD 20.00
QEDPSI SMEd for PSIon Organiser 50 ( Psion ) $AUD 40.00
QEDKMT SMEd for KerMiT 60 ( Columbia Uni ) $AUD 15.00
QEDC2L SMEd for ═╦═ GateWaY ═════╦═64 ( CyberSoft ) $AUD 160.00
╠═ Discovery ═══╣
╚═ NetComm V3.0 ╝
QEDHYP SMEd for HyperPad 50 ( ) $AUD 50.00
QEDTKW SMEd for TalKingWindows 65 ( CorporateWorkGroup) $AUD 80.00
QEDMPH SMEd for MicroPHone II 65 ( Software Ventures ) $AUD 80.00
QEDXTK SMEd for CrossTalk 55 ( ) $AUD 50.00
QEDCAI SMEd for PC-CAI 60 ( _*S1470 ) $AUD 40.00
QEDAPT SMEd for PERAPT 65 ( ) $AUD 50.00
QEDPAS SMEd for Turbo Pascal v5.0 55 ( ) $AUD 40.00
QEDEUE SMEd for End User Editing 100 ═╦═ ( APC 1990Sep ) $AUD 19.90
╚═ ( Byte Int 1990Aug )
╚══ These SMartEditors(tm) know
about ═╦══ some ═══╦═ of the syntax
╚═ not all ═╝
of the target program's source files.
This column gives a rough idea
of how much syntax is checked.
The prices quoted above are to register QEDSME products only. You still
need to ═╦═ register for ═╦═ the relevant target programs as well.
╚══════ buy ═════╝
The QEDSME SMartEditors(tm) are based on QED.PAS of PC-BLUE 0261.
$AUD Australian Dollars
$USD US Dollars
REFERENCE ADDRESSES ( not a complete list )
AUS Australia
USA United States of America
PC-BLUE NYACC PO Box 106 Church St Station New York NY 10008 USA
PC-SIG 1030D E Duane Ave SunnyVale CA 94086 USA
SME-PD 22 Queen St Mitcham VIC 3132 AUS
Manaccom PO Box 1297 Milton Qld 4064 AUS
SUG PO Box E162 St James NSW 2000 AUS
Gestetner Lasers Pty Ltd 12 Rodborough Rd Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 AUS
Shareware Producers
Karda Prints 10 McCormick Way Narrogin WA 6312 AUS
MDS MDSoftware 30 Harris St #6 Acton MA 01720 USA
MARS Man. Act. Research Systems PO Box 47 Dulwich Hill NSW 2303 AUS
QEDSME Try This! PO Box 363 Mona Vale NSW 2103 AUS
Try This! Fax: +61-2-979-5632 Phone +61-2-997-2543
APC Australian Personal Computer Magazine
APC Level 17 Plaza 2 500 Oxford St Bondi Junction NSW 2022 AUS
YC Your Computer Magazine
YC Federal Publishing 180 Bourke Rd Alexandria NSW 2015 AUS
PCU Australian PC User Magazine
PCU Level 17 Plaza 2 500 Oxford St Bondi Junction NSW 2022 AUS
901130 Prices.Ges.002 Copyright (C) QEDSME - All Rights reserved.