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84 lines
|CY0.|CX9.|LM.|LP8.|PL88.|CF1.|CP12.|CM/LCL Gestetner Lasers Pty Ltd/.
|CX7.|CY3.|LB3 70 107.|CX8.|CY4.|lb1 68 105.
|CM/Draw Large box outline two fold/.|CX10.|LM.
|CF3.QEDSME SMartEditor(|CF2.tm|CF3.) Instructions Ver 1.05 910327
|CF4.Commands for all QED__ editors:|CF1.
[BACKSPACE] Move back (+)
[TAB] Move to next tab (+)
[ENTER] Move to next line (+)
[HOME] Move to start of line (+)
[END] Move to end of line (+)
[PGUP] Move back one screen (+)
[PGDN] Move forward one screen (+)
[DELETE] Delete character (+)
[arrow keys] Move in direction of arrow (+)
[INSERT] Toggle insert/replace mode (+)
|CF9.[ESC] Erase current line |CF1. (o)
[CTRL/LEFT] Previous word (+)
[CTRL/RIGHT] Next word (+)
[CTRL/PGUP] Top of file (+)
[CTRL/PGDN] End of file (+)
[F1] Print editor help instructions (+)
over several pages.
May also print synopsis of syntax.
[F2] Locate all lines with a string (+)
[F3] Search for a string (+)
[F4] Global search and replace (+)
[F5] Quit edit with file save (+)
[F6] Insert blank line (+)
[F7] Delete current line (+)
[F8] Toggle Hide/View Mode (*)
[F9] OFT(tm) one_key_at_a_time synonyms (*)
[F10] Quit edit without file save (+)
[ALT/Z] Refresh Screen ( reanylize syntax ) (*)
|CF4.Editor commands for one or more applicable Editors.|CF1.
|CF2.( subject to alteration )|CF1.
[ALT/U] Pretty Screen dump (*)
[ALT/L] Pretty-Print on Line Printer. (*)
[ALT/E] Pretty-Print to File. (o)
( may also generate cross-references )
[ALT/H] HyperCut and HyperPaste (*)
[ALT/I] Macro Insert commands (*)
[ALT/Y] Toggle left/right half of screen (*)
[ALT/C] Toggle QuickErrUrDetection on/off (*)
[ALT/P] Reserved for TSR Popup print spooler (*)
[ALT/R] Report status {*}
[ALT/S] Future Windows-like standard S)ave command (f)
[ALT/X] Future Windows-like standard eX)it command (f)
|CF4.OFT|CF2.(tm)|CF4. - One Fumb Typing |CF1.
Various commands two or three keys to be pressed
simultaneously. To achieve One Fumb Typist compatibility,
the following synonyms are provided ( in Prototype stage )
[F9] N 0 2 6 Same as ConTRoL/Z
[F9] N 2 1 1 Same as Chr(206) or "╬"
[F9] N 2 0 0 Same as Chr(200) or "╚"
[F9] A Z Same as [ALT/Z]
[F9] C [PgDn] Same as [CTRL/PgDn] or Jump to bottom of file.
[F9] S 2 Same as [SHFT/2] or "@" ( ampersand )
More generally, OFT(|CF2.tm|CF1.) is used to create a large number of
extended commands which have a reasonable
chance of being the same over the whole range of editors.
See QEDOFT for more details.
|CF4.Legend|CF1.: |CF2.
(+) - Original command from QED.PAS of PC-BLUE0261.
(*) - Additional command defined by QEDSME.
(f) - Future command.
(o) - Obsolete command from QED.PAS no longer supported.
|cf6.Try This!|CF1. PO Box 363 Mona Vale NSW 2103 Australia
Phone: +61-2-997-2543 Fax: +61-2-979-5632
|CX0.|CY110.|CF2.910327 QedIns.Ges.001 Copyright (c) |CF6.QEDSME|CF2. - All Rights reserved.|CF1.
|LM.|LP6.|PL66.|MS/Done QedIns/.