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|cx8.|lm.|pl88.|lp8.|CP12.|CM/sample Gestetner GLX800 laser jet codes/.
|CY0.|CX9.|LM.|LP8.|PL88.|CF1.|CP12.|CM/LCL Gestetner Lasers Pty Ltd/.
|CY5.|LB4 66 103.|CM/Draw Large box outline fourfold/.|CX9.|LM.
|CY4.|CX8.|LB2 68 105.|CY3.|CX7.|LB3 70 107.
|CY6.|CX10.|LB1 64 101.
|CF3.QEDSME SMartEditors(|CF2.tm|CF3.) for End User Editing V1.00 900930|CF1.
GO HTX A demonstration hypertext file.
Requires ═╦═ HyText.Exe v2.8 ex PC-SIG1234 ═╦═.
╚═ HytYtt.Exe v1.0 ═══════════════╝
GO BAT Run demonstration.
README This File.
READMEB GES Readme file with Gestetner(|CF2.r|CF1.) LCL(|CF2.c|CF1.) codes.
QEDBAT EXE Editor for DOS Batch .BAT files.
SAMPLE BAT Sample edit file.
|CF4.QEDBAT |CF1.is a simple screen editor that knows something
about the special keywords and syntax of MS-DOS and DR-DOS batch files,
and also the command line switches of selected programs.
Keywords are highlighted in different colors and syntax
err|UL1.|CF9.U|UL0.|cf1.rs, where detected, are highlighted in |CF9.|UL1.red|UL0.|CF1..
The occurance of an error doesn't stop the
user from typing in errors, the highlighting of
errors is to aid error correction. Indeed, since QEDBAT doesn't
presume to know all the syntax that might appear in a Batch file,
it must not prevent the user from overruling any hints that
may be inappropriate or incomplete.
QEDBAT does most of its syntax checks on a line by line
basis as you edit that line.
Strictly speaking, since there are minor differences between
the commands on different versions of DOS and on different brands
of PC's, there ought to be many customised versions of QEDBAT ... that's
something for the future!
|CF4.QEDHTX|CF1. ═╬═ operate with a ═╦═════════ common ═══════╦══╦═ LooK ═╦═.
|CF4.QEDGES|CF1. ═╝ ╚═ say 90% standardised ═╝ ╚═ FeeL ═╝
|CF4.Command Line Options:|CF1.
QEDBAT sample |CF5.Assume .BAT as default filename extension.|CF1.
QEDBAT /w sample |CF5.Runs in write-protect view mode.|CF1.
QEDBAT sample /rc 345 12 |CF5.Position cursor at row 345 col 12.|CF1.
QEDBAT /? |CF5.Help.|CF1.
|CF4.Special Requirements:|CF1. CGA.
(|CF2.Restricted operation with mono monitors.|CF1.)
|CF4.Registration:|CF1. see PRICES file.
QEDBAT is based on the Turbo Pascal v3 screen editor QED.PAS
from PC-BLUE0261 ( now converted to TP5 ) , and is similar to other
SMartEditors(|CF2.tm|CF1.) in the |CF6.QEDSME(|CF2.tm|CF6.)|CF1. series.
|CF4.Comments and Registrations|CF1. to:
|CF6.Try This!|CF1.
PO Box 363
Mona Vale NSW 2103 Phone: +61-2-997-2543
Australia Fax: +61-2-979-5632
|CX0.|CY110.|lm.|CF2.910216 ReadMe.Ges.001 Copyright (c) |CF6.QEDSME|CF2. - All Rights Reserved. |CF1.
|cx0.|lm.|pl66.|lp6.|MS/Done QedEue/.