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221 lines
requires EGA and mouse.
(C) Stephen Peter, June 1989.
This game is a strategy war game played on a map.
The objective of the game is to capture all the enemy cities.
The game is written in Turbo Pascal.
At the beginning of the game each player is given 5 positions (including two
cities) and there are 3 "free" cities. The free cities are undefended and
belong to no-one (until captured). Each player then distributes their 5
armies and 1 ship among their positions (with a maximum of 2 armies per
position). If you decide a position has no strategic value, you don't need
to put any of your forces there!
After each player has placed their forces at the start, the battles begin!
Each player can have up to 2 armies on each position (with some land); and
each sea position can contain 1 ship. During attacks it is possible that
there would be more than 2 attacking armies, but after the attack the excess
armies must be moved off the position (see below).
Players move one after the other; and each player's move has four parts:
1) At the beginning of each go (except the first) players receive 1 army or
ship on each of their cities (assuming there is room);
2) each army and ship can be moved once to an adjoining position
(loading/unloading armies to/from a ship is taken as a move); then
3) if any of the armies or ships are in enemy occupied positions these
attacks are resolved (see details below); and lastly
4) if any successful attacks result in more than 2 armies being in one
position, then the excess armies must be moved to adjoining territory
(belonging to that player) or loaded on a ship.
To move an army (or ship) to an adjoining position: point to the figure (and
press the left mouse button), then point to the adjoining position and press
the left mouse button again.
To load an army on a ship (in the same position): firstly point to the army
and press the left mouse button, then point to the ship and press the left
mouse button again. After a ship has loaded (or unloaded) any armies it
cannot move until the next go.
To unload an army: point to the army (on the ship) and press the left
mouse button, then point to the land (in the same position) and press the
left mouse button.
Pressing the right mouse button, ESC or F1 (Function 1), signifies a player
has finished moving, and the attacks should begin!
There are two types of attacks (1) Land attacks and (2) Sea attacks:
1) Land attacks occur if a player moves one (or more) armies into a
defended (enemy) position or a city. Each army (whether attacker or
defender) gets one "dice" throw (out of 10). In addition, if a city is
being attacked, then it also gets a dice throw. The attacking forces
win if the total of all their dice throws is higher than that of the
2) Sea attacks occur when a player moves a ship into a position that
already has an enemy ship. Each ship gets two dice throws (regardless
of whether it is carrying any armies or not). The attacking ship wins
if the total of its dice throws is higher than the defender's.
REMOVING EXCESS ARMIES (after an attack)
It is very common for more than two armies to attack a position. When this
happens the excess armies must be moved off the position at the end of the
player's go (assuming the attack was successful). If the extra armies can't
move to a ship or an adjoining position ("owned" by the attacker) then the
armies are lost!
Battle results are determined randomly by "dice". Each die is represented
by a "rolling" random number between 0 and 10. The program will either roll
the random numbers until a key is pressed or will automatically stop rolling
after a random length of time (the user selects the method at the beginning
of the game when deciding the number of players).
A short note on strategy; but first a comment on random numbers. AT the
risk of explaining the obvious: if 6 armies attack 2 armies the potential
ranges are 0-60 and 0-20, so most often the 6 armies will win - but not
always!!! The point is that it is always important to stack the odds in
your favour (as much as possible) whenever you are attacking AND plan a
contingency in case your sure-thing looses...!
At the beginning of the game it is often very difficult to know the best
distribution of armies (you usually don't know where your opponent(s) will
place their forces). The main advise I can give is to attempt to capture
one (or more) of the three "free" cities and to keep away from positions
that are in the "middle", that is, positions that have (or will have)
enemies on two (or more) sides. That kind of position is very difficult to
defend because the enemy forces will converge on it and keep attacking till
it is taken. The problem here is simply a lack of "breathing space/time",
which is vitally important for building up defending forces. A city always
under attack can't be getting new armies because that would require you to
move one army off the city, leaving the city under-defended when the other
players are attacking. If you find yourself in this circumstance try to
"immobilise" some of the attacking cities (by sitting two armies next to the
Land based attacks:
The broadest hint I can give for land-based strategy is to attack with
four (or more) armies wherever possible (and if necessary, be prepared to
forfeit the two extra armies).
If possible have two of your nearby cities feeding your attack forces -
the new army from one joins the army from other. This will provide you
with a steady stream of (pairs of) armies.
When attacking, always maintain sufficient defensive forces; for example,
when a city of yours has more than one (enemy) city nearby (and you want
to capture them!): first immobilise the cities (by placing two armies
beside them) and then (if possible) attack each city in turn. For example
if a city of yours has two enemy cities nearby and you have four armies
around each enemy city, if you attack both enemy cities at the same time
AND THEN LOOSE you might not have sufficient backup forces to stop those
cities from mounting an attack on your city.
Sea based attacks:
When attacking a city from across a sea, blockade the enemy (coastal)
cities before you start moving your armies across the sea to establish a
foot-hold. This should ensure that most of your armies arrive at the
destination! It is often best to land the armies away from the target
(and hopefully away from most of the defending armies). Having gained a
foot-hold distribute your armies (if possible) so you can attack the
defending armies with a numerical advantage; at the same time, continue
to unload armies from your ships, and extend your foot-hold towards the
target cities.
If you are being attacked by forces being transported by ships, then (if
you have a coastal city) start producing ships and then move the ships
into unoccupied sea positions (in the path of the enemy ships). Sea
attacks are always 1:1 so both ships have about the same chance of winning!
Hopefully, after a few goes your ships should start to defeat the enemy
ships before they reach your territory.
It takes just one go to produce a ship, but it takes 3 goes (or 3 cities 1
go) to produce a ship and two armies and one further go is needed to load
the armies on the ship! So if you don't load armies, you can quickly
produce a number of ships which will have an even chance of defeating the
attacking ships (which take longer to produce - if they carry armies);
the end result is that, if you can get you defending ships into the path
of the attacking ships, you can usually stop their attack!
The version you have is a "demonstration" copy of the program; it is
complete except for 2 features:
1) the registered copies generate an entirely new map each time the
game is run; and
2) this (demonstration) version does not include a "save game" option.
If you would like to receive a registered copy of this program, send $45 to
the address below (please specify your preferred Disk formats).
Registered users will receive the latest copy of the program PLUS a copy of
MAP-ED (a "drawing" program that can be used to edit the "tiles" that make
up the maps). As mentioned above, the registered version of CONQUEST
includes two features not in the demonstration version: firstly each time
the game is run, an entirely new map is created; and secondly, a "Save Game"
option is included.
To obtain a copy of the Mouse support unit, send $35 to the address below.
This includes the compiled code (not source), sample programs and notes
which explain how the unit can be used to give mouse support in your own
(Turbo Pascal) programs.
Registered users can also obtain a copy of the map generation and display
unit by sending $50 to the address below. As above, this includes the TPU
files (not the source), sample programs and notes which explain how the units
could be incorporated into your own (EGA graphics) Turbo Pascal programs.
A commented source listing of the (whole) CONQUEST program (including the
map generator) can be obtained by sending $165 to the address below.
For a commented source listing of the MAP-ED program send $100 to the
address below.
$70 Registration and map generation TPU.
$185 Registration and source listing of CONQUEST.
$215 Registration and source listing of CONQUEST and MAP-ED.
Please make all payments in US currency; Bank cheques or Money Orders please,
(if sending from Australia or New Zealand, local currency is fine).
please address any comments to:
PO BOX 643
N.S.W. 2066