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░ SDNet/Works! Cumulative C-INDEX and CATALOG Issue 1189
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(c) Copyright 1989 by SDN Project - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
├──────────────────────[DISTRIBUTION CATALOG PORTION]────────────────────┤
Description Distribution Abstract
City Desk Desktop Publisher CTDESK72.SDN - <A:c0189a>
DIREDIT 1.51 - Directory Manager DIREDIT.SDN - <A:c0189n>
Dumpy - Display and Capture Screens DUMPY.SDN - <A:c0189b>
EZ Copy Lite - Diskette Duplicator EZCL-E12.SDN - <A:c0189c>
EZ Forms Lite - Forms Designer EZFL-E12.SDN - <A:c0189d>
Fantasy - Personal Performance Art FANTASY.SDN - <A:c0189e>
Fastbucks 4.05 - Personal Finance Manager FBK405-1.SDN - REVISED
Fastbucks 4.05 - Personal Finance Manager FBK405-2.SDN -
Galaxy 2.4 - Word Processor GALAXY24.SDN - <A:c0189f>
Gemcap - Screen Capture Utility GEMCAP.SDN - <A:c0189g>
Hard Disk Test 4.45 - Hard Disk Tester HDTEST.SDN - <A:c0189p>
Black Magic Hypertext Editor 1.03 MAGIC103.SDN -
Black Magic Hypertext Reader MAGICRDR.SDN - <A:c0189q>
Black Magic Hypertext Editor Utilities MAGICUTL.SDN -
Minihost BBS - Small scale Bulletin Board System MINIHOST.SDN - <A:c0189r>
PAK 1.6 from Nogate Consulting (Has EXE inside) PAK160.SDN - <A:c0189s>
Personal Appointment Locator - Personal Sec. PAL200.SDN - <A:c0189h>
Drawing Library for PC Draft 3.2 PC-DLIB.SDN -
PC Draft 3.2 - Graph and Drawing program PC-DRAFT.SDN - <A:c0189i>
PC Keydraw 3.53 - Drawing program (Part1) PC-KD353.SDN - <A:c0189t>
PC Keydraw 3.53 - Library (Part3) PC-KDLIB.SDN -
PC Keydraw 3.53 - Manual (Part2) PC-KDMAN.SDN -
PC Keydraw 3.53 - Tutor (Part4) PC-KDTUT.SDN -
Personal Accountant 2.2 - Personal Acctng Sys PCACT220.SDN - <A:c0189j>
Phrase 2.2 - Context Editor and Checker PHRASE22.SDN - REVISED
QFiler 3.1f - Database system QFILE31F.SDN - REVISED
Scientific Equation Solver 1.1 SCIEQS11.SDN - <A:c0189u>
Sorted Directory 6.0 - Directory Sorter Utility SD60.SDN - <A:c0189v>
Sherlock - File Comparison Program SHERLOCK.SDN - <A:c0189l>
Sublim - Create and Display Subliminal messages SUBLIM.SDN - <A:c0189w>
TAPCIS - Compuserve Timesaver/Forum Manager TAPCIS-A.SDN - <A:c0189m>
TAPCIS Manual (Part2) TAPCIS-B.SDN -
FEBRUARY 1989...............................................................
AS-EASY-AS - Spreadsheet ASEASY31.SDN - <A:c0289e>
AX1k - DOS erase and del substitute AX1K.SDN - <A:c0289o>
Bakers Dozen - Assortment of utilities BAKERDOZ.SDN - <A:c0289a>
Draft Choice - CAD and drawing DRAFTC12.SDN - <A:c0289f>
EZX-Forms Executive version - Form maker EZ-FX201.SDN - <A:c0289r>
EZX-Spreadsheet - Spreadsheet EZX-SS21.SDN - <A:c0289q>
EZX-Write - Wordprocessor EZX-W23.SDN - <A:c0289p>
EZX-Talk - Communications terminal EZXT-201.SDN - <A:c0289n>
Grab-Bag - BBS related utilities (?) GRAB-BAG.SDN - <A:c0289m>
HDB Caculator - Programmers caculator HDBCALC.SDN - <A:c0289g>
Service Plus - Maint manager (Part1) MAINT26A.SDN - REVISED
Service Plus - Maint manager (Part2) MAINT26B.SDN -
PC-Calc - Spreadsheet - Program (Part1) PC-CAL1.SDN - <A:c0289c>
PC-Calc - Spreadsheet - Utilities (Part2) PC-CAL2.SDN -
PC-Calc - Spreadsheet - Manual (Part3) PC-CAL3.SDN -
PC-File dB - Relational database Program (Part1) PC-FPRGM.SDN - REVISED
PC-File dB - Utilities (Part2) PC-FUTIL.SDN -
PC-File dB - Manual (Part3) PC-FDOCS.SDN -
PC Draft/CAD - Drafting/CAD System PCD-CAD.SDN - <A:c0289z>
PC-STYLIST - Writting Anaylizer PCSTYLE.SDN - <A:c0289d>
PC-Tickle - Reminder program and more PCTICKLE.SDN - <A:c0289b>
Procomm 2.4.3. - Communications System PROCM243.SDN - <A:c0289y>
Pyroto - BBS and/or on-line (door) game PYROTO.SDN - REVISED
In-Control - Customer tracker - <A:c0289i>
(Distributed as SALE-A27.SDN, SALE-B27.SDN, SALE-C27.SDN, SALE-D27.SDN)
Sapphire BBS system SAPPHIRE.SDN - <A:c0289l>
Services - File/Directory/Hard Disk Manager SERVS20A.SDN - <A:c0289s>
Two Disks - Disk Comparison/Maint <A:r0289a> TWODISKS.SDN - <A:c0289x>
MARCH 1989..................................................................
Algebrax - An Algebra Tutor ALGEBRAX.SDN - <A:c0389a>
DooDah - The Professional Horse Rase Handicapper DOODAH43.SDN - <A:c0389c>
Express Calc - The "Visible Spreadsheet" EXCALC4A.SDN - <A:c0389d>
Express Check - Checking Account Manager EXP-CHEK.SDN - <A:c0389e>
File Express - Database Manager FILEXP-A.SDN - <A:c0389f>
Grapher 2 - Graphing System GRAPHER2.SDN - <A:c0389g>
Image 3D - Computer Aided Drawing System IMAGE3D.SDN - <A:c0389h>
Licence and Address - Shareware Licensing LICADD.SDN - <A:c0389i>
Mille Bourne - Computerized verion of card game MILLE12.SDN - <A:c0389j>
Modern Billing - Client Billing & Accounts Rec. MODBILL4.SDN - REVISED
Modern Statistics - Statistical Analysis MODSTAT1.SDN - REVISED
NewKey - Keyboard Enhancement utility NEWKEY51.SDN - <A:c0389m>
On-Side - Sideways Printing Utility ON-SIDE.SDN - <A:c0389n>
Order - Disk Directory Ordering utility ORDER212.SDN - <A:c0389o>
PC Dashboard - DOS Control center PCDASH18.SDN - <A:c0389p>
PCFMT - Procomm Script Formatter PCFMT13.SDN - <A:c0389q>
PMCAT - Program Catalog PMCAT40F.SDN - <A:c0389r>
QFiler - Disk Management Utility QFIL31HB.SDN - <A:c0389s>
PCP-Reorg - Procomm+ Dialing Directory Organizer REORG100.SDN - <A:c0389t>
TBFMT - Turbo Basic Formatter TBFMT.SDN - <A:c0389u>
Settime & DTM - Time & Date for non-clock system TIMES2.SDN - <A:c0389v>
Unit Conversion - Convert units of measure UNITCONV.SDN - <A:c0389w>
Warpspeed - Keyboard Speed-up Utility WARPSPED.SDN - <A:c0389x>
Window Boss - C Programmers Window Builder WINBOSS1.SDN - <A:c0389y>
ZPRT - Printer Support Utility ZPRT10A.SDN - <A:c0389z>
APRIL 1989.................................................................
Black Jack Tutor & Game BLKJACK1.SDN - <A:0489a>
JOBS - Dos Shell & Housekeeping Utility - <A:0489b>
(Distributed as JOBS32.SDN, JOBS32A1.SDN & JOBS32A2.SDN)
KIN Folks - Geneology Recording System KINFOLKS.SDN - <A:0489c>
Directory Manager/Documenter MASDIR42.SDN - <A:0489d>
Medlin Accounting Series
Accounts Payable MEDLINAP.SDN - <A:0489e>
Accounts Receivable MEDLINAR.SDN - <A:0489f>
General Ledger (Single or Double entry) MEDLINGL.SDN - <A:0489g>
Payroll (Expire: 01/01/90) MEDLINPR.SDN - <A:0489h>
PC Bid Plus (v2.0) Estimating & Bidding PCBIDP20.SDN - <A:0489i>
PC Double Entry Accounting Ledger PCDEAL23.SDN - <A:0489j>
PDS Quote - Estimating & Quotation System PDSQUOTE.SDN - <A:0489k>
PROP MAN - Property Management - <A:0489l>
(Distributed as PM23-1.SDN, PM23-2.SDN, PM23-3.SDN & PM23-4.SDN)
QEdit - Popular Text Editor QEDIT207.SDN - <A:0489m>
Business Accounts Receivable SPC-AR12.SDN - <A:0489n>
Inventory Plus - Business Inventory Control SPCINV20.SDN - <A:0489o>
Business Simple Payroll SPCPRL10.SDN - <A:0489p>
SOFTSET - Office Productivity Environment SSET20_1.SDN - <A:0489q>
SYDEX - Utilities Sampler SYDEX-1.SDN - <A:0489r>
VARGRADE Extensive Student Grading System VARGRAD1.SDN - <A:0489s>
ZIPKEY - Zipcode Utility for Data Entry ZK10E.SDN - <A:0489t>
Zipcode Overlay as of 03/01/89 ZK0389.SDN
MAY 1989...................................................................
3 Dimentional Menuing System 3DMENU.SDN - <A:0589a>
Bank Account Manager (v2.50) BAM250.SDN - <A:0589b>
Bank Account Manager (v2.50) - Documentation BAM250_D.SDN
BOSSKEY (v1.1) A boss fooler. BOSSKEY.SDN - <A:0589c>
CheckMate (v1.70a) - Checkwriter/Financial Man CM170.SDN - <A:0589d>
Business & Personal General Ledger CMGL170.SDN - <A:0589e>
FILEBOSS (v1.1) - Disk Management System FLEBOS11.SDN - <A:0589f>
Envelope Addressing plus Database GRABPLUS.SDN - <A:0589g>
Grades (v2.51) - School Grade Database System GRADE251.SDN - <A:0589h>
Help (v4.33) - Hard Disk Management HELP433.SDN - <A:0589i>
Help (v4.33) - Documentation HELP433D.SDN
KWIKSTAT - Graphic Statistical Analysis (1 of KWIK13_1.SDN - <A:0589j>
KWIKSTAT - Graphic Statistical Analysis (2 of KWIK13_2.SDN
MAGIC MENU (v1.70) - DOS Shell & Menu System. MMENU170.SDN - <A:0589k>
Point & Shoot Hard Disk Backup/Restore PASBR10.SDN - <A:0589l>
Complete Home Management Package PASH20.SDN - <A:0589m>
Computer Aided Instruction - Demos, Tests, Sli PCCAI.SDN - <A:0589n>
PC FILE:db (v1.1) Program Disk (1 of 3) PCFDB111.SDN - <A:0589o>
PC FILE:db (v1.1) Utility Disk (2 of 3) PCFDB112.SDN
PC FILE:db (v1.1) Documentation Disk (3 of 3) PCFDB113.SDN
PDS Database - Basic Program Database (1 of 2) PDSDB40A.SDN - <A:0589p>
PDS Database - Documentation (2 of 2) PDSDB40B.SDN
Pyroto (vC2) - The BBS/On-line Fantasy Game PYROTOC2.SDN - <A:0589q>
Thesplus (v1.0) - Online Thesarus. Mucho Feat THESPLUS.SDN - <A:0589r>
WED (v4.10) Full Screen Text Editor WED410.SDN - <A:0589s>
Window Menus - Build your own Menus with windo WM10.SDN - <A:0589t>
LaserJet Font creater for Microsft Word WRDHPLJ.SDN - <A:0589u>
Directory Extender + Dos Commands XDIR202.SDN - <A:0589v>
ZPAY Business Payroll System ZPAYDSK1.SDN - <A:0589w>
ZPAY Business Payroll System ZPAYDSK2.SDN -
JUNE 1989...................................................................
ASCII File Print Utility for HP LaserJet print 4PRNT310.SDN - <A:c0689a>
ANARKEY Command Line driven Text Editor ANARKEY2.SDN - <A:c0689b>
AUTOMENU (v4.5) Menuing & Management System AUTOMN45.SDN - <A:c0689c>
Brand X Symbolic Debugger BXD2.SDN - <A:c0689d>
CAT-A-DISK (v3.1) - Disk Cataloger CATADSK3.SDN - <A:c0689e>
Draft Choice Graphic Drawing Programs DRAFTC1.SDN - <A:c0689f>
Star Trek Game for EGA Monitors EGATREK2.SDN - <A:c0689g>
Chinese Tiles Game MAHJONG3.SDN - <A:c0689h>
Maxi Form - Disk Formatter w/ greater capacity MAXI154A.SDN - <A:c0689i>
Mind Chart Graphic Charting & Drawing MINDCHR1.SDN - <A:c0689j>
Accounts Receivable Package MODAR1.SDN - <A:c0689k>
Billing/Invoicing System MODBILL6.SDN - <A:c0689l>
Statistical Analysis Module MODSTAT2.SDN - <A:c0689m>
Mouse tools for programmers MOUSTOOL.SDN - <A:c0689n>
Automatic Address Book. NAME_PAL.SDN - <A:c0689o>
Point & Shoot Hard Disk Manager PASHDM20.SDN - <A:c0689p>
PCWrite 3.0 - Word Processor PCWRIT30.SDN - <A:c0689q>
Reference Files PCWRIT3R.SDN -
Utilities PCWRIT3U.SDN -
PIVOT AS-EASY-AS Spreadsheet Printer w/fonts PIVOT.SDN - <A;c0689r>
Sound Tools for programmers SOUNTOOL.SDN - <A:c0689s>
TAPCIS add-on for Easyplex Management TAPLEX12.SDN - <A:c0689t>
TAPCIS Add-on for Message Management TAPMK143.SDN - <A:c0689u>
Hard Disk Manager with more. TREEVIEW.SDN - <A:c0689v>
JULY 1989...................................................................
4DOS Command.com replacement and enhancement 4DOS22.SDN - <A:c0789a>
BIDBIZ v1.00 component and phase cost estimates BIDBIZ.SDN - <A:c0789b>
EASY ACCESS v5.1 a hard disk menu system EZACCES5.SDN - <A:c0789c>
EZ-TREE genealogy tracker, report on family tree EZTREE1.SDN - <A:c0789d>
HDM IV - Hard Disk Menu DOS shell system HDM4.SDN - <A:c0789e>
HyperShell from England - hypercard clone for IBM HS25.SDN - <A:c0789f>
GRAPHER draws bar charts, pie charts etc. GRAPH201.SDN - <A:c0789g>
IMAGE3D design and model drawing in 3D IMG3d_29.SDN - <A:c0789i>
INSTANT ACCESS Menu System and DOS shell IAMS265.SDN - <A:c0789j>
Service Plus maintenance and repair scheduling MAINT30.SDN - <A:c0789k>
McMurphy's Mansion adventure game. MCMRPH15.SDN - <A:c0789l>
Painless Accounting package for small business PAINLES1.SDN - <A:c0789m>
Patiquin's Hard Disk Utilities PHDU_589.SDN - <A:c0789n>
SeekEasy text based information retrieval SEEKEZ_5.SDN - <A:c0780o>
TCHK - Turbo C Library by Howard Kapustien TCHK21.SDN - <A:c0789p>
User Menu - stand alone of network lan USERMENU.SDN - <A:c0780q>
What-You-See Accounting package. Simple and nice WYSAR100.SDN - <A:c0789r>
AUGUST 1989.................................................................
BridgePal v2 bidding, play and score 1/2 players BRDGPAL2.SDN - <A:c0889a>
Cedar v1 display your directory of files in color CEADAR10.SDN - <A:c0889b>
DocSmash v2.93 print 4 pages ASCII text on 1 page DOCSMASH.SDN - <A:c0889c>
Cost-Biz v1 stand alone job cost program COSBIZ.SDN - <A:c0889d>
StarDial v2 Autodialer for Starlink users STARDIAL.SDN - <A:c0889e>
BJ-Files v2.1 build inventory/catalog of files BJF-210.SDN - <A:c0889f>
EasyCase v1.5 Computer Aided Software Engineering EZCASE-1.SDN - <A:c0889g>
Drawing and CAD program EZCASE-2.SDN -
Electric Almanac v1 Predictions on nature cycles ALMANAC.SDN - <A:c0889h>
Jeprs v1.11 Database of references JPRS111.SDN - <A:c0889i>
Micky Menu v1 Mouse driven DOS menu. Point/shoot MMENU100.SDN - <A:c0889j>
{Commo} the tiny telecomunications program COMMO310.SDN - <A:c0889k>
LetterHead v3 design and print letterheads/cards LETHEAD3.SDN - <A:c0889l>
NewKey v5.2 Macro and keyboard redefinition NEWKEY52.SDN - <A:c0889m>
Split_It v1.1 List assets/debits for divorce case SPLITIT.SDN - <A:c0889n>
VPIC v1.8 View GIF/MAC/PCX with VGA or EGA VPIC18.SDN - <A:c0889o>
Both v3.50 prints ASCII text on both sides of paper -
BOTH350.SDN - <A:c0889p>
Phil Herron Utilities for DOS v1.0 PH-UTILS.SDN - <A:c0889q>
DANCAD3D v2.0eg drawing and CAD program wirh 3-D DANCAD2A.SDN - <A:c0889r>
for CGA EGA and Hercules. DANCAD2B.SDN -
Slideshow capability. DANMOVIE.SDN -
Director v4.3 Hard Disk care and DOS shell DIRECT43.SDN - <A:c0889s>
PC-Caclc Plus v2 Spreadsheet by Buttonware PCCALCP1.SDN - <A:c0889t>
NOTE This program distributed PCCALCP2.SDN -
in North America only. PCCALCP3.SDN -
Qanalyst v2 QMODEM activity - needs QMODEM ANALYST.SDN - <A:c0889u>
Quick Memo Reminder v2 Tickler QMR200.SDN - <A:c0889v>
N-Dex v1 enhanced index card type database NDEX.SDN - <A:c0889w>
Stock Market Timer v2.1 advise your portfolio MRKTIM21.SDN - <A:c0889x>
PC-TypeII v1 great improvements to wordprocessing PCTYP2-A.SDN - <A:c0889y>
NOTE This program distributed in PCTYP2-B.SDN -
inside North America only. -
Fortune Cookie v2 random qoute engine w/switches FORTUNE.SDN - <A:c0889z>
Super File Encryptor v4.01 .. need I say more SF-CRYPT.SDN - <A:c0889aa>
BESTGUESS v1.05 task planning tool based on PERT BESTGUS.SDN - <A:c0989a>
BID-BIZ v1.6 multiple component and phase costing BIDBIZ16.SDN - <A:c0989b>
BEST MENU v1.22 DOS shell and menu system BMENU122.SDN - <A:c0989c>
WINDOW BOSS (ro8.25.89) powerful C code lib BOSS01.SDN - <A:c0989d>
EASY INVENTORY business inventory, simple, easy. EASY-INV.SDN - <A:c0989e>
EASY QUOTE v1.0 price quoting, easy, simple. EASYQTE1.SDN - <A:c0989f>
EXTENDED BATCH LANGUAGE v3.00, the better .bat! EBL-BAT3.SDN - <A:c0989g>
E.I.M.S. v1 "Equipment Inventory Maint Scheduler" EMIS100.SDN - <A:c0989h>
FastBucks v4.1 home and business accounting FBKS410A.SDN - <A:c0989i>
Finance Manager II General Ledger Lite v1.3f FMGL13F.SDN - <A:c0989j>
Finance Manager II Accounts Receivable Lite FMIIACCR.SDN - <A:c0989k>
Finance Manager II Payroll Lite FMIIPAY1.SDN - <A:c0989l>
Finance Manager II Accounts Payable FMIIPBL1.SDN - <A:c0989m>
FUNNY FACE v1 designed for kids os all ages FUNFACE1.SDN - <A:c0989n>
LIFE-21 - a simulation game, full featured LIFE-21.SDN - <A:c0989o>
MASDIR v4.3 a Sorted Directory Listing program MASDIR43.SDN - <A:c0989p>
PAST DUE BOOKS v1 library book tracking system PAST_DUE.SDN - <A:c0989q>
Q-PRO4 v4 fourth generation applications language Q-PRO4A.SDN - <A:c0989r>
Q-PRO4B.SDN - <A:c0989s>
QFLIST v1.1 a listing program by Qfiler fame QFLIST11.SDN - <A:c0989t>
ResisPop v1 convert resistance to standard values RESISPOP.SDN - <A:c0989u>
Scientific Equation Solver v1.3 (need I say more) SCIEQS13.SDN - <A:c0989v>
PC SUBLIMINAL MESSAGES v2.1 flashes msg's on CRT SUBLIM2.SDN - <A:c0989w>
TurboFIND fastest utility to find files on disk TF77.SDN - <A:c0989x>
TelixFonEdit an alternative to editing information in Telix -
directory files. Much easier. Needs Telix. TFE_200.SDN - <A:c0989y>
TeleMate v1.2 telecommunications program TMATE12A.SDN - <A:c0989z>
OCTOBER ......................................................................
4TH_86 FORTH Language MSDOS-EGA based. 4TH_86.SDN - <A:c1089a>
Contact Plus v2.1 - client tracking system CPLUS21.SDN - <A:c1089b>
Colorado Utilities Disk Manager v3.1 CUDM31C.SDN - <A:c1089c>
Colorado Utilities Duplicate File Manager v1.2 CUDUP12.SDN - <A:c1089d>
Colorado Utilities Personal Asset Register v1.1 CUPAR11.SDN - <A:c1089e>
Grab Plus v5.5 (TSR) enelope printer/database GRBPLS55.SDN - <A:c1089f>
HyperRez - Hypertext program by Niel Larson HYPERREZ.SDN - <A:c1089g>
HyperPlus - Hypertext program by Niel Larson HYPLUS10.SDN - <A:c1089h>
LCG/Reminder v1.6 reminds it's time to backup L-RMND16.SDN - <A:c1089i>
Menu-Master - menu system by Mirco-Baron MENUMAST.SDN - <A:c1089j>
MultiBak v2.3 provides for many generation .bak MULTIBAK.SDN - <A:c1089k>
MultiEdit v4.0 full function text editor (demo) MULTIED4.SDN - <A:c1089l>
Painless Accounting v4 by Kendall Pierce PAC4-1.SDN - <A:c1089m>
PKWare's PKZIP compression utility v1.02 PKZ102.EXE - <A:c1089n>
NOTE: This file sent as a selfextractor with no Security Envelope
QFONT soft font editor - HP Laserjet compatibles QFONT15.SDN - <A:c1089o>
ViruSacn by McAfee Assoc. v0.6V39 as of 10/89 SCANV39.SDN - <A:c1089p>
ViruScan by McAfee Assoc. v1.1V45 as of 10/89 SCANV45.SDN - <A:c1089q>
StupenDOS v1.61 DOS shell and manager - PKWare SDOS161.SDN - <A:c1089r>
StarDial v3.1 update for the StarLink system STARDL31.SDN - <A:c1089s>
The Space Shuttle Tracker v1.0 by Rpbert Lloyd STS25.SDN - <A:c1089t>
T-FIG (Telix comm program help) needs TELIX T-FIG1.SDA - <A:c1089u>
World Name Game - capitols of nations and states WNG1.SDN - <A:c1089v>
World Maps The Geography Assistant v2.9x WORLD29.SDN - <A:c1089w>
What-You-See Accounts Receivable by v1.1 WYS-AR11.SDN - <A:c1089x>