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Ueckert Software Systems
3573 Dexter Way
Marietta, GA 30062
December, 1985
Release 1.0
(C) Copywrite 1985 by Ueckert Software Systems
All rights reserved.
The disk containing the JRTELE.COM program and this
documentation may be copied and shared with others.
Printed copies of this documentation may not be
distributed in any manner without the express
written consent of Ueckert Software Systems.
Limited License Granted ................. 1
Machine Configuration ................... 2
Introduction ............................ 3
Getting Started ......................... 5
Menu .................................... 7
Dialing Directory ....................... 10
Communication Parameters ................ 13
File Transfers .......................... 14
Program Defaults ........................ 16
Error Messages .......................... 17
Registration Benefits ................... 18
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 1
Limited License Granted
You are free to use and copy the program to share
with others. However, you must follow these rules:
1.) The program and the documentation must be
distributed together.
2.) The program and the documentation must be
distributed unchanged in any way.
3.) You may not charge for the program or its
distribution, other than the cost of the
distribution medium (i.e.; the cost of a
disk, connect charges, or similar items)
without the express written permission of
Ueckert Software Systems.
4.) You may not distribute printed copies of
this documentation without the express
written permission of Ueckert Software
This program and documentation are the property
of Ueckert Software Systems, which owns and retains
all rights to them. There is no warranty, implied or
expressed, about this program's ability to perform in
any manner. Any user of this program does so at that
user's own risk, with no recourse to Ueckert Software
Systems for its performance or lack thereof.
Limited Licesnse Granted
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 2
Machine Configuration
JRTELE.COM will run on 128k PCjr with an external
speaker, a color or monochrome 80-column display, an
internal IBM or external Hayes-compatible modem (at
300 or 1200 bps), and a single disk drive. It will
also support a RAM disk if you have the additional
Other configurations (second disk drives, etc.)
may or may not work. This program depends heavily on
PCjr specific interrupts and ports. If it doesn't
work on your specific configuration, register and
advise the author of the problem. If it can be fixed
without changing the basic purpose of the program, it
will be incorporated into a future release. There are
no plans, currently, to make JRTELE.COM work on a PC,
XT, AT, or other "compatible".
If you are using add-on memory and are changing
the location of the screen memory, you must allocate
enough memory for two (2) pages of screen memory. If
this is not done, results are unpredictable.
Machine Configuration
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 3
JRTELE.COM is a communications program written
specifically for the PCjr. It makes full use of the
Video Gate Adapter, the internal sound chip, and an
IBM internal or external Hayes compatible modem, and
optionally a printer. It also supports a capture
buffer (to a maximum of 32k). It is designed to
communicate with RBBS, using its color graphics and
music, FIDO type, and NOCHANGE bulletin board systems
(BBS). NOCHANGE graphics, music, and NMODEM protocol
are not currently supported. This is the basic
purpose of this program and it will not be altered in
future releases.
JRTELE.COM was written in Turbo Pascal V3.01A
with the BCD option. There are approximately 4000
lines of source code in the program. The source code
is available with a limited use license; see the user
registration information at the end of the manual.
The communications routines in JRTELE.COM are
based on the program DUMTRM.PAS by Jim McCarthy of
Borland International and Andy Botany of Teleware
Incorporated. The disk directory read routine is
based on the program QDL.PAS also by Jim McCarthy of
Borland International. Both programs are in the
public domain and are available on the Borland
International SIG on Compuserve and some BBS's.
The following limitations are present in this
version of JRTELE.COM:
1. Only odd, even, and no parity are supported.
2. Only 300 and 1200 bps are supported.
These limitations do not prevent JRTELE.COM from
performing its purpose as stated above.
If you are using an IBM internal modem, it has
had a revision since its first release. The later
revisions (marked "REV J" and later) corrected a
problem occuring during transmission of non-text
files; i.e., uploads of programs would not work
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 4
properly. If you own an internal modem with a
revision identification lower than "J", you may have
problems with XMODEM uploads. Unfortunately, this is
a problem beyond the control of JRTELE.COM or its
author. If possible, upgrade to a revision "J" or
higher of the IBM internal modem.
If you are using a Hayes compatible external
modem, it must be truly compatible in the command set
and responses. If it is a Hayes compatible and does
not work properly with JRTELE.COM, it's probably not
as compatible as you think. (Paraphased from Borland
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 5
Getting Started
Be sure and read the important notice in the
machine configuration chapter if you have more than
128k of memory. Also make sure the volume on your
external speaker is high enough to hear the sounds
generated by JRTELE.COM.
To begin, type (without the quotes) "JRTELE.COM"
at the DOS prompt (a:>, where a is the default drive
number). The first time you run JRTELE.COM, it may
ask you for information which then becomes defaults
for the program and the dialing directory. The
control file is then written for future runs. The
directory file is created, using the defaults, for
later runs. The next time you run JRTELE.COM, it will
read and use these files. If you are using an IBM
internal modem, the defaults are set to 300 BPS, 8
data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity. If you are
using an external modem, you are asked for its speed.
Then the defaults are set using the speed you
supplied, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, and no parity.
These are the communications parameters recommended by
most BBS's. Later in the documentation, instructions
are given on changing the defaults.
If you are using the IBM internal modem, it is
not necessary to enter any commands to set the modem's
format, dial a number, or do uploads. JRTELE.COM was
written to do that for you.
A few comments about the notations used in this
documentation and the program. When the phrase "Alt-"
proceeds a letter, it means you should hold down the
key marked "Alt" key (to the left of the space bar)
while pressing the named letter key. It is not
necessary to also press the shift key, even if the
indicated letter is capitalized. For example, Alt-M
means: hold down the "Alt" key while pressing the "M"
key. The phrase "Ctrl-" preceeding a letter means to
hold down the "Ctrl" key (to the left of the "A" key)
while pressing the named letter key. Again, it is not
Getting Started
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 6
necessary to press the shift key. The phrase "Fn-"
and number or phrase implies you to press the "Fn" key
(top right corner of the keyboard) and the number or
phrase key. Additional information about key
combinations can be found in the IBM manual, Guide to
Operations, supplied with your PCjr.
When you see angle brackets around a letter in a
word, it means you use that letter to select the
action implied by the word. For example, the word
"e<X>it" means you are to press the "X" key to exit
from the routine. Again, it is not necessary to press
the shift key with the letter.
On occasion, JRTELE.COM will request a name,
phone number, or other information from you. When you
provide this information, certain keys can be used to
change what you have entered before you press the
Enter key. The backspace key will backspace one
character position and put a space there. The Esc key
will backspace over all characters you have entered.
The Enter key indicates you are finished entering
JRTELE.COM will inform you (visually and audibly)
that it is ready. It will also tell you how large the
capture buffer is; usually, it will have between 12k
(on a 128k PCjr) to a maximum of 32k (on PCjr's with
extended memory). When you've read the first screen,
you can press any key to continue. If this is your
first time running JRTELE.COM, press Alt-M to display
the menu.
Getting Started
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 7
The menu screen is provided to give you a quick
summary of the functions available. Each of these
functions is listed below along with a brief
description of that function.
Pressing any key will take you out of the menu.
If it is a function on the menu, that function will be
performed. Most functions perform in this manner.
The function window will remain on the screen until
you press a key; the key you press will be sent or
the appropriate function will be performed, based on
the key. The exceptions to this are the dialing
functions (Alt-D and Alt-Q) and the file transfer
functions (Alt-R and Alt-T). Remember, the shift key
is not required for "Ctrl-" and "Alt-" combinations.
Alt-P Communications Parameters
Allows you to set the communications parameters.
This is used primarily when making a manual
(i.e., not in the directory) call.
Alt-F Program Defaults
Allows you to set the parameters used by the
program; e.g., screen colors.
Alt-E Keyboard Echo
Allows you to see the characters you enter if the
system with which you're communicating (host)
doesn't echo (send back) the characters you type.
Most systems do echo.
Alt-C Clear Screen
Clears the screen.
Alt-X Exit Program
Allows you to exit the program after answering a
verification question.
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 8
Alt-M Show Menu
Shows the menu screen.
Fn-Echo Echo to Printer
Allows every character received and typed to be
sent to the printer. Obviously, you must have a
printer attached and it must be ready. Toggling
the printer on and using 1200 BPS may cause loss
of characters sent by the host.
Fn-PrtSc Print Screen
Allows you to print the screen, including any
window visible. The normal print screen function
is changed while JRTELE.COM is running. This
allows the program to tell the sender to stop
sending while the screen prints; this helps
prevent the loss of characters from the host.
When printing is completed, the sender is told to
resume sending.
Alt-D Dialing Directory
Brings up the dialing directory. You may add,
change, and delete entries; call an existing
entry; make a manual call; redial the last
call; and, of course, do nothing. Dialing may be
terminated by pressing any key. A later chapter
details this function.
Alt-Q Redial Last Number
Redials, repeatedly, the last number dialed.
This can be terminated by pressing any key.
Alt-Z Show Elapsed Time
Shows the time since the last call was dialed;
useful when you're using long distance.
Alt-H Hangup modem
Forces the modem on-hook (i.e., it hangs up).
F1 - F10
Sends the value associated with the pressed
function key from the associated directory entry.
Not effective with manual calls.
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 9
Alt-B Send Break
Sends a sustained break signal. May be required
by some systems, but not most BBS's.
Alt-L Logged Drive
Shows the current logged drive and allows you to
change it.
Alt-V View Disk Directory
Displays an abbreviated directory and free space
on the current logged drive.
Alt-R Receive File
Sets the program in file receive mode. A later
chapter discusses file transfers.
Alt-T Send File
Sets the program in file send mode. A following
chapter discusses file transfers.
Alt-Y Delete File
Allows you to delete a file.
Alt-O Open Buffer
Opens the capture buffer; that is, starts
capturing each character sent and received.
If the buffer was previously open, the capture
starts without destroying the buffer contents.
Alt-K Clear Buffer
Clears the capture buffer. Once cleared, the
data is lost.
Alt-W Write Buffer
Writes the contents of the capture buffer to a
file you've specified as the log file for the
current call. After writing, the buffer is
Alt-I Close Buffer
Closes the capture buffer; that is, stops
capturing data. No data is lost or written.
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 10
Dialing Directory
The dialing directory is used to store the name,
dialing prefix (for example, long distance service
phone number and access code) indicator, phone number,
communication parameters, echo required, line feed
needed, XOn/XOff protocol codes, last connected time
and date, log file specification, and function key
In order to maintain a directory as large as
JRTELE.COM's directory, frequent access to the
directory file must be made. If you remove the disk
containing the directory, you must replace it prior to
disconnecting a call or entering the dialing directory
function. The directory file is always closed except
when it is being accessed; that is, the file will be
opened, used, and closed as necessary.
Pressing Alt-D takes you into the dialing
directory. Once there, you can dial a number by
entering the number to the left of the name of the BBS
you are calling and pressing Enter. The name and
phone number being called will be displayed at the
bottom of the window. If a connection is made, you
will be notified visually and audibly. If no
connection is made, a message will be displayed and
the program will pause before redisplaying the
Calls may be placed to numbers not in the dialing
directory by entering a M (for manual call) and
pressing Enter. The program will ask you for a prefix
code ("!" or "@" as stored in the program defaults and
used to access long distance services) and then the
phone number. After they are entered, the program
will proceed as if the call had been made from the
dialing directory; however, there are no values
associated with the function keys.
The last dialed number (from the directory or a
manual call) may redialed by entering an R and
Dialing Directory
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 11
pressing Enter. The program acts as if you had exited
the dialing directory and pressed Alt-Q.
Entries may be changed or added by entering a C
and pressing Enter. You will then be asked the number
of the entry to be changed; enter it and press Enter.
The current values for that entry will then be shown
and you change may them individually. Enter the
letter of the appropriate value and then the new
value. After all changes have been entered, press the
"Esc" key. Remember, the prefix in the dialing
directory is a "!" or a "@" which relate to long
distance service access prefix definitions in the
program defaults, not modem dialing prefixes. Phone
numbers may contain 14 characters; valid characters
are the digits 0 to 9 and other characters supported
by your modem. Consult the documentation supplied
with your modem. Normal usage (that is, without a
switchboard) requires only that you enter the phone
number of the BBS as you would dial it yourself. If
you use a long-distance service, you should store the
phone number and access code for the service in the
program defaults and the phone number of the BBS in
the directory. Tone and pulse dialing requirements
are also maintained in the program defaults.
Entries may be deleted by entering a D and
pressing Enter. You will be asked which entry to
delete; enter the number of the entry and press
Enter. The entry will be reset to the initial program
To view additional entries, use the Home, End,
PgDn, and PgUp keys (lower right corner of the
keyboard); remember these keys require you to press
the "Fn" key first. Home will display the first 15
entries in the directory. PgUp will display the next
15 entries. PgDn will display the previous 15
entries. End will display the last 15 entries in the
To exit the dialing directory, enter an X and
press Enter. You will be returned to the main screen.
Dialing Directory
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 12
Important Notes
If you captured data during a call and you enter
the dialing directory with data in the buffer, the
program will ask you what to do with the data in the
capture buffer. You may clear the buffer, write it to
a file of your choice, or write it to the log file for
the last call made. If the file you specify exists,
the data will be appended to that file. If you select
to write the file, but have not specified a file name,
a file name of "DEFAULT.FIL" is used.
When sending the values corresponding to the
function keys (F1 through F10), JRTELE.COM will always
add a carriage return. To prevent this, enter a
backslash (\) as the last character of a message. The
function key values are useful for storing your first
and last names, your password, and other frequently
entered strings associated with that entry in the
directory. For example, F1 could contain your first
name, F2 your last name, and F3 your password. This
can save several keystrokes.
Another good idea (made easier by the function
key values) is to use a unique password on every BBS
you call. If a computerized vandal (also called
"hacker", "cracker", or "wrecker") manages to break
into a BBS and get a list of users and associated
passwords, that vandal won't be able to get onto other
BBS's with your name and password and then wreak their
perverse, infantile havoc while destroying your good
name and probably your ability to use the wrecked
BBS's. Unfortunately, it's happened before and will
Dialing Directory
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 13
Communication Parameters
These parameters are used to set or reset the
communications parameters used for manual calls (the
dialing directory maintains the parameters for calls
made from the directory). The most common parameters
are listed for easy selection and entry. If these do
not meet your needs, select option 6 to specify the
required settings. If you are using the IBM internal
modem, the settings you select are checked for
Once selected, the parameters are changed for
both the serial port and the modem. The parameters
are changed in a manner and sequence appropriate for
the modem you are using.
Communication Parameters
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 14
File Transfers
protocol transmitting (uploading) and receiving
(downloading) of files. There is a wealth of public
domain programs (an astounding number of which run
with no problems on the PCjr) available on the BBS's.
If at all possible, it is recommended you use the
XMODEM protocol to transmit or receive files, even
text files. XMODEM has a 99.5% accuracy rate; your
chance of receiving an error during the transfer is
slim. ASCII transfers do no error checking; your
exposure to error is then dependent on the telephone
line, the weather, and any number of other
uncontrollable items.
To receive a file, enter Alt-R. To transmit a
file, enter Alt-T. Once in file transfer mode, you
will be asked to specify a file transfer method;
press the appropriate key. Then you will be asked for
a file specification; enter a normal file
specification (drive:name.ext). The methods supplied
for receiving files are XMODEM and ASCII. For
transmitting files, you may use XMODEM, ASCII, and
Paced ASCII. Paced ASCII is useful if you compose
messages offline (not connected to a BBS, using a
text/word processor), then enter them into the BBS
mail section. Most BBS's use a colon (:) after a line
number for pacing. Check your BBS carefully before
you do this; there are no real standards of line
length or number of lines.
As an alternative to using Alt-R to download text
files, open the capture buffer then tell the host to
ASCII download the file. If the file is larger than
the buffer, the buffer capture routine will tell the
host to stop sending and tell you the buffer is full.
You may then write or clear the buffer. The clear
buffer routine will tell the host to start sending
again. Remember, the write buffer routine also clears
the buffer after writing it.
File Transfers
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 15
Another note about ASCII downloads: the data
being received is not displayed. Since some files do
not have an end-of-file character, the receive file
routine will not know it has received the end of the
file. Watch the number of characters received and the
length of the file; that way you will know when to
stop the receipt of the file.
The program uses the capture buffer to store data
during file transfers; therefore, the capture buffer
will be written before sending or receiving a file.
Also, the buffer is filled before anything is written
to disk, so don't panic if the disk doesn't spin much.
It was designed that way.
File Transfers
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 16
Program Defaults
The program's defaults are available for change.
These include the text color, background (and border)
color, the window text color, window background color,
default BPS rate, default stop bits, default data
bits, modem type, redial delay, and tone with program
messages. (Note that all "BEEP"'s issued by the
program cannot be turned off; certain critical
messages will always cause a "BEEP".) The access
numbers for long distance services are also maintained
in the program defaults as prefix codes "!" and "@".
Pressing Alt-F will get you into the default
change routine. The defaults are listed, then you are
able to change them individually. Just enter the
letter of the default to be changed, then the
appropriate value. To indicate you have no more
changes, press the Esc key. You will then be given an
opportunity to save the changes for future runs.
Any changes made to the program defaults will be
effective immediately after you exit the default
change function, whether the changes were saved or
Program Defaults
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 17
Error Messages
Error messages are displayed at the time of the
error. Usually, JRTELE.COM will display the error
message, then continue as if the request causing the
error was not issued. When you are requested to
select from a set of values, if you do not choose from
the indicated values, JRTELE.COM will just ignore your
The only coded (non English) error messages you
should get are listed below with their cause.
Error Meaning and action
240 Disk full. Try a different disk.
241 Directory full. Try a different disk.
243 Too many open files. Add more files to
If you consistently get other error messages
(identified as Run-time or I/O Errors) and are a
registered user, contact Ueckert Software Systems.
Error Messages
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 18
Registration Benefits
If you send a contribution ($20 suggested), you
will be registed as a user of this program. This
entitles you to advance notice (about a month) of new
releases, and free reasonable telephone support. You
will also have an opportunity to acquire new releases
before non-registered users as well as acquire a
program to convert the control and directory files, if
necessary; both for less than $10 (to cover materials,
postage, etc.). The conversion program will not be
distributed to BBS's or CompuServe. In addition,
change and enchancement requests from registered users
will receive priority over any others. This is not an
offer to do custom code for you for free, but rather a
commitment on the author's part to support as best
possible, within the purpose of JRTELE.COM, the
registered users.
To register, send your contribution along with
your name, mailing address, and computer configuration
Ueckert Software Systems
3573 Dexter Way
Marietta, GA 30062
An acknowledgement of your contribution, plus
current information about the product, will be sent by
return mail.
In addition to the items mentioned above, users
who register will be able to acquire at additional
cost, under a limited use license agreement, a copy of
the source code for JRTELE.COM and documentation of
the source code. For additional information about
acquiring the source code, indicate your desire at any
time after you register.
Registration Benefits
JRTELE.COM (Rel. 1.0) 19
Registration Form
Mail to: Ueckert Software Systems
3573 Dexter Way
Marietta, GA 30062
City, State, Zip:_____________________________________
Equipment Used:_____________________________________
Are you interested in receiving information about
acquiring the source code for JRTELE.COM? YES NO
Any suggestions for enchancements to JRTELE.COM?
Registration Benefits