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Downloading Soft Fonts To A LaserJet
DOWNLOAD.EXE is an IBM PC utility program that manages the
process of downloading soft fonts to a LaserJet printer. DOWN-
LOAD can send a font to any MS-DOS device or to a disk file. You
have optional control over the ID number of the font, whether it
is permanent or temporary, and whether it is a primary or second-
ary font.
All soft fonts have three characteristics associated with them.
Each font must have a unique ID number, 0 - 15. This lets you
select a soft font through software or the front panel of the
printer. Each font must be defined as either temporary or perman-
ent. Temporary fonts are deleted whenever the LaserJet is reset.
Most software that controls the LaserJet sends a reset command
out first, thus deleting all temporary fonts. Finally, a font
may be defined as either primary or secondary. (Note that only
one primary and one secondary font can exist at one time.) The
LaserJet lets you switch between primary and secondary fonts with
simple control characters. Control-N selects the secondary font,
while control-O selects the primary font. Embedding these char-
acters in you text file lets you switch between fonts.
First, if you forget how to run DOWNLOAD, or need help, simply
type DOWNLOAD followed by a carriage return. The program will
print a help list for you. To run download you must at least
specify the name of the soft font to send to your printer. You
can optionally specify the device to send the file to, LPT1,
LPT2, LPT3, COM1, or COM2. In addition, you can optionally con-
trol the three font attributes specified above. To invoke DOWN-
LOAD type:
download fontname [device id perm prim]
where the arguments between the two braces are optional and the
arguments are as defined below:
fontname = the full name of the file to download
device = optional printer port: LPT1, LPT2, LPT3, COM1, COM2,
or a disk file name
id = optional unique soft font ID number (0 - 15)
perm = optional make font Permanent or Temporary (P/T)
prim = optional make font Primary or Secondary (P/S)
Downloading Soft Fonts To A LaserJet
The DOWNLOAD program defaults to printer port LPT1, and assigns
the soft font ID 0, and permanent - primary status. Thus:
download tr100rpn.usp
sends the Times Roman 10 point regular font, (tr100rpn.usp), to
the LaserJet as font id 0, and makes it permanent and the primary
download tr100bpn.usp lpt1 1 p s
sends the bold faced Times Roman font to the LaserJet via LPT1
and assigns it font id 1, permanent and secondary status.
This program is provided free of charge to all who are interested
in it. It may be freely exchanged as long as no fee is charged
for it. Please distribute this package with BOTH this documenta-
tion file and the executable program. This program and documen-
tation are copyright 1987 by Gary Elfring. All rights are re-
served. Commercial use is strictly prohibited.
An enhanced version of this program, which lets you use wildcards
for the font names or supply a list of fonts to download, is
supplied free of charge with all fonts libraries I sell. Or you
can purchase the enhanced downloader and source code (written in
C), for a small fee separately. I offer a number of special
downloadable fonts including computer symbols, pi characters and
dingbats, an LCD font, a Helvetica like font, and credit cards.
For more information on these inexpensive downloadable soft fonts
for you LaserJet contact:
Gary Elfring
P.O. Box 61
Wasco, Illinois 60183-0061