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Assembly Source File
437 lines
%TITLE "Print Screen - <Print Scrn> enhancement TSR"
DISPLAY "Link with /t option to create a .COM file"
; PRNTSCRN.ASM - a TSR to enhance the print screen key ;
; 3-18-90 Robert Mashlan ;
; ;
; ;
; o Prefixes IBM characters with ASCII codes below 32 with the ;
; a printer control sequence. ;
; ;
; o Prints characters with the bold attribute set in bold. ;
; ;
; o On monochrome monitors, underlined characters are printed in ;
; underlined mode ;
; ;
MODEL tiny
; status masks returned by bios int 17h (printer service) ;
printererrors EQU 00101001b ; these bits indicate an error on int 17h
printerselected EQU 00010000b ; printer selected bit
ORG 0100h
jmp install
string macro name, str
name db str
name&len = $-name
; printer control codes ;
string cntrseq <27,'^'> ; printer control code for control ch.
string boldon <27,'G'> ; turn bold printing on
string boldoff <27,'H'> ; turn bold printing off
string underon <27,'-',1> ; turn underlined printing on
string underoff <27,'-',0> ; turn underlined printing off
port db 0 ; printer port number lpt1=0, lpt2=1,..
inprogress db 0 ; in progress status byte
; Local variables here instead of stack ;
; because this TSR is stack parasitic ;
boldflag db 0 ; bold printing is on
underflag db 0 ; underlined printing on
videomode db 0 ; video mode
videopage db 0 ; display page
row db 0 ; row ( 0 based )
col db 0 ; col. ( 0 based )
char db 0 ; character
attr db 0 ; attribute
displaypage db 0 ; display page
screenwidth db 0 ; width of screen
bputchar proc near
; subroutine to output a char to the printer ;
; input: al=char ;
; dx, ax changed ;
; carry flag set on error ;
push ax ; save char
mov dl,byte ptr [port] ; get printer port
xor dh,dh ; clear high byte
mov ah,02h ; bios printer - check status
int 17h ; bios printer
test ah,printererrors ; check for errors
jnz @@error ;
test ah,printerselected ; make sure printer selected
pop ax ; get saved char
jz @@error ; to avoid time out
xor ah,ah ; bios printer - write char
int 17h ; bios printer
test ah,printererrors ; check for errors
jnz @@error ;
clc ; clear carry flag
retn ; and return
stc ; set carry
retn ; and return
bputchar endp
bpputs proc near
; prints a string to bios printer ;
; input : ds:si points to string ;
; cx = length of string ;
; ax,dx,si destroyed ;
; ;
; carry flag set on error ;
cld ; auto increment si
lodsb ; get char (in al)
call bputchar ; print char
jc @@error ; printer error
loop @@repeat ; repeat until cx exhausted
clc ; clear carry flag
retn ; and return
stc ; set carry
retn ; and return
bpputs endp
printscreen proc near
; Dump contents of screen to printer ;
mov byte ptr [boldflag], 0 ; clear bold flag
mov byte ptr [underflag],0 ; clear underline flag
mov ah,0fh ; bios video - get display mode
int 10h
mov byte ptr [screenwidth],ah; save width
mov byte ptr [videomode],al ; save mode
mov byte ptr [videopage],bh
mov ah,03h ; bios video - get positon
int 10h
push dx ; save col and row to restore
mov byte ptr [row],0 ; clear row
jmp @@rowstart
mov byte ptr [col],0 ; clear col
jmp @@colstart
mov bh,[videopage] ; set page
mov dh,[row] ; set row
mov dl,[col] ; set col
mov ah,02h ; bios video - set cursor position
int 10h
mov bh,[videopage] ; set page
mov ah,08h ; bios video - read char/attr
int 10h
mov [attr],ah ; get attribute
mov [char],al ; get char
; check to see if character is a 0 or a 255
; these chars are blank on screen but freak out printers
; converted to spaces here
cmp byte ptr [char],0 ; char = 0?
je @@changetospace ; then change to space
cmp byte ptr [char],255 ; else is char = 255?
jne @@nochange ; then no change
mov byte ptr [char],' ' ; else char = ' '
cmp byte ptr boldflag,0 ; bold flag set?
; then
jne @@boldflagset
; else
test byte ptr [attr],8 ; bold attribute set?
; then
je @@endboldcheck
; else
mov byte ptr [boldflag],1 ; set bold flag
mov cx,boldonlen ; print bold on sequence
mov si,offset boldon ; print bold on sequence
call bpputs
jnc @@endboldcheck
jmp @@printererror ; printer error - abort
test byte ptr [attr],8 ; bold attribute set?
; then
jne @@endboldcheck ; then go on
; else
mov byte ptr [boldflag],0 ; else set boldflag
mov cx, boldonlen
mov si,offset boldoff ; print bold off sequence
call bpputs
cmp [videomode],7 ; is mode monochrome?
; then
jne @@endundercheck ; then go on
; else
cmp byte ptr underflag,0 ; underflag set?
; then
jne @@underflagset ; then underflag set
; else
mov al,byte ptr [attr] ; get attribute
and al,00000111b ; mask last three bits
cmp al,1 ; 1 result means underlined
; then
jne @@underflagset
; else
mov byte ptr [underflag],1 ; set underflag
mov cx, underonlen ; start underlining on printer
mov si,offset underon ; print underlining on sequence
call bpputs
jnc @@endundercheck ; no error - go on
jmp @@printererror ; printer error - abort
cmp byte ptr underflag,0 ; underflag clear?
je @@endundercheck ; then underflagclear
mov al,byte ptr [attr] ; else get attribute
and al,00000111b ; mask last three bits
cmp al,1 ; underlined if equal
; then
je @@endundercheck ; still underlined
; else
mov byte ptr [underflag],0 ; clear underflag
mov cx, underofflen ; tell printer to stop underlining
mov si, offset underoff ; output under off sequence
call near ptr bpputs
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
; output control sequence to notify printer
; that the next character is a control code
cmp byte ptr [char],31 ; not a control character?
; then
ja @@notcontrol ; then notcontrol
; else
mov cx, cntrseqlen ; tell printer that next char is cntrl
mov si, offset cntrseq ; output control sequence
call near ptr bpputs
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
mov al,byte ptr [char] ; get char
call near ptr bputchar ; print it
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
inc byte ptr [col] ; increment col
mov ah,byte ptr [col] ; get col
cmp ah,[screenwidth] ; col>=width?
; then
jge @@endofline ;
; else
jmp @@repeatcol ; start over
@@endofline: ; print a carriage return and linefeed
mov al,13 ; CR
call near ptr bputchar ;
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
mov al,10 ; LF
call near ptr bputchar ;
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
inc byte ptr [row] ; increment row counter
cmp byte ptr [row],25 ; last row?
jge short @@quitrow ; then quit
jmp @@repeatrow ; else repeat
cmp byte ptr [underflag],0 ; underflag clear?
je @@next1 ; then go on
mov cx, underofflen
mov si,offset underoff ; else
call near ptr bpputs ; print underoff
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
cmp byte ptr [boldflag],0 ; bold flag clear?
je @@next2 ; then go on
mov cx, boldofflen ; else tell printer bold off
mov si,offset boldoff ;
call near ptr bpputs ; print bold off
jc @@printererror ; printer error - abort
mov al,12 ; print a form feed
call bputchar
mov bh,[videopage]
pop dx ; restore cursor position
mov ah,02h ; bios video - set position
int 10h
printscreen endp
isr05 proc
; new print screen interrupt ;
; called when <Print Scrn> key pressed ;
push ax ; save registers
push bx
push cx
push dx
push es
push ds
push si
push di
push bp
mov ax,cs ; restore the data segment
mov ds,ax
cmp byte ptr [inprogress],0 ; did we interrupt ourselves?
jne @@skip ; then skip
mov byte ptr [inprogress],1 ; set in progress flag
sti ; reenable ints
call near ptr printscreen ; print the screen
mov byte ptr [inprogress],0 ; ; clear in progress flag
pop bp ; restore registers
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop es
pop dx
pop cx
pop bx
pop ax
isr05 endp
; transient code below ;
string message,<13,10,'Print Screen now installed ',13,10>
; Install new print screen ISR
mov dx,offset isr05
mov al,05h ; printscreen vector
mov ah,25h ; dos - set vector
int 21h
; Print message
cld ; auto increment si
mov si,offset message
mov cx, messagelen
lodsb ; get char from message
mov dl,al ; mov char to dl
mov ah,02h ; dos - display output
int 21h
loop @@repeat ; loop for length of message
; free enviroment
mov ax,word ptr [ds:02ch] ; get enviroment address from psp
mov es,ax
mov ah,49h ; dos - release memory
int 21h
; Terminate and stay resident
mov dx,OFFSET transientcode ; don't save transient part
int 27h ; terminate stay resident
END begin