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Assembly Source File
150 lines
; 1st. February 1989 -- MFB
; ( serious bug corrected - would previously not shell out except
; under specific memory conditions )
cseg segment byte
assume cs:cseg,ds:cseg,es:cseg
org 100h
asm = 4 ;dictionary entry flags
const = 10h
immed = 0
head = 0
cr = 0dh
lf = 0ah
call star
star: pop ax
sub ax,103h
push es
push ds
push cx ;4th pc
;must change ds before we can store these
; push ax
mov cl,4
shr ax,cl ;ax contains new DS value
mov cx,ds
add cx,ax
mov ds,cx ;ds now ok for data access
; pop dx
; and dx,0fh ;dx contains new OFFSET value
pop cx ;original cx - do data access
mov cxsave,cx
pop cx ;original ds
mov dssave,cx
pop cx ;original es
mov essave,cx
fin: mov cx,cxsave
mov es,essave
mov ax,dssave
mov ds,ax
jmp ax ;now in INTRO.4TH
dos: call start
mov (stkseg),ss ;save ss
mov (stkptr),sp ;and sp
mov ax,(cs:2ch)
mov (parblk),ax
MOV (ONE),DS ;put segment
MOV (TWO),DS ; addresses
MOV (THREE),DS ; into cmdline and fcb
; mov ax,offset envir
; mov cl,4
; shr ax,cl
; mov cx,ds
; add cx,ax
; mov (parblk),cx
mov bx,DS
mov es,bx
mov dx,offset (pgname)
here: mov bx,offset (parblk)
mov al,0
mov ah,4bh
int 21h
mov ss,(stkseg)
mov sp,(stkptr)
jmp fin
dw 0 ;back fence to hold count byte etc
; of pglin
pgname db '\VED.COM',0 ;This "default" never takes effect --
; see words EDIT and SYS in file DOSXTRA2
db 10 dup (?) ;space to patch in longer default name/path
parblk dw 1234h ; strange non-initialised values for debugging
dw offset cmdline
ONE dw 2345h
dw offset fcb1
TWO dw 3456h
dw offset fcb2
THREE dw 4567h
stkseg dw 5678h
stkptr dw 6789h
cxsave dw 789ah
dssave dw 89abh
essave dw 9abch
dw 0 ;back fence to hold count byte etc
; of uslin
cmdline db 6,'EDHELP',cr ;
db 10 dup (?)
fcb1 db 0
db 11 dup ('?')
db 25 dup (0)
fcb2 db 0
db 11 dup ('?')
db 25 dup (0)
; org ((110h) + ($-start)) - (($-start) mod 10h)
;envir db 'PATH=',0
; db 0
db 'binload endproc '
db f - e
e db 'USLIN'
f db immed
dw cmdline
db d - c
c db 'PGLIN'
d db immed
dw pgname
db b - a
a db 'DOS'
b db immed
dw dos
db 'endfile '
cseg ends
end start