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License Agreement
This section tells you is how to become a registered user
once you decide that you like the program and want to use it on a
regular basis.
Bingo is distributed under the shareware marketing concept;
it is not free software and it has not been released to the
public domain. The documentation, executable images, and all
other files distributed with Bingo are copyrighted.
Shareware is a way of distributing computer software that
allows you to try out a program before you purchase it. Programs
distributed as shareware typically give you some period of time
to use the program and evaluate its usefulness to you. If the
program doesn't meet your needs, you're under no obligation to
pay for it. If you do find the program useful and wish to
continue using it on a regular basis, the shareware program's
author usually requests that you pay for the program by sending
him or her a completed registration form and payment. This is the
approach I have taken in making Bingo available to the public.
If you find Bingo to be a useful addition to your software
library, you're requested to become a registered user by
completing the enclosed registration form and returning it along
with the indicated license/registration fee. I hope that you will
agree that the $30.00 license fee is a small price to pay for the
continued use of the program. It requires a large investment to
develop, market, and support a product of this complexity. Your
support in the form of a license/registration fee will continue
to make good software available at low prices.
Quantity discounts are available to business, government,
and other organizations that wish to use Bingo on multiple
computer systems. Bingo is also available at very special rates
to organizations who wish to use it in promotional campaigns.
Write the author for information on using the program this way.
You are granted a limited license to use and examine Bingo
on a trial basis to determine if Bingo is suitable for your
needs. If you find Bingo useful and continue to use it on a
regular basis, you should complete and return the registration
form along with the indicated license/registration fee.
You are encouraged to make copies of Bingo for the trial use
of other individuals and organizations, subject to the following
1) All Bingo distribution files must be copied in unmodified
2) You may not include any other files with the distributed
3) You may not request compensation of any sort for
providing the copy. This restriction does not apply to
computer clubs and user groups who distribute software to
their members for a nominal fee.
You may not distribute Bingo with any other product or
service without written permission of the author.
Bingo may be included on electronic bulletin board systems
for downloading by users of the bulletin board provided the above
restrictions are met.
Bingo and all accompanying materials are provided "as is"
without warranty of any kind. The entire risk of using Bingo is
assumed by you.
The author, Christopher R. S. Schanck, makes no warranty of
any kind, expressed or implied, including but not limited to any
warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular
In no event will the author, Christopher R. S. Schanck, be
liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of your use or
inability to use the program.
If you use Bingo on a regular basis, you should complete the
registration form at the end of this document and return it along
with the indicated license/registration fee. Registration gives
you the right to use the software as documented in the license.
The registration fee of $30.00 establishes you as a
registered user of Bingo. You will receive the next version of
Bingo free. After that, you will be notified of each subsequent
version, and they will be available for a five (5) dollar fee.
When you submit your registration fee, however, you can
request that the author mail you a copy of the current version of
Bingo and accompanying documentation on disk (3.5" or 5.25") for
free. This offer is made for mailing addresses in the continental
United States only.
Registration Form - Bingo 2.0
Remit to: Christopher R.S. Schanck
2718 Nottingham Road
Bethlehem PA 18017
Phone: 215-691-1070
Bingo 2.0 June 1990
Bingo Registration ................ @ $ 30.00 each $ _____
Disk size, circle one: ( 3.5" / 5.25" )
Bingo printed Documentation ....... @ $ 15.00 each $ _____
Subtotal $ _____
Overseas shipping ................. @ $ 10.00/item $ _____
Total (U.S.Funds) $ _____
Name: _____________________________________________________
Company: __________________________________________________
Address: __________________________________________________
Day Phone: _________________________
Eve: _______________________________
Prices subject to change without notice.
Registration Form - Continued
I acquired Bingo 2.0 from
[ ] - Friend [ ] - Computer Club
[ ] - Electronic BBS [ ] - Other - Please Specify
I would also appreciate any input you would care to give
concerning Bingo. If you have any ideas or comments that would
make Bingo a better program, then please let me know.