<body><![CDATA[Contrary to popular belief, Welsh hip-hop is not a joke. Goldie Lookin Chain, however, are. And a very funny one at that. Armed with Rizlas, samplers and shell suits from Matalan, this crew of apparent Newport scallies rap about the joys of ΓÇ£soap barsΓÇ¥, Hi-Tech Silver Shadows and the ΓÇ£prettiest girls outside of my sex magsΓÇ¥. But the sheer wealth of imaginative detail behind their self-mythology suggests GLC are satirising rather than endorsing the moronic behaviour of the Welsh mentalists on Dirty Sanchez, and they even take, er, potshots at So Solid Crew on 21 Ounces. It remains to be seen whether their schoolboy humour will continue to provoke sniggers when the buzz about their hit single Guns DonΓÇÖt Kill People, Rappers Do wears off. For the time being, though, the Beastie Boyos (sorry) are hilarious to the point of being medicinal. Like the Newport cunnie weed GLC lovingly extol, their album should be prescribed for those taking life too seriously. Click <a href="asfunction:Tardis.webPageOpen,http://www.youknowsit.co.uk"><b>here</b></a> to visit the official Goldie Lookin Chain website.]]></body>