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Welcome to STUDS!
Thank you for purchasing this CD. I sincerely hope you get many
hours of enjoyment out of this product. We have put many hours of
testing into this CD to make it as user friendly as possible.
The CD is set up to run on both MAC, DOS, and Windows platforms.
Therefore some of the files contained on this CD will not run on both
platforms. Do not be alarmed there is not a problem with your equipment.
For people using DOS all you need to do is run the install
program, This will place all the necessary files on your hard drive.
One problem we have encountered is with Vesa cards. These cards
come with a driver that needs to be installed in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. If
you run SOCD and all you see is the menu bar at the bottom of the screen
then you will need to install your VESA driver. Every card uses a
different driver so you will need to refer to your video cards manual for
installation instructions.
There are TIF, BMP and GIF files on the CD. The TIF files are 24
bit images that can be imported to any popular graphics program. All other
files are in 8 bit format. Feel free to use the BMP files as Windows
backgrounds or screen savers.
NOTE! if you selected the wrong CD drive letter during install
simply go into C:\SOCD and run GETDRIVE. This will allow you
to selct a new CD-ROM drive.
SYSOPS! important information.
Late in the development of this CD the Owner of these images
decided to grant permission for BBS use. All printed matter was
already complete so it was not possible to put this on the cover.
Time was an issue so there is no FILES.BBS, however if you wish to place
this disc and its images on a BBS then this DOS.TXT file is all the
permission you need.
The license is amended as follows:
*The images contained on this CD-ROM are licensed for home use and BBS use
*only. These images may be made available for download on bulletin board
*systems that own a copy of this CD. All other copyrights are retained by
*the copyright holder. All rights reserved.
If Technical assistance is required please call or FAX UNI-ROM
Press at 1-(619)561-4253